
Terms containing haze | all forms | exact matches only
textileaqua haze水雾色
textileaqua haze雾水绿
UNArctic haze北极霾
earth.sc.Arctic Haze and the Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program北极雾团、北极气体和气溶胶采样计划
UN, polit.ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution东盟越境烟霾污染协议
ecol.ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution东盟跨国界烟霾污染协议
spaceatmospheric haze大气蒙雾
rem.sens.atmospheric haze大气阴霾
oilatmospheric haze大气霾雾
tech.atmospheric haze大气雾霾
anim.husb.bacterial haze细菌性混浊
textileblue haze蓝雾色
textileblue haze雾蓝
tech.brown haze棕色轻雾
UN, polit.coefficient of haze雾系数
wind.coefficient of haze霾系数
tech.coefficient of haze烟雾度系数
ecol.coefficient of haze干烟系数
ecol.coefficient of haze能见度
ecol.coefficient of haze模糊系数
textilecoral haze橘红
textilecoral haze朦胧珊瑚色
el.damp haze潮湿烟雾
tech., amer.damp haze雾气
desert.damp haze湿霾
tech.dry haze干雾
tech.dry haze飞尘
desert.dry haze干霾
tech.dry haze damage烟雾损害
desert.dust haze尘霾
tech.external haze表面混浊
tech.faint haze薄雾
plast.film haze薄膜光雾
desert.frost haze冻霾
tech.gloss haze雾光
tech.gloss haze光泽变
textilegolden haze金黄烟雾色
biol.haze alder锯叶桤木 (Alnus serrulatoides Call.,桦木科)
tech.haze and fog雾霾
textilehaze blue烟雾蓝
comp., net.haze computing霭计算
tech.haze dome气室
oilhaze factor霾系数
tech.haze factor霾因子
oilhaze filter霾滤光片
oilhaze filter紫外光滤片
rem.sens.haze filter去雾滤光片
tech.haze filter消雾滤光器
tech.haze finish表面朦雾处理
tech.haze finish蒙雾修饰
met.haze formation起雾
met.haze formation成雾
met.haze formation变模糊
met.haze formation雾的生成
wind.haze horizon霾层顶
wind.haze layer霾层
tech.haze line霾线
ecol.haze meter烟柱测距仪
agric.haze-penetrating filter透雾滤光器
rem.sens.haze penetration雾穿透
spacehaze-reduction filter去霾滤光片
plast.haze retarding agent防光雾剂
tech.haze surface finish蒙雾表面修饰
agric.haze tallow木蜡
tech.haze tallow漆脂
tech.haze tallow皮油
tech.haze tallow日本蜡
tech.haze test表面雾化试验
tech.haze test蒙雾试验
plast.haze value雾度值
tech.haze value漆膜光雾值
agric.haze wax木蜡
tech.haze wax皮油
tech.heat haze热霾
tech.ice crystal haze冰晶霾
wind.industrial haze工业薄雾
plast.internal haze内光雾
plast.internal haze内光雾度
tech.internal haze内混浊
desert.inversion haze逆温霾
agric.light haze轻霾
textilemagenta haze浅品红
textilemagenta haze淡品红
plast.maximum haze of plastics塑料最大混浊度
tech.optic haze光霾
tech.optic haze大型闪烁
tech.optic haze光学轻雾
tech.optical haze光霾
tech.optical haze大型闪烁
oiloptical haze光学霾
ecol.optical haze光学轻雾
food.serv.protein haze蛋白质混浊
textilepurple haze紫雾色
desert.refraction haze折射霾
wind.salt haze盐霾
ecol.salt haze含盐的薄雾
wind.sand haze沙霾
desert.slight haze轻霾
wind.smoke haze烟霾
plast.surface haze表面光雾〈成型件上〉
plast.surface haze表面上浑浊
oilsurface haze表面光雾度
auto.surface haze表面蒙上薄雾
oilwater haze水浊 (石油产品由于含水而出现的浑浊现象)
oilwax haze temperature蜡浑浊温度