
Terms containing have | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Actually, if you miss the freight arrival, you d probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo事实上,如果货物已到达,您却不经意忽略了,您可能要支付码头费
gen.all bearings should be rejected that have any of the following damage marks凡是有任何下列伤痕的轴承都不能要〔都应退回〕
gen.All our cars have stereos in them. It's all standard with us我们这里所有的车子都配有音响,而且是标准配备
gen.All pans and pots have to pass strict inspection before they go out所有的锅出厂前须经过严格检查
gen.All the single rooms have been occupied所有的单人间都订满了
gen.Are you serious? How is this possible? You have to reapply!真的假的?这怎么可能呢?你一定要再申请一次!
gen.Are you serious? My friend told me that some flights have landed in Chengdu airport already. Why can't your flight depart?确定吗?我的朋友告诉我说成都那边已经有飞机降落了,为什么你们的航班还不起飞?
gen.Are you sure you have the right name?你肯定没弄错姓名吗?
gen.As far as I know, you have been in Uruguay for a couple of times据我所知,您来乌拉圭好几次了
gen.as might have been expected不出所料
gen.as might have been expected同预料的一样
gen.as might have been expected如本来可以预料到的
gen.As you like. Do you have any hand baggage?随您喜欢。您有手提行李吗?
gen.At last, we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the village. Don't we need to buy a subway map?我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?
gen.Before you do anything, you have to collect information about U. S. immigrant and nonimmigrant visas and the requirements to apply for each在开始申请之前,你需要搜集关于美国移民签证和非移民签证的相关申请要求
gen.Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭
gen.Could I have a route map and a timetable?我可以拿一份路线图和时刻表吗?
gen.Could I have some extra napkins?我可以另外要一些餐巾吗?
gen.Could I have your keys, please?请把您的房门钥匙交给我好吗?
gen.Could I have your order number?能告诉我你的订单号吗?
gen.Could we have a table close to the band?我们可以选靠近乐队的桌位吗?
gen.Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
gen.Could you tidy up the bathroom first? I have just taken a bath, and it's in a mess可以先整理一下浴室吗?我刚刚洗浴过,里面一团糟
gen.Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?
gen.Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
gen.Do I have to go to the embassy in person?我需要亲自去大使馆吗?
gen.Do I have to make a reconfirmation?我需要再次确认机票吗?
gen.Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?换乘地铁还要付费吗?
gen.Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我得付烟酒税吗?
gen.Do I have to pay extra for drinks?饮料要另外付费么?
gen.Do I have to reserve a seat?我一定要预订座位吗?
gen.Do I have to show my ticket to get my bags?领取行李要出示机票吗?
gen.do not have time to + inf.来不及
gen.Do you have a confirmation letter confirming the reservation?您是否收到过确认订房的信件?
gen.Do you have a double room overlooking the sea?你们有没有能俯瞰海景的双人间呢?
gen.Do you have a dress code?餐厅是否有任何服装上的规定?
gen.Do you have a family history of allergy?你有家族过敏史吗?
gen.Do you have a history of stomach pain?你有过胃痛的病史吗?
gen.Do you have a hotel card or something?你有饭店名片或其他东西吗?
gen.Do you have a reservation?您有预订吗?
gen.Do you have a return ticket to Haikou?是否有海口的回程机票?
gen.Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?
gen.Do you have a skin cleanser?有洗面乳吗?
gen.Do you have a vegetarian meal? I'm glad to have one你们有素食餐吗?我想要一份
gen.Do you have any carry-on baggage?您有随身行李吗?
gen.Do you have any charges for this morning?您今天是否挂账用酒店的服务?
gen.Do you have any Chinese magazines?你们有中文杂志吗?
gen.Do you have any identification?你有什么身份证明文件吗?
gen.Do you have any medicine for airsickness?你们有晕机药吗?
gen.Do you have any other flights?你们有其他航班吗?
gen.Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?您有行李需要托运吗?
gen.Do you have any precious metals with you?您带贵重金属了吗?
gen.Do you have any relatives in the U. K. ?你在英国有亲人吗?
gen.Do you have any seat preferences?您对座位有什么要求吗?
gen.Do you have any siblings? What do they do?你有兄弟姐妹吗?他们都从事什么职业?
gen.Do you have any tickets for the concert?还有那场音乐会的票吗?
gen.Do you have any vacancies?您这还有空房吗?
gen.Do you have anything for a cold stomachache/toothache?你有治感冒胃疼/牙疼的药吗?
gen.Do you have anything for this one and a half years old baby?请问有一岁半儿童能吃的食物吗?
gen.Do you have anything to declare?你有什么物品需要申报吗?
gen.Do you have anything to recommend有什么推荐的吗?
gen.Do you have something to recommend for after dinner drink?能推荐一下饭后的饮料吗?
gen.Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight?您有下一个航班的登机证吗?
