
Terms for subject Project management containing guarantee | all forms | exact matches only
banker's letter of guarantee银行保函
completion guarantee完工担保
consortium guarantee联合财团保函
counter guarantee反担保函
Creating a unique index guarantees that any attempt to duplicate key values fails创建唯一索引可以确保任何生成重复键值的尝试都会失败
credit guarantee信贷保函
deed of guarantee保证契据
deed of guarantee担保契约
deferred payment guarantee延期付款保函
deficiency guarantee资金缺额担保
Does this make it more difficult for forwarders to meet service guarantees to customers?对货代而言、 这是否更难保障对客户的服务承诺?
down payment guarantee定金保函
effective guarantee有效保证
export bank guarantee出口银行保函
guarantee corporation保证法团
guarantee deposit and margin paid缴付的保证按金
guarantee deposit and margin received存人的保证按金
guarantee for re-export of equipment设备再出口保函
guarantee fund担保基金
guarantee loan抵押贷款
guarantee of bank loan银行贷款保证
guarantee of performance性能保证
guarantee of performance履约保函
guarantee on the first demand无条件保函
guarantee on the first demand首次要求即付保函
irrevocable letter of guarantee不可撤销的保函
issue guarantee出 具保函
joint guarantee联合担保
joint guarantee联名保证
letter of general average guarantee共同海损保函
letter of guarantee for bid投标保函
letter of guarantee for loan借款保函
letter of guarantee for maintenance质量维修保函
limited amount guarantee限额保函
limited duration guarantee定期保函
maintenance guarantee维修保函
maintenance retention guarantee维修保留金保函
mortgage default guarantee按揭条件违约保证
overdraft guarantee透支保函
parent company guarantee母公司担保
payment guarantee付款保函
performance guarantee性能保证书
pre-payment guarantee预付款保函
quality guarantee质量保证书
release of bank guarantee撤销银行保函
restitution of the guarantee撤销保函
restitution of the guarantee归还保函
schedule of guarantees保证表
service guarantees服务承诺
service guarantees服务保证
specimen of letter of guarantee保函样本
The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date因担保形成的资产的账面价值应当在资产负债表结算日进行减值测试
unconditional bank guarantee无条件银行保函
unlimited duration guarantee非定期保证
We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交货时间