
Terms containing hat | all forms | exact matches only
fash.A frayed top-hat and a faded brown overcoat with a wrinkled velvet collar lay upon a chair beside him他旁边的椅子上,放着一顶有磨损的大礼帽和一件褪了色的棕色大衣,天鹅绒领子皱巴巴的
econ.a hat money船长酬金
econ.a hat money奖金
econ.a hat money船货装卸费
textileadjust hat and dress整衣冠
CNCbamboo hat-like tool magazine斗笠式刀库
tech.bamboo shape hat stand with yellow glaze黄釉竹形帽架
comp., net.black hat Hacker黑帽黑客
textilebobble hat with pom-pom束球绒线帽
met.box hat ingot凹顶锭
met.box hat ingot框帽锭
met.box hat ingot有框形帽头缺陷的钢锭
desert.Chinese hat plant冬红
biol.Chinese-hat-plant冬红花 (Holmskioldia sanguinea Retz.,马鞭草科)
tech.coat and hat hook衣帽钩
plast.surg.cocked hat flap三角帽皮瓣用于修复拇指指端缺损
textilecrow hat with barbette 13世纪中叶妇女带缠头巾的冠状帽
oildip hat ch量油口
oildip hat ch量油孔
auto.drum in hat brake盘式制动器制动鼓
met.extruded hat-section礼帽形挤压型材
textilefur hat body绒毛帽坯
tech.hard hat diver带潜水盔的潜水员
tech.hard hat diving重装潜水
swim.hard-hat diving戴保护帽潜泳
subm.hard-hat diving保护帽潜游
sport.hard-hat diving带保护帽潜游
tech.hard hat dress重潜水服
oilhard hat gear硬盔潜水装置
textilehat and cap making制帽
textilehat and clothes衣冠
exhib.hat and coat rack衣帽架
textilehat and gown衣冠
tech.hat-and-coat hook衣帽
textilehat band帽带
textilehat band丧帽黑带
dermat.hat band帽上服丧的黑带
dermat.hat band帽子的缎带
textilehat band帽边缎带
textilehat band帽圈
dermat.hat band dermatitis帽圈皮炎
chem.hat band leather帽圈革
textilehat block帽模
textilehat block帽木模
textilehat body帽坯
tech.hat box污水井
textilehat box帽盒
tech.hat box污水阱
textilehat brim帽边
textilehat brim槁边
textilehat brim帽檐
tech.hat brush帽刷
auto.hat bush凸缘带肩衬套
auto.hat bushing凸缘带肩衬套
textilehat cap外帽内的里帽
textilehat case帽盒
textilehat cone帽模
textilehat core帽模
textilehat cover帽罩
textilehat cover帽套
textilehat designer帽样设计师
textilehat fawr宽边夹顶帽
textilehat felt帽毡
textilehat felt帽坯
tech.hat flange带帽法兰
tech.hat flange帽形法兰
tech.hat-forming machine帽坯机
tech.hat frame帽形架构
tech.hat front帽盾
textilehat guard帽扣
railw.hat hook衣帽钩
tech.hat hook挂帽钩
auto.Hat hump轮網平峰
textilehat interlining帽衬
textilehat leather制帽革
textilehat leather帽内防汗带
textilehat leather帽内皮条
textilehat lining帽里布
textilehat lining帽衬里
textilehat lining帽里子
textilehat maker制帽匠
textilehat making制帽
textilehat making帽子制作
textilehat-making machine制帽机
textilehat mask钢盔冒
textilehat mask帽型面具
textilehat mask沙滩帽
textilehat materials帽料
textilehat materials制帽材料
math.hat matrix帽矩阵
genet.HAT mediumHAT 培养基含次黄嘌吟H、氨基蝶吟A与胸苷 T 的培养基
anim.husb.HAT mediumHAT 培养基用于细胞融合实验
busin.hat money奖金
busin.hat money小额酬金
busin.hat money运费外加成
econ.hat money小费
busin.hat money货主送给船长酬金
tech.hat money额外酬金
tech.hat orifice帽形孔板
tech.hat orifice圆柱形锐孔
tech.hat packing帽形轴封
met.hat pass帽形孔型
met.hat pass立轧梯形孔型
textilehat peg挂帽用帽钉
tech.hat peg帽钉
tech.hat peg挂帽钩
textilehat pin帽饰针
textilehat pin帽针
textilehat pin女帽帽针
tech.hat pin挂帽钩
plast.hat press帽形压机
textilehat press machine制帽水压机
plast.hat press mold帽形压机模具
plast.hat press molding帽形压机成型
plast.hat press mould帽形压机模具
plast.hat press moulding帽形压机成型
textilehat proofing帽檐上浆
textilehat proofing帽子硬挺整理
textilehat rack帽架
textilehat rack挂帽架
textilehat rack挂帽钩
textilehat ribbon帽带
textilehat, scarf and gloves set帽子,围巾,手套三件套
tech.hat seal帽形密封
tech.hat section帽形截面
genet.HAT selective methodHAT 选择法
textilehat shape帽型
tech.hat shape初制帽坯
met.hat shape steel帽形型钢
agric.hat-shaped帽形的 (pileiformis)
tech.hat shield帽盾
textilehat skiver帽内侧皮
tech.hat stand帽架
textilehat steamer蒸呢帽锅
chem.hat sweatband leather制帽用汗带革
biol.hat-tree蘋婆 (Sterculia nobilis Sm.)