gen.Do you have the desserts low in sugar and fat?你们有没有低脂低糖的点心?
gen.Do you have vegetarian dishes?餐厅是否供应素食餐?
gen.Do you like to have an exchange?您愿意换货吗?
gen.Does the student card have an expiration date?这个学生卡有期限吗?
gen.Don't worry. Check-in starts now. I have to go放心吧。开始办登记手续了。我得走了
gen.Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表
gen.Each participant should have adequate work space to accommodate writing materials and books每位与会者都应该有足够的地方放置书写材料和书
gen.Excuse me, sir. Have you any laundry? The laundryman is here to collect it对不起,打扰了,先生。您有要送洗的衣服吗?洗衣工现在过来收了
gen.Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意
gen.Excuse me, sir, you have to pay your baggage allowance, because it has exceeded对不起,先生,您的行李超过了 20公斤,请付行李附加费
gen.For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权
gen.Good. I'll have that first好的。那我先来汤
gen.had like to have done差点儿就要做了
gen.have aflutter在证券市场或赛马场中从事小规模的赌博
gen.have bias towards对…有偏见
gen.have bias towards偏于
gen.have bias towards有…的偏向
gen.have command指挥
gen.have sb.'s custom受某人照顾
gen.have dealings with和…有交往
gen.have dealings with和…有关系
gen.have one's eye glued to盯着看
gen.have one's eye glued to目不转睛地看
gen.have one's eye well in方向及速度眼光准确
gen.have one's eye well in长于用肉眼观测距离
gen.have one's eyes closed不肯看
gen.have one's eyes closed不理会
gen.have one's eyes closed不管
gen.have one's eyes closed看不见
gen.have one's eyes on监视
gen.have one's eyes on盯住
gen.have one's eyes on注视
gen.have eyes only for想得到
gen.have eyes only for对…感兴趣
gen.have eyes only for一心想看
gen.have one's face lifted改善面貌
gen.have one's face lifted施行整容手术
gen.have faith in信任
gen.have faith in相信
gen.have foot in both camps脚踏两只船
gen.have foot in both camps在政治上跟对立的两派同时挂钩
gen.have got
gen.have got不得不
gen.have got必须
gen.have got
gen.have got to + inf.不得不
gen.have got to + inf.必须
gen.have got to不得不
gen.have had one's day全盛时期过去了
gen.have had one's day已不应时了
gen.have hold of抓住…不放
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick颠倒
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick误解
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick搞错
gen.have lessons in... from…向…学…
gen.have many demands on one's time时间不够支配
gen.have many demands upon one's time时间不够支配
gen.have many grounds for + ing有充分理由根据
gen.have many strings to one's bow多备一手
gen.have many strings to one's bow以防万一
gen.have many strings to one's bow有不止一个计划
gen.have many strings to one's bow有几个办法
gen.have only to + inf. to + inf.只要就能
gen.have one's own way为所欲为
gen.have one's own way随心所欲
gen.have one's own way自主行事
gen.have reason for做…是当然的
gen.have reason for有理由去
gen.have reason for有必须…的理由
gen.have reason to + inf.有理由去
gen.have reason to做…是当然的 (+ inf.)
gen.have reason to有必须…的理由 (+ inf.)
gen.have recourse to求助〔诉诸〕于
gen.have recourse to依靠
gen.have a regard for尊重
gen.have a regard for重视
gen.have relation to和…有关
gen.have relation with和…有关
gen.have one's residence居住
gen.have some apprehensions for恐〔深〕怕
gen.have some apprehensions for对…有点担心
gen.have some apprehensions of恐〔深〕怕
gen.have some apprehensions of对…有点担心
gen.have some knowledge of懂得〔知道〕一点
gen.have some shopping to do去买点东西
gen.have something to do有些事要做
gen.have something to do withM 与 M 有些关系
gen.have something to do with与…很有〔毫无,有些〕关系
gen.have something to do with与…有许多 〔毫无,有些〕共同之处
gen.have something to do with与…很有毫无,有些关系或共同之处
gen.have success获得成功
gen.have sympathy withM 对 M 孢同情
gen.have two strings to one's bow以防万一
gen.have two strings to one's bow有不止一个计划
gen.have two strings to one's bow多备一手
gen.have two strings to one's bow有第二种办法
gen.have two strings to one's bow准备两手
gen.have two strings to one's bow有几个办法
gen.have visions of想象
gen.have visions of幻〔梦〕想
gen.he has ten books, I have as many他有十本书,我也有同样多
gen.he ought to have arrived by this他此刻该到了
gen.He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了
gen.Hello, have you ever been to this country before?你好!请问你以前来过这个国家吗?
