
Terms for subject Economy containing have in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Advertising signs of this product have been put up in the centre of some big cities此产品的广告牌已竖立在一些大城市的中心地带
All formalities have already been undertaken on her behalf in accordance with our usual practice我们已经按我方惯例替她代办了一切手续
As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所需的货
As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet我们有希望在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定
Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time因为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难
Both parties have signed the contract in the presence of the third person双方在有第三者出席的情况下签署了合同
Crimes in society have risen by 20%社会犯罪率已上升了 20%
have a hand in插手某事 (sth.)
have sb. in one's pocket可以任意支配某人
have the company in one's power控制住 (公司)
have in readiness将…准备就绪
have security right in the goods对货物有担保权
have trust in信任 (sb/s ability, 某人的能力)
He has got a wrong interpretation on that we have written in connection with the construction他对我们关于建设所写的内容作了错误的解释
I have already handed in my application for the position我已递交了谋求这一职位的申请
I have been informed that you are interested in labour-saving devices我们知道你方对节省劳力的设备感兴趣
If the distributors default in any payments, we shall have the right to rescind any orders如果经销商拖欠付款,我们有权取消任何订单
If the goods are not delivered in October, we shall have to countermand our order如果10月份仍没发货,我们将不得不撤消订货
If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service如果您想在房里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部
In accordance with agreement, they have sold us 50 tons polished rice按照协议,他们卖给了我们50吨精白米
In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票
In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票
In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent为了符合我们扩大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人
In continuation of our letter dated September 9, we inform that the sample required have been sent out继我方 9 月9日起,特告知你方所需样品已发出
In order to avoid involvement in the confusion, we have withdrawn our quotation为避免发生混乱,我们已撤回我方报盘
In order to energetically develop the sale of the goods at home and abroad, we have agreed to take the said measures为了大力发展该商品在国内外的销售,我们同意采取所说的这些措施
In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司
In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权
In view of the fact that you delayed the payment again and again, we have to cancel this agreement考虑到你方一再推迟付款,我方不得不撤消合同
In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内
In view of the present situation we have made much concession考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步
It is necessary for you to fill in the entry for free goods properly if you are not to have trouble at the customs要想在海关不遇麻烦,你必须妥善填写免税货物进口报单
Not only have you been unpunctual in execution n., but you have deliver articles far below the standard你方不仅未能按时履行合同,而且所供货物的质量远远低于标准
Overseas sales have benefit-ed from the fall in the exchange rate外汇率下跌使海外销售额增加
Recently we have considered your request for reduction in price and agreed to reduce it by 5%最近我们已考虑了你方关于减价的要求,同意减价5%
So long as this agreement remains in force, you have to pay for all taxes只要本协议仍然有效,你方必须支付一切税款
The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material买主已对原料价格大幅下降不再抱有希望
The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone承包商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系
The goods have been packed in strong cases so that they can withstand the strain of the long voyage这些货物已包装在坚固的箱子里,这样它们才能经得起长途运输的颠波
The holder of the mortgage, in any action to foreclose it, shall have the right to appoint a receiver在任何取消抵押品赎回权的诉讼中,本抵押单持有人将有权指派一名清算人
The investments they put in South China have brought in quick returns他们在中国南方的投资很快就带来了收益
The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方做买卖的意向
The refrigerators have to pass their reliability test in accord with international standard before they can be exported这批电冰箱必须通过国际标准的可靠性检验方能出口
The secretary quit ted because he didn't have a rise in wages这位秘书因没有提升工资而辞职
The witness deposed to the fact that I have paid in advance for the goods证人宣誓证明我确实预付了货款
Their efforts in promoting the sale of the product have proved unfruitful他们在该产品的销售上做的努力未见成效
Their enquiries have been transferred to our subsidiary in Beijing他们的询盘已转给我方北京子公司
There are signs that we may have trouble in effecting settlements with this firm有与此公司结账麻烦的迹象
There have been numerous technical innovations in the manufacture of new devices在新装置的制造方面有了不少的技术革新
They have appointed several agents in different areas throughout that country他们在那个国家全境内的不同地区委任了专有代理人
