
Terms containing growth-market | all forms | in specified order only
busin.augment the growth of the market economy促进市场经济成长
fin.China Growth Enterprise Market中国创业板
busin.export market growth出口市场扩大
securit.growth enterprise market创业板
securit.growth enterprise market二板市场
Hong.Kong.growth enterprise market创业板
securit.growth enterprise market创业板市场
securit.growth enterprise market二板
securit.Growth Enterprise Market Department Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited创业板部香港联合交易所有限公司
securit.Growth Enterprise Market Listing Rules创业板上市规则
commer.growth market不断扩大的市场
econ.growth market销售兴旺的市场
securit.growth market成长型市场
fin.growth markets增长型市场
fin.growth markets for the west's large companies西方大型企业的成长型市场
commer.growth of market市场发育
tech.growth of the market市场发育
securit.growth of the market市场发展
proj.manag.growth rate of market市场增长率
proj.manag.growth-market strategy成长性市场战略
proj.manag.growth-market strategy for market leaders市场领导者的市场增长战略
proj.manag.growth-market targeting strategy成长性市场定位战略
securit.Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引
securit.Listing Rules of the Growth Enterprise Market创业板上市规则
securit.market for the high-growth and emerging stocks高增长及新兴股份的市场
busin.market growth市场成长
textilemarket growth市场扩充
tech.market growth市场发育
oilmarket growth rate市场需求增长速度
proj.manag.market growth rate市场增长率
IMF.market-led growth市场导向的增长
org.name., securit.Nordic Growth Market北欧新兴市场瑞典
fin.Nordic Growth Market.〈瑞典〉北欧新兴市场
fin.Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》
proj.manag.That means that the growth of the offshore market will be largely constrained, for a while at least, by the amount of trade settlement这意味着、人民币海外市场规模的扩大在很大程度上将受制于贸易结算额、至少在一段时期之内如此