gen.Hello, I have made a reservation for the 1st of June, and now I'm afraid I have to cancel it您好,我预订了6月1日的房间,恐怕现在不得不取消了
gen.Here in the closet is a safe. You can use it if you have valuable items这边衣柜里有一个保险箱。如果您有贵重的物品,可以寄存在里面
gen.Hi, Sir! I have applied for a U. K. visa. How can I know if I am refused?先生,你好!我申请了英国签证,怎样才能知道自己是否被拒签?
gen.Hi, Vicky! I have good news! I got my visa. I cannot believe the visa interview was so short!维姬,你好!我有好消息。我拿到签证了。真不敢相信,面签时间那么短!
gen.His plays have endured for more than two centuries他的戏剧历经两个多世纪而不衰
gen.Hope you have enjoyed your stay at our hotel希望您在我们酒店住得开心
gen.How could that happen? You must have failed to meet the requirements or the officer believed your purpose is not genuine怎么会这样?那一定是材料没达到要求,或者签证官觉得你目的不纯
gen.How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa?我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证?
gen.How long have you had the problem?这种情况出现有多久了?
gen.How many exposures have you left?还可以照多少张?
gen.How many universities have you applied for? How many of them admitted you? Why do you want to study in this university?你一共申请了多少所大学?有几所录取了你?为什么选择这所大学?
gen.I always have the temptation to eat on those snack stands我总想到小吃摊去吃
gen.I am afraid that you have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory恐怕你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧
gen.I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证
gen.I believe there is a great chance I would be refused since I have a communicable illness我觉得我被拒签的可能性很大,因为我患有传染性疾病
gen.I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞在了我旁边空着的座位上
gen.I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash我没带支票簿,就用现金结账了
gen.I don't have a bank account with an American bank, then I can use my credit card我没有美国的银行户头,那我用信用卡吧
gen.I don't have any. But my wife has a handbag没有。但是我妻子有一个手提袋
gen.I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费
gen.I don't have any change. Can I use the vending machine?我没有零钱,能使用自动售票机吗?
gen.I don't have any room for dessert我吃不下甜点了
gen.I don't have enough cash. Can I pay by card?我现金没带够,能刷卡吗?
gen.I don't have it. I've already checked out我没有钥匙。我已经结账退房了
gen.I dont like to have to bring this up, but we found that this is necessary我也不想给你说这些,但我们认为有必要告诉你
gen.I feel awfully sorry that I have broken the vase on the desk this morning carelessly非常抱歉,早上我不小心把桌子上的花瓶摔碎了
gen.I feel dizzy and have a sore throat我感到头晕,喉咙痛
gen.I guess you will have to go to the embassy in person and talk to the officers there我认为你需要亲自去向使馆官员咨询
gen.I have a allergies我过敏
gen.I have a baby girl with me. Can I bring her cradle with me on the plane?我带了一个小女婴。能把婴儿车带上飞机吗?
gen.I have a bad headache. I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time我的头痛得很厉害,我想尽快看医生
gen.I have a complaint. Please ask your manager here我要投诉,找你们经理来
gen.I have a diarrhea我痢疾
gen.I have a poor appetite我胃口不好
gen.I have a silk dress which I don't think is color-fast. Will the color run in the wash?我有一条可能会掉色的丝织连衣裙,水洗会褪色吗?
gen.I have a stuffed-up nose我鼻子不通气
gen.I have a terrible headache我头疼得厉害
gen.I have all my clothes in it里面有我全部的衣服
gen.I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著
gen.I have been accepted by a U. S. school and issued an I-20. Isn't that enough for a student visa issuance?我已被美国学校录取,并有 I-20 表格。难道这不够颁发学生签证的条件吗?
gen.I have been running a fever in the entire morning with a bad headache我整个上午都在发烧,并且伴随着严重的头痛
gen.I have been to Paris. I am fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. How about you?我去了巴黎。那儿的美景让我着迷。你呢?
gen.I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?
gen.I have combination skin. Which type cream fits me better?我是混合性皮肤,哪款面霜比较适合我?
gen.I have deposited my bag in the luggage locker我把行李存在了行李暂存箱
gen.I have difficulty breathing我呼吸困难
gen.I have five, I should like as many more我有五个,我再要这么些〔五个〕
gen.I have five twenties and ten singles我有 5 张 20 元和10张一元的
gen.I have goose liver jam我吃鹅肝酱
gen.I have had a very enjoyable stay逗留期间我非常愉快
gen.I have loose bowels. Can you take me to the nearest room?我拉肚子,您能带我去最近的洗手间吗?
gen.I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom我的孩子在洗手间周围不见了
gen.I have many claims on my time我有许多事要办
gen.I have never seen such a shameless guy. He asked me for 100 dollars for only a one kilometer's ride!我从来没见过这么无耻的人。一公里的路程竟然要我一百美兀
gen.I have no money left on my metro card. Is there a place to charge it nearby?我的公交卡没钱了,附近有充值的地方吗?
