
Terms for subject Economy containing hands | all forms | exact matches only
a dock hand码头工人
a hand machine手动机
a hand press-packed bale人工压紧包
a scrape on the hand手上有擦伤
a wide hand大幅度浮动汇率制度
amount in hand库存现金
amount in hand现额
amount on hand现有存量
amount on hand现存总数
an add hand临时工
an old China hand中国通
at first second hand直接 (间接)
at hand临近
audit for cash on hand and in bank库存现金与银行存款审计
cash on hand手存现金
change hands转手买卖
change hands改变所有权
change hands财产易手
change hands转手 (指买卖)
come to hand到手
come to hand收到文件等
construction machinery on hand施工机械实有台数
data hand-book资料数据手册
dead hand不能变卖的永久营业
employ hand book雇员手册
Enclosed we hand you a draft, £ 400 000, drawn on you by our London house信内附有我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额为40万英镑的汇票一张
ending on-hand inventory期末现有存货
factory hand工厂工人
farm or field hand农业工人
first hand直接的
first hand data第一手资料
first hand exchange直接交流
first-hand goods第一手货
first-hand information第一手资料信息
first-hand information data原始资料
four wheel hand trucks四轮手车
from hand to hand手交手
fund in hand现存金额
funds in hand现有基金
funds in the hands of地方持有的资金 (the localities)
get hand得手
get off one's hand货物脱手
get out of hand摆脱控制
give one's hand on保证履行 (a bargain, 契约)
go hand in hand with与…结合
guild hand行会手工业
hand baggage随身小件行李
hand-betting terminal手提式投注用电脑终端器
hand bill提单
hand harvest人工收割
hand in送交
hand in提交
hand in one's business licence for cancellation撤销营业执照
hand in one's business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hand inspection手工检查
hand-off policy不干预政策
hand out施舍
hand over支付
hand over交付
hand over against payment of the price付款交付
hand over against payment of the price凭交款交付
hand over of交付 (document, goods, 单据、货物)
hand period手工业时代
hand picked and selected手拣分级货
hand press packing bale人力紧压包
hand press-packing人工压紧打包
hand scope scale盘秤
hand s-off policy不干涉政策
hand-sorting method手工分组法
hand to a document在单证上签字
hand-to-hand circulation随手流通
hand-to-mouth operation勉强经营
hand-to-mouth purchasing随用随买
hand-to-mouth purchasing零星采购
hand-to-mouth purchasing现用现买
hand truck手车
hand work手工作业
hands off不准干预
hands off不准手摸
have a free hand有行动自由
have a hand in插手某事 (sth.)
have one's hands full极其忙碌
Head, Heart, Hand, Health管理4H 头脑、心、手、健康
hidden hand经济动力无形之手
If they fail to pay, we shall be compelled to enforce payment through the hands of attorney如他们不付款,我们将不得不借助律师迫使他们付款
in hand在进行
in one's hand由某人掌握 (或办理)
in hand在手头
"invisible hand""看不见的手"
"invisible hand"经济动力 "无形之手"
invisible hand doctrine价值规律学说
invisible-hand doctrine价值规律学说
invisible-hand doctrine无形之手学说
invisible hand doctrine无形之手学说亚当•斯密
join hands with同…合伙
keep one's hand on掌握支配权
leading hand队长
leading hand
left-and-right-hand chart左右手图
lie on one's hand没有脱手
live from hand to mouth挣一天吃一天
live from hand to mouth不留余地
make a hand益效
make a hand获大利
make a hand获益
make payment before hand提前付款
master hand手工业主
note of hand付款单
off-hand随便地 (off handedly)
off-hand没有准备地 (off handedly)
offer sb. the right hand of fellowship同意某人入伙合作
old China hand中国通
on hand在场
on one's hand待某人处理
on hand在手头
put one's hand in one's pocket用钱
put one's hand in one's pocket出钱
put one's hand in one's pocket花钱
quantity on hand现在数量
quantity on hand现有数量
safe hands友好投资者
seasoned hand老手
second hand二手货
second hand旧物
second hand旧的
second hand间接的
second hand二手的
second hand第二手的
second-hand cost用过的价值
second-hand cost第二手费
second-hand cost间接费
second-hand equipment二手设备
second hand goods旧物
second-hand machinery旧机器
second-hand packing二手包装
second hand shop信托商店
second hand shop寄卖商店
set one's hand on a contract在合同上签字
settlement with foreign exchange on hand外汇现汇结算
shortness of hands人手不足
shortness of hands劳力不足
small hand小手工业者
stock in hand现有库存
strengthen sb/'s hand增加某人的资本
strengthen sb/'s hand增强某人的实力
strike hand立契约
system hand机械人系统手
take a hand in和…有关
take a hand in参加
the audit for cash on hand and in bank关于现金和银行存款的审计
The buyer is a fresh hand at the line and would leave everything to your discretion买方对这项业务是新手,一切由你酌办
the hand-to-hand money公众日常手头持有的货币
the material on hand库存材料
the material on hand现有材料
the traffic on hand to be loaded待装运输货物
They employ 200 hands他们雇佣 200 名职工
to hand在手边
to hand到手
under one's hand and seal签名盖章
We have several offices on hand to let我们手头有几间办公室可出租
We have stock in hand我们有现货
We hope to dispatch the inquiries at hand我们希望迅速办理手头的询盘
with a heavy hand强迫地
with a heavy hand用高压手段
with a high hand强迫地
with a high hand用高压手段
You should pay the costs in part before hand你方应在事前支付部分费用