They have beat en their rivals in American market他们在美国市场上已击败竞争对手
They have been in correspondence with Mr Smith for a few years without concluding any business他们和史密斯先生通了几年的信,但一直未做成业务
They have been in touch with the manufacturers of the bags他们已与包装袋制造厂联系过
They have decided to make investment in the oil company他们已决定对该石油公司进行投资
They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金
They have done a lot to promote the sales, as a result, many repeat orders from our customers are rush in他们做了许多促销工作,结果顾客的续订定单大量涌来
They have had wide experience in handling this business对经营此项业务,他们已有丰富的经验
They have included the debt, unsatisfied in the annual report他们在年度报告中已列明未偿清的债务
They have insured the cars in solvent insurance companies against theft他们已向有偿还能力的保险公司为汽车保了失窃险
They have managed and operated their import business in sewing machines under a satisfactory condition for many years多年来他们经营和管理缝纫机进口业务良好
They have obtained our address from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in London他们从敝国驻伦敦使馆的商务参赞那儿获悉敝公司的地址
They have opened an L/C in your favour for the amount of US $25.000.000他们已给你方开出金额为 25000 美元的信用证
They have to shoulder the responsibility for any delay in payment due to incompleteness of application他们必须承担由于申报手续不完备而造成的延期付款的责任
They hope we will have a close cooperation in manufacturing this product他们希望我们紧密合作制造这种产品
Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
We are pleased to have booked your order for 400 tons hard coal, shipment in four equal monthly installments beginning with May我们很高兴与你方成交了无烟煤400吨,自5月开始按月分4 次平均装运
We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用
We are well established in manufacturing metallurgical equipment to which we have devoted years of experience我们专门生产冶金设备,在这方面已有多年的经验
We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到
We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents根据合同文件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金
We have a special interest in this commodity我们对这种商品特别有兴趣
We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
We have chosen East Sea Corporation residing in Shanghai as our agent我们选定驻上海的东海公司为我方代理商
We have decided to float a new company in New York我们决定在纽约用出售股票方式成立一家新公司
We have engaged in this line for many years我们经营此行已有多年历史
We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务
We have full confidence in that you can sell our products efficiently我们充分相信你方能有效地推销我方产品
We have full trust in your ability to deal with these products我们充分相信你们有能力经营这些产品
We have made notes in the margin of the commodity list我方已在商品清单页边作了注释
We have no difficulties in getting the necessary import licence from our authorities我方从行政当局取得必要的进口许可证没有困难
We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系
We have now entrusted ABC company with the sale of cosmetics in Singapore and its neighbouring districts我公司特委托 ABC 公司在新加坡及其邻近地区销售化妆品
We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget在预算中我们预定了 20万美元的费用
We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理
We have shipped 500 tons wheat in extinguishment of the first contract我方已装出小麦500 吨,结清了第一个合同
We have shipped you sugar in excess of 20 tons我方已为你方装运20吨以上的白糖
We have specified in our letter that all materials shall be of good quality我们已在信中说明所有材料必须质地优良
We have spent a great deal of energy in developing this new computer system我们花了很多精力开发此种新电脑系统
We have stock in hand我们有现货
We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价
We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务
We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过
We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由
We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任
We have to leave your enquiry in abeyance我们不得不将你们的询盘暂时放一放
We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单
We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension我们盼望能有机会同你方合作,扩展你方业务
We now have the pleasure to enclose hereto our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order同函奉上正式收据一张,请査收为荷
We wish to have exclusive right to sell the product in Thailand我方意欲取得在泰国销售该产品的独家经销权
When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理
You have been introduced to us by Euro-Asia Ltd. as a big corporation specializing in Chinese art & craft goods, we want to establish business relationship with you经欧亚有限公司介绍得知贵公司是专营中国工艺美术品的大公司,愿与你方建立业务联系
You have no right to exceed the limit of your agency district in canvassing for orders在招揽订单时你方无权超越你代理的地区范围
You have overcharged on the following items specified in your invoice No215你方第 215 号发票所列以下项目多收了费用
You have to record notes payable in a register你必须把应付票据登记在登记簿上
You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施