gen.I have nothing to declare我没有什么商品需要申报
gen.I have only a bottle of Scotch and a carton of cigarettes. Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我有一瓶苏格兰威士忌和一条香烟,我得给酒和烟上税吗?
gen.I have regretted to let you know of this, but we found that you are very concerned about this很遗憾地让你知道这些,我们知道你很关心这件事
gen.I have reserved a seat in the economy-class cabin我已预订了一个经济舱座位
gen.I have some, but not many我有一些,但不多
gen.I have some Chinese apples in my suitcase我的手提箱里有一些中国苹果
gen.I have some special requirements. I want to reserve a cozy room with a French window and a bathtub我有一些特殊要求。我想要预订一个舒适的房间,要求有落地窗和浴缸
gen.I have some tablets for seasickness我有止晕药片
gen.I have something urgent to speak to Mr. Smith, but I forgot his room number我有急事找史密斯先生,但我忘了他的房间号码
gen.I have to avoid food containing fat我必须避免含油脂的食物
gen.I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!
gen.I have to go back to France in 6 weeks六周后我要回法国的
gen.I have to go on a trip urgently. Would it bother you if we changed the time?我有急事要出差。如果我们更改时间,会给你造成不便吗?
gen.I have to go to an emergency我必须得去看急诊
gen.I have two pieces of baggage to check in我有两件行李要办托运手续
gen.I hear that you have an Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening听说15号晚上意大利交响乐团要在贵院演奏
gen.I just came in on flight two thirty-seven and am transferring to Los Angeles. Do I have to change planes?我刚从 237 号班机下来,要继续转往洛杉矶。我需要换班机吗?
gen.I know a place called Price Club. They have great deals occasionally我知道个叫“优特价俱乐部”的购物中心,有时他们会有大促销
gen.I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to going abroad. What should I do?说到出国,你应该有很多经验,我应该做些什么?
gen.I know your products have a good reputation. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification?我知道你方产品信誉很好,但是万一发生重量不足或质量不合格怎么办呢?
gen.I lost my passport. Can I have them reissued?我护照丢失啦,能补发一个吗?
gen.I' m sorry that I have disturbed you对不起,打扰了
gen.I must have left my passport in the taxi我肯定是把护照落在出租车上了
gen.I need mascara. Do you have good thickening mascara?我想买睫毛膏,你们卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?
gen.I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?
gen.I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订
gen.I think it's something that I'll have to consider. The public transport system is pretty good这倒可以考虑。公共交通系统还是挺不错的
gen.I think you are absolutely right. I will have an eye on it我很赞成你的说法,我会留意
gen.I think you had better go to see a doctor and have a physical check-up我想你最好去看一下医生,做一次体格检查
gen.I thought we might have dinner together and go to the movies我想我们可以共进晚餐,然后一起去看电影
gen.I want you to have an X-ray taken我想你该接受 X 光检查
gen.I will check on it for you. Well, sir, your baggage seems to have been misplaced我帮您查一查。先生,您的行李好像放错地方了
gen.I will see. Yes,we have a double room available on October 2nd我查看一下,十月二日我们能空出一个双人间
gen.I would like to have my steak medium-我的牛排要七分
gen.I would like to have my steak medium我的牛排要五分
gen.I would like to have my steak rare我的牛排要三分
gen.I would like to have my steak well-done我的牛排要全熟
gen.I'd like to have a double room with a bath if possible我想订一个双人房间,最好带浴室
gen.I'd like to have latte with foam我想要加牛奶泡泡的拿铁
gen.I'd like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section我一定要一个靠窗的座位,在无烟区
gen.I'd like to have pizza我想吃比萨饼
gen.I'd like to have some local food, such as ble noir, cucumber and vermicelli, and cabbage and mint我想尝尝当地的食物,比如养麦煎饼、黄瓜粉皮以及白菜薄荷
gen.I'd like to have some local wine我想点当地出产的酒
gen.I'd like to have two hot roast-beef sandwiches sent up to my room right now请马上送两份热牛肉三明治到我的房间
gen.if a body had no weight, it would have no potential energy如果物体没有重量,那么它就不会有势能
gen.If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?如果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?
gen.If my visa application is denied, could it help to have a high ranking official contact the consulate?被拒签后,我是否能找一个高级别官员联系领事馆帮我通过申请?
