
Terms for subject Dermatology containing hands | all forms | exact matches only
atrophy of the interosseous muscles of the hand手骨间肌萎缩
blue hands蓝手
chapped hand皲裂手
claw hand鹰爪手
cleft hand裂手
clenching of the hand手捏紧
cup-shaped hand杯形手
degenerative collagenous plaques of the hands手部变性性胶原性斑块
dermatophytosis of the hands手癣
hand eczema手湿疹
hand-foot-mouth disease手足口病
hand protective cream护手霜
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease慢性特发性组织细胞增多症
obstetric hand助产士手
paroxysmal hand hematoma发作性手部血肿
persistent pustulosis of hands and feet持久性手足脓疱病
protective hand cream护手霜
pustular psoriasis of hands and feet手足脓疱性银屑病
reactive nodular hyperplasia of hand and oral mucosa手和 口腔黏膜反应性结节性增生
recalcitrant pustutar eruptions of the hands and feet手足顽固性脓疱疹
recurrent bullous dermatosis of feet and hand手足复发性大疱性皮病
recurrent hands and feet epidermolysis bullosa of Weber-Cockayne韦[伯]-科[凯恩]手足复发性大疱性表皮松解
relapsing pustular eruptions of the hands and feet手足复发性脓疱疹
ringworm of the hand手癣
split hand裂手[畸形]
split hand手裂[畸形]
tinea of feet and hands手足癣
tinea of hand手癣
whistling face-windmill vane hand syndrome吹口哨面容-风车翼样手综合征
windmill vane hand风车翼样手