
Terms for subject Business containing hands | all forms | exact matches only
act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands独立自主
advise stock on hand通知盘存数字
all hands全体雇员
amount in hand库存金额
amount in hand现款
amount on hand现有额
amount on hand现存量
at hand现有的
auditing for cash on hand and in bank库存现金与银行存款审计
balance in hand现金余额
balance in hand手头余额
balance on hand账面结存
be behind hand with payments支付误期
buy secondary-hand买二手货
buying on a hand-to-mouth basis随用随买
by hand抄交
by hand亲手交送
by hand专人递送
call on hand预约挂号
cash balance on hand库存现金余额
cash in hand of agent存代理人所持现金
cash in residents hand居民手持现金
cash on hand report daily库存现金逐日报告
change hand调换主人
change hand转手
change hand易手
charge hand工头
check and hand over goods点交货
clean hands无罪
clean hands老实
construction machinery on hand现有施工机械
cost of goods on hand现有商品成本
day of average inventory on hand库存存货平均天数
days of average inventory on hand库中存货平均天数
dead hand永远管业
dead hand永远管业权
dead hand永远管业不能变卖或转卖
economic hand book经济手册
efficient deck hand二级水平
extra hand临时工
farm hand农业工人
farm hand〈美〉农场劳动者
finished product on hand现存产成品
first hand第一手指现货或期货的最初持有人
first hand evidence第一手证据
first hand goods一手货
first hand information原始信息
first hand information第一手资料
first hand intelligence第一手资料
first hand knowledge直接知识
first hand material第一手材料
fore hand rent预付租金
free hand全权
free-hand drawing徒手描绘
free-hand method徒手描绘法
free-hand trend line徒手画趋势线
fund in hand流动资金
fundamental hand motion基本手动
gain the upper hand胜过
gain the upper hand优胜
get off one's hand货物脱手
give one's hand on保证履行契约
give one's hand on a bargain保证履行契约
goods on hand现货
goods on hand现有货物
goods on hand存货
green hand外行
hand actuated手动的
hand baggage手提行李
hand bill广告单
hand bill传单式广告
hand bill广告宣传品
hand bill传单
hand bill advertising广告传单
hand brake手制动
hand capacity手电容
hand carried手提式
hand-carried mail remittance自带信汇
hand carry手提式
hand control手工操作
hand craft手艺
hand craft手工业
hand dynamo手摇发电机
hand-feed punch人工馈送穿孔机
hand gear人工操舵装置
hand in business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hand in hand mutual insurance office携手相互保险社
hand in one's business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hand inspection人工检查
hand kept手工登记
hand lay up method手工积层法
hand lift truck手动升高车
hand log手用计程器
hand loom手工织布机
hand machine手动机器
hand made goods手工制品
hand made product手工制品
hand microtelephone手机
hand off policy不干涉政策
hand over让予
hand over equipment交付设备
hand over hand赚钱快
hand picked selected手拣分级货
hand picked selected, ungrading手拣不分级货
hand product手工制品
hand production手工生产
hand radar携带式雷达
hand radar轻便雷达
hand receiver受话器
hand sampling method手试取样法
hand set手持送受话器
hand shaking信号交换
hand shaking信号变换
hand shaking握手
hand shears手工剪切机
hand shears手剪
hand steering gear人工操舵装置
hand surveying camera袖珍测量照相机
hand tabulation人工造册
hand tabulation手工制表
hand-to-mouth buying零星小量购进
hand-to-mouth existance收入仅足糊口
hand transmitter-receiver便携式收发两用机
hand volume control手动音量控制
hand wheel手论
hand wheel驾驶盘
hand wound手绕
hands off the exhibits展品勿用手摸
helper hand助手
hidden hand"黑手"
hidden hand隐蔽的手
hidden hand隐瞒手法
in-hand foods冰淇淋等不便带回的现吃食品
inventory of raw material on hand库存原材料盘点
inventory of raw materials on hand库存原料盘存
inventory on hand现有存货
"invisible hand""无形之手"
invisible hand doctrine无形之手学说
items on hand现有项目
keep in hand掌管
keep your hands off请勿触摸展品
last-in on hand后进现存法计算存货方法之一
left-hand scale左侧刻度
left-hand variable等式左边变量
lie on one's hand商品滞存某人手中
lie on one's hands没有脱手
long hand正常手书非打字或速记
master hand名师
master hand能手
master hand专家
merchandise inventory on hand at year end年终商品盘存
merchandise inventory on hand at year's end年终现有商品库存
method of free hand drawing徒手描绘法
method of progressive hand连续手动法
money in hand手存现金
money out of hand现金
money out of hand现款
money out of hand缺现款
money out of hand无现款现金
note of hand即期票据
occasional hand临时工
odd hand额外掌握
old hand内行
old hand熟练工人
old hand熟练工
on hand手头的
on hand现存
on hand stock现有库存
out of hand无法约束
please keep hands off请勿动手
product in hand库存产品
put this order in hand着手办理订货
put this order in hand着手办理此订货
quantity on hand现有量
ready stock on hand现有存货
ready stock on hand现有库存存货
right-hand variable等式右边变量
second-hand article二手货
second-hand article旧货
second-hand cargo二手货
second-hand cargo旧货
second-hand data二手数据
second-hand equipment旧设备
second-hand goods二手货
second-hand goods旧货
second hand shop旧货商店
set one's hand to a document在单证上签名
smoothing by free hand随手修匀
spare hand后备人手
stock in hand现有存货库存
stock on hand at the end of period期末现存量
strike hand订合同
strike hand立约
strike hands订立买卖契约
summary of materials received, issued and on hand材料收发结存一览表
traffic on hand to be loaded待装货物运输
turn one's hand开始工作
under my hand and seal由本人签名盖章
upper left hand corner method左上角方法
vote by a show of hands举手表决
work in hand手头工作
work in hand订货承接总数
your letter to hand尊函收悉