gen.If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
gen.If you have a vacant seat, please let me know. I would like to change my seat如果有空位,请通知我。我想换座位
gen.If you have any further requirements, please let us know如果您有什么要求,请通知我们
gen.If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
gen.If you have not slip and fall, you will not have broken your leg如果你没有滑倒,就不会弄断了腿
gen.If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
gen.If you like, you can have some chicken如果您想要,可以要点鸡肉
gen.If you like, you can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see如想要,可以要点鸡肉,煮的比炸的好。但您也可以等等看
gen.If you want to avoid making people feel unimportant or ignored, pick up your phone as soon as you know you have a caller waiting若你不想让客户感到他不重要或者被忽视,你最好一知道有人等候就马上接电话
gen.I'll have a cinnamon raisin bun我要一个肉桂葡萄干圆面包
gen.I'll have a diet coke, please要杯低糖可乐
gen.I'll have a Gin and Tonic please, but go easy on the tonic我想喝一杯金汤力,不过汽水少些
gen.I'll have a Margarita, on the rocks, please我要一杯玛格丽特,加冰块
gen.I'll have an annual conference in San Francisco. I should book the tickets right now我要去旧金山参加个年会,现在就要订机票
gen.I'll have some soup to stimulate it我想先来点汤提提食欲
gen.I'll have to weigh it first. It's a little overweight. You'll have to pay extra我要先称一下。行李有些超重,您必须付超重费用
gen.I'll just have a glass of Scotch就来一杯苏格兰威士忌吧
gen.I'm afraid that we don't have any tables open at that time很抱歉,那个时段人已经满了
gen.I'm afraid that you have to make restitution for all damage you have caused恐怕您得对一切损失进行赔偿
gen.I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,您介意改订双床间吗?
gen.I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the damage恐怕您得赔偿损失
gen.I'm doing the veal chops. Have a piece?我正在烤小牛排,你来一块?
gen.I'm having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us这周六我约几个朋友吃晚饭。你有时间参加吗?
gen.I'm leaving today. Can I have my bill settled?我今天要走了。可以结账吗?
gen.I'm not feeling very well now. I have caught a cold我现在感觉不是很好,我感冒了
gen.I’m really positive that this bookcase has all the features you have always wanted我确信这个书柜有各种你所要的特征
gen.I'm sorry, but we don't have the special equipment necessary to clean leather很抱歉,我们没有清洗皮料所需要的特别设备
gen.I'm sorry I have dialed the wrong number对不起,我打错了
gen.I'm sorry I have the wrong number抱歉我打错电话
gen.I'm sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了
gen.I'm sorry to inform you that we have to charge you 100 dollars for the bloodstains on your bed linen我很遗憾的告诉您,对于床单上的血迹我们要收取100美元的特别洗涤费
gen.I'm sorry to tell you that I have scalded a hole on the carpet when I smoked非常抱歉地告诉您,我在吸烟时不小心将地毯烫了一个洞
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have connecting double rooms, but we have large adjoining rooms对不起,我们没有相通的双人房间,但我们有大的相邻房间
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have saunas in our hotel, but we have massage service对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务
gen.I'm sorry. We have no record of a reservation in your name对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录
gen.I'm sorry, you can only have one. You need to pay for the extra one对不起,您一次只能有一包。多的要另外付费
gen.I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?
gen.It feels like I don't even have taste buds anymore我感觉我的味觉已经麻木了
gen.It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
gen.it is possible to have one hundred million telephone channels operating simultaneously让一亿条路同时通话是可能的
gen.It is urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number?我有急事,能否告诉我她的手机号码?
gen.It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
gen.It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six真气人!我得在6点以前到达东京
gen.It's so good to have Big Ben here这儿有个大本钟真好
gen.I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?我在阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?
gen.I've heard that an original letter from the employer is needed for a Singapore visitor visa. However, I' m a freelance who don't have that. What should I do?我听说办理新加坡旅游签证需提供在职证明。但我是个自由作家,那应该怎么办呢?
gen.Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America把兑换单收好。在您离开美国时,需要兑换余下的外汇时也许有用
gen.let him have his run放任自由地去做
gen.let it have its swing让它自由运动
gen.let it have its swing听其自然
gen.Let me check if we have any vacancy让我来检查一下是否有空位
gen.Let me check to see if we have one available我看看有没有您需要的车型
gen.Let me have a look. Your tooth has an abscess让我瞧瞧。你的牙化脓了
gen.Let me see... Sorry, you can not have a room facing the garden. All the rooms facing the garden have been reserved我帮您查一下。对不起,所有面朝花园的房间都已被订了
gen.Let's hail a cab, so we don't have to ride the subway so late我们招一辆出租车好吗?这样就不用这么晚还乘地铁
gen.Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telephone number here让我看一下,是的,我这里有地址和电话号码
gen.Limestone, dolomite and other resources have high value for development石灰石、白云岩等资源都具有很高的开发价值
gen.May I have a look at that set of hairpins, please?让我看一下那套发卡好吗?
gen.Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together黄小姐,我们打算大家小聚一番
gen.Mr. Green, may I have your signature, please?格林先生,请您签个字,好吗?
gen.Mr. Zhang, I learned that Chinese people have Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. Why?张先生,我听说中国人在除夕夜吃饺子。为什么?
