
Terms for subject Nursing containing hands | all forms
burns of hand手烧伤
cicatricial contracture on dorsum of hand手背疤痕挛缩
cicatricial contracture on palm of hand手掌疤痕挛缩
clumsy hand-dysarthria syndrome笨手-说话不清综合征
dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome构音困难手笨拙综合征
hand held perimeter手持视野计
hand instrument手用器械
hand piece机头
hand piece手机
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease汉-许-克病
hot roller burns of hand手热滚筒烧伤
obstetrician hand助产士手
paddle-shaped hand plate桨状手板
pyogenic infection of hand in domestic treatment手部化脓感染家庭处理法
shoulder-hand syndrome肩手综合征
washerwoman hand洗衣妇手