tech.hat tree衣帽架
textilehat tree帽架
biol.hat-tree蘋婆属 (Sterculia L.,梧桐科)
sport.hat trick命中三球
sport.hat trick一人连得3分
sport.hat trick巧妙的一着
footb.hat trick帽子戏法
footb.hat trick一人连进三球
footb.hat trick连中三元
sport.hat trick连胜3次
sport.hat trick连胜三次
tech.hat type帽式
oilhat-type foundation帽形基础
dril.hat-type foundation活动金属基础
tech.hat type foundation帽式金属底盘 (安装小型机器用)
tech.hat type seal帽形止水
econ.hat value船长谢金
tech.hat washer帽形圈
textilehat with zip pocket带拉链小袋的帽子
geogr.Hat Yai, Thailand合艾:泰国
gen.He has a hat with a taper他有一顶锥形的帽子
subm.head hat diving保护帽潜游
tech.high hat kiln高帽窑
gen.high hat shot自低处向髙处拍摄
gen.high hat shot仰拍摄影
expl.His hat blew off风把他的礼帽刮掉了
footb.hit a hat trick一人连中三元
footb.hit a hat trick独进3球
fash.I felt fine under my thick wool hat and in my wool socks我戴着厚厚的羊毛帽子,穿着羊毛袜子,感觉很好
gen.In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw她那顶简洁的黑色头巾帽上插了金绿色的金刚鹦鹉毛
gen.In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of macaw她那顶简洁的黑色无边帽上插了根金绿色的金刚鹦鹉毛
fash.It's cold; she needs a warm fur hat and a scarf天太冷,她需要暖和的皮帽子和围巾
textileKorean hat and band韩国帽子及发带
tech.lip hat section steel带缘帽型钢
gen.Medicine Hat College哈特药学院
textilemohair hat with feathers带翎马海毛帽
navig.oil-tight hat cover油密舱盖
bot.Panama hat palm巴拿马草 Carludovica palmata
anim.husb.Panama hat palm巴拿马草 (Carludovica palmata)
textilepanama hat palm巴拿马帽棕榈
textilepanama hat palm巴拿马帽棕
biol.Panama hat palm巴拿马草 (Carludovica palmata Ruiz. et Pav.,巴拿马草科)
biol.Panama hat plant巴拿马草属 (Carludovica Ruiz. et Pav.,巴拿马草科)
desert.panama-hat plant巴拿马拟棕树
desert.Panama hat plant巴拿马拟棕树
biol.Panama hat plant巴拿马草 (Carludovica palmata Ruiz. et Pav.,巴拿马草科)
footb.pull a hat trick一人连中三元
footb.pull a hat trick独进3球
tech.safety hat covering安全帽帽套
tech.safety hat with broad edge大边安全帽
footb.score a hat trick一人连中三元
footb.score a hat trick独进 3 球
fash.She wore a big white straw hat to match her pink dress她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件粉红色的连衣裙
textileslouch hat trimmed with flowers饰花垂边帽
tech.straw hat body草帽胚
tech.straw hat glue草帽胶
tech.straw hat theater夏令剧院
tech.swamp of hat mud热泥塘
gen.take off one's hat to…向…表示敬意〔钦佩〕
textileten-gallon hat and hat band美国牛仔毡帽
econ.The hat I bought yesterday was a cheat我昨天买的帽子是冒牌货
cloth.The sandy hue of the floppy hat perfectly pairs with everything软帽的淡茶色色调完美地搭配着一切
gen.The young man bought a hat with a decorative clasp on the downside那个年轻人买了一顶下侧有饰扣的帽子
footwearThey are holding a sun hat, leisure shoes, comfortable clothes and a light sweater他们头戴太阳帽,脚穿休闲鞋,身着休闲裤配薄运动衫
el.mach.top hat annealing furnace钟罩式退火炉
met.top hat annealing furnace罩式退火炉
tech.top hat beam高顶帽形梁
textiletop hat box高顶大礼帽帽盒
tech.top-hat furnace罩式炉
chem.top-hat kiln钟罩式窑
tech.top hat kiln钟罩式窑
tech.top hat kiln高帽窑
tech.top hat kiln钟罩窑
busin.top-hat pension额外养老金
busin.top hat pension scheme高级管理人员退休金计划
busin.top-hat policy高级人员人寿保险单
met.top-hat section丁字钢帽形断面 【型材】
met.top-hat section丁字钢帽形断面
auto.top hat section顶帽式截面
transp.top-hat section扎帽形截面
met.top-hat section丁字形材
tech.top hat section扎帽形截面
tech.top hat-section stringer管形截面桁条
el.top hat shielding顶帽屏蔽【核】
gen.top-hat shielding圆筒顶部封闭的防护层
tech.top-hat structure顶部加筋结构
tech.top-hat structure顶部加劲结构
AI.top-hat transformation高帽变换
textileunplanked hat body未缩绒帽坯
textileunplanked hat body未缩绒帽身
textileWatteau with hat pin扁平毡帽
textileWatteau with hat pin带别针并饰口缎带及驼鸟羽毛扁平草帽
gen.Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
comp., net.white hat Hacker白帽黑客
comp., net.white hat SEO白帽 SEO
gen.white hat SEO白帽搜索引擎优化
textilewool hat body呢帽坯