gen.My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?我的手提包丢了,我可以做一个登记吗?
gen.My skin is very sensitive. Do you have trial samples that I can try first?我的皮肤很敏感,你们有试用品让我先试用一下吗?
gen.No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了
gen.nobody could have谁〔没人〕会
gen.not have a sausage不名一文
gen.not have the foggiest根本没想到
gen.not have the foggiest一点也不知道
gen.not have to不必
gen.Not necessary. I have got some medicine in the minibar没有必要,我已经从小酒吧里取了些药吃
gen.Oh no, I won't. But we will have an accident if you don't stop shoutingCrash! 哦,不会的。你要是不停止叫喊,我们倒是会出事故的。砰!
gen.Oh, oh, Madam. I' m afraid you have the wrong number哦,哦,夫人,恐怕您是拨错电话了
gen.OK, I have taken down your statement. We will start the investigation immediately好,我已经记录下来了。我们会马上展开调查的
gen.OK, Mr. Wang. Do you have any bags to check?好的,王先生,你有什么行李要托运的吗?
gen.On a more optimistic note, movies such as Brokeback Mountain have helped society view homosexuality in a more positive manner从更乐观的方面讲,像《断背山》这样的电影帮助社会从更加积极的角度看待同性恋
gen.Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样,不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期
gen.Our racing cars have been well established in the market我们的赛车已经在市场上树立了品牌
gen.Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销
gen.People are busy in the morning. Someone even doesn't have time to enjoy breakfast早上都很忙,有些人根本没时间吃早点
gen.People who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously如果一个人想要追求另一个人,便会利用这个节日以匿名的方式向对方告白
gen.People with normal skin will have normal moisture and oil secretion levels with a fair skin complexion and good elasticity中性皮肤的人水分和油脂分泌正常,肤质有弹性,肤色均匀
gen.People with the condition have red blood cells smaller than normal — causing a mild form of anaemia患有这种病的人红细胞比正常人的更小——这会导致轻微贫血
gen.Please be sure to have all your rental car papers on your person您要确定带齐全部的租车文件
gen.Please have him call me back请让他给我回电话
gen.Please hurry up. I have to leave soon快点,我得马上走
gen.Please tell him I have received his gift. Thank him for the lovely bracelet请转告他我已经收到他的礼物了,谢谢他送我这么可爱的手镯
gen.Should I reapply after I have been refused?我被拒签后还应该再申请吗?
gen.Since China joined the WTO, both chances and challenges have been brought about to our country's plastic and rubber industries我国加入世贸组织为塑料、橡胶行业的发展带来了机遇和挑战
gen.Sir, if you don't calm down, you might have a stroke yourself先生,请保持冷静,否则会中风的
gen.Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought. Will that be okay?先生,我们的价格可能比您原本想的略高,这样没事吧?
gen.some crowded schools have double sessions有些学生众多的学校每天分两部上课
gen.such devices have proved themselves to be aids to our work这些设备证明是有助于我们工作的
gen.Sure. We have vanilla cheesecake and egg custard tart当然了,我们有香草奶油蛋糕,还有蛋挞
gen.Surgeons have to operate on this patient immediately医生们不得不立刻为这位病人手术
gen.Take some cold tablets and then have a good rest, OK?吃点感冒药,然后休息一下,好吗?
gen.Terrific. I have just been back from the Miami Beach好极了,我刚从迈阿密海滩度假回来
gen.The airport will consider a depreciated value of items and often ask for receipts for things you claim to have been in the baggage机场通常会低估物品价值,并要求出示丢失物品的收据
gen.the ayes have it赞成者占多数
gen.The British Embassy, please. I have to be there by10我去英国大使馆,10点之前赶到那里
gen.The cafeteria is short-handed, so we'll have to wait in line自助餐厅人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候
gen.the cushion should have a certain amount of give in it垫子应有一定的弹性
gen.The doctor said you have got the flu. She will prescribe some medicine for you. You'd better stay in bed for one or two days医生说您感冒了,她会给您开药,并建议您最好在床上休息一两天
gen.The flight is available. Do you have any seat preferences?还有座位,您对座位有什么偏好吗?
gen.The flight will go to Kyoto with a stopover at Dubai, but passengers do not have to disembark该航班在飞往京都的途中将会在迪拜经停,但乘客不需下飞机
gen.The fresh-baked multigrain bread is on sale. Would you like to have a try?新出炉的五谷面包现在特价。来一个,要吗?
gen.The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
gen.the haves and the have-nots富国和穷国
gen.the haves and the have-nots有产者和无产者
gen.The Japanese have developed a strong bond with Mount Fuji, and the history of Japanese art shows it翻阅日本的美术史,不难从中解读出日本人的富士山情结
gen.the lights in the house have fused室内电灯都不亮了
gen.the lights in the house have fused保险丝烧断
gen.The more risk factors you have, the higher your fracture risks这些危险因素,你占得越多,就越有可能骨折
gen.The mulberry trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars桑树砍了,但是我们会种上雪松
gen.The officer said that I don't have strong ties. What does that mean?签证官说我没有牢固约束力•那是什么意思?
gen.the only thing we have to go on is...我们唯一所依据的是…
gen.the planks have started厚板已翘了
gen.The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?
gen.The trip is the greatest one I have, and the guide picked us up by herself这次旅行是我最棒的一次旅行,导游亲自去机场接机
gen.The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages这些窗户很可能是中世纪后期精心制作的
gen.there have been…已经有
gen.there have been developed已出现〔发明,研制出〕了
gen.there have to be…必须有
gen.There is no arrangement today. Have a good rest and recover from the jet lag今天没有安排,请好好休息,倒倒时差
gen.There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired?马桶无水,请修理一下
gen.There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
gen.These are your baggage checks. Which would you like to have, aisle seats or window seats? You don't smoke, do you?这是你们的行李托管证。你们想选择靠过道的还是靠窗的座位?你们不抽烟,对吧?
gen.these bearings have not to be oiled这些轴承不需要上油
gen.These pearls have a beautiful luster这些珍珠光泽很美
gen.These tests suggested that the ovarian tumor was benign, and that she also had malaria and signs of inflammation in the lungs, which could have been caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis这些测试表明,她的子宫肿瘤是良性的,但她患有疟疾,并在肺中发现了炎症的迹象,这些病症可能是由肺炎或肺结核引起的
gen.They have Hennessy XO, Hello Honey, Martini...and other drinks他们有轩尼诗 XO、蜜糖儿、马丁尼……以及别的酒
gen.This facial mask? s purification has the effect of expulsion of toxin, meanwhile it can have the effect of whitening这款面膜的净化功效有排毒功效,同时还能美白
gen.this is the fifth time that we have overhauled that boiler这是我们第五次检修那台锅炉
gen.This is the peak season. I'm sorry, but could you call us again later on this week? We may have a cancellation现在是旺季,很抱歉,您这周晚些时候再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订
gen.This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物
gen.this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点
gen.To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理
gen.Today's rate for cash purchase is 100 U. S. banknotes for 688 RMB. Do you have your passport with you?今天的现钞买入价是688元人民币兑换100美元。您带护照了吗?
gen.Various well-designed standard rooms and deluxe suits have provided me a variety of options客房精心设计的各类标间、豪华套房为我提供了多种选择
gen.Waiter, may I have a receipt?服务员,能给我开张收据吗?
gen.Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please服务员,请为我们分开结账
gen.We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes我们也有一些助长睫毛膏
gen.We always have oatmeal, boiled eggs or toasts我们经常吃麦片、水煮蛋或者吐司
gen.We always have oatmeal, boiled eggs or toasts早上我们吃麦片、煮鸡蛋或者吐司
gen.We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?我们吃完了。请把账单拿来好吗?
gen.We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换
gen.We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
gen.We don't have any doggie bags这里不能打包
gen.We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
gen.We have a huge refrigerator and there's also a dishwasher我们有大冰箱,还有洗碗机
gen.We have a very extensive cellar我们的藏酒非常丰富
gen.We have a wide range of vegetarian dishes for you to choose from我们有许多素菜供您选择
gen.We have all the latest apparatus, such as bicycles, bar & dumb bells and so on我们有最新的运动器械,例如自行车、杠铃、哑铃等
gen.We have an excellent black pepper steak today我们今天有上好的黑椒牛排
gen.We have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance我们有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险
gen.We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间
gen.we have been working for several years on such a rocket几年来我们一直在研究这种火箭
gen.We have both buffer-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?
gen.we have checked all the data twice我们已把全部数据校核过两遍了现在完成时,主动态
gen.We have eight suitcases and two bags我们有八个行李箱和两个包
gen.We have good fish here - carp. What about medium sized carp?我们这儿的鱼不错。有鲤鱼。来一条中等的鲤鱼?
gen.we have had the results of our experiments checked and rechecked我们已使我们的实验结果一再受到检验
gen.we have here这是
gen.we have here这儿有
gen.We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,在洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山
gen.we have seen many chemical changes, from which physical changes are different我们见过许多化学变化,它们和物理变化是不一样的
gen.We have several flights from Beijing to Los Angeles on October十月一日,我们有好几趟由北京飞往洛杉矶的航班
gen.We have specially made sorghum candies and coconut candies我们店有特制的咖啡糖和椰子糖
gen.We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
gen.We have taken measures in respect of the customs clearance我们已经采取了结关措施
gen.We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige我们有玫瑰色的,还有深浅不一的米黄色的
gen.We have to clean the grill before we start a fire我们要把这个炉子洗干净,然后再生火
gen.We have to flip over this guy我们得给它翻个面
gen.we have to go there now我们现在得去那儿
gen.we have to have this in view我们得把这点考虑进去
gen.we have trebled our output我们把产量提高到原来的三倍〔增加了两倍〕
gen.We have warm woolen cap of latest fashion本店有最新款的保暖羊毛帽子
gen.we know most elements to have two or more isotopes我们知道大多数元素都有两种或两种以上的同位素
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们的一些行李丢失了,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
gen.we ought to have done it我们本应做完了这事不定式
gen.We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons在旺季时,我们客房入住率通常很高
gen.We'll have a quick look at Buckingham Palace我们抓紧时间看一下白金汉宫
gen.We'll have to apply a bandage我们要一个绷带
gen.We'll have to destroy these fruit. We don't want to risk infestation我们得把水果销毁。我们可不想冒被病虫侵袭的风险
gen.Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away好的,我认为我们要马上把你送到急救室去
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.Well, you still have to wait in line like everyone else那你也还是要和他人一样排队等候
gen.What a pity! We have another party that day太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会
gen.What colors do you have in foundation?粉底都有哪些颜色的?
gen.What do you have?你们有什么料?
gen.What do you have for dinner?你晚餐吃什么?
gen.What flavors of puffs do you have today?你们有哪些口味的泡芙可以选?
gen.What if I want to have my clothes washed?要是我想洗衣服该怎么办?
gen.What kind of card do you have?您用什么卡?
gen.What kinds of drinks do you have? We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktail您想要喝什么?我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒
gen.What things have duty on them?哪些东西需要纳税?
gen.whereas the following incidents have occurred...鉴于下列事件已经发生…
gen.Which would you like to have, aisle seats or window seats?您喜欢什么样的座位,靠通道的还是靠窗的?
gen.who could have谁〔没人〕会
gen.will you have some water?你要喝点水吗?
gen.Would you like to have a chocolate muffin?您要不要来个巧克力松饼?
gen.Would you like to have a pack of ketchup for your fries?您的薯条要不要来一包番茄酱?
gen.Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?您要鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰?
gen.Would you like to have some biscuits with the coffee?要些饼干来配咖啡吗?
gen.Would you like to have some snacks with your wine?您要不要叫一点小吃来下酒呢?
gen.Would you like to have table d'hote or a la carte?您是选择套餐,还是单点呢?
gen.Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
gen.yes, I have不,我读过了/或
gen.You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit我们允许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税了
gen.You are going to Los Angeles on flight two thirty seven, so you don't have to change planes您将继续搭乘237号班机到洛杉矶,所以不用换班机
gen.You can choose three other toppings from our standard price. We have onions, mushroom, green peppers sausage, ham, or pepperoni一般价格而言,你可以选择三种。我们有洋葱、蘑菇、青椒、香肠、火腿即意大利辣味香肠
gen.You can mail the ticket with a check for the correct amount. You also have the right to contest the violation in a court of law你可以将正确金额的支票和罚单一起寄出。你也有权利到法庭申诉
gen.You feel very uncomfortable when you have a sore throat当你喉咙疼痛的时候,就会感到十分不舒服
gen.You have to add some additional documents before reapplying再次申请前,需要提供一些其他文件
gen.You have to declare the car if you want to take it back home如果想把汽车带回国,你必须向海关申报
gen.You have to pay duty on these items你需要为这些商品付税
gen.You have to pay the required visa application fee before you complete the application forms填写申请表之前你需要支付签证申请费用
gen.You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?
gen.You want sea born pearls or river born pearls? We have both kinds您要海水珠还是淡水珠?两种都有
gen.You will have to bring your passport to prove who you are为了证明你的身份,你需要随身携带护照
gen.You will have to provide the detail information about yourself您必须提供详细的个人信息
gen.You'll have a radio, a color television, and a telephone您能使用收音机、彩电及电话
gen.You'll have to send us a deposit of 50 USD您需要寄给我们50美元的押金
gen.Your camcorder should have these basic functions: auto focus, playback facility and zoom lens你的摄像机应该具备以下基本功能:自动聚焦、回放和变焦
gen.Your skis will float if you have softer-flexing alpine ski-boots because you will be able to keep balance and there will be more room for your ankles软一些的滑雪靴更有利于滑雪板浮在雪上,因为在软鞋里更能保持平衡,而且脚踝活动空间更大
gen.Your ticket shows that the flight will fly directly to London. You don't have to change flights, but you do have to stop over here for about 1 hour你的票上写的是直飞伦敦。不必转机,但得在这停大约一小时
gen.You're burning up — have you seen a doctor?你发烧了,你看过医生吗?
gen.You're in luck. We have a room available你很幸运。我们还有一间空房
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