
Terms containing gravity | all forms | exact matches only
tech.absolute dry specific gravity绝干比重
tech.absolute dry specific gravity全干比重
tech.absolute gravity determination绝对重力测定
tech.absolute gravity measurement绝对重力测量
tech.absolute gravity point绝对重力点
tech.absolute gravity station绝对重力点
tech.absolute gravity station绝对重力网
tech.absolute gravity value绝对重力值
tech.absolute specific gravity绝对密度
tech.absolute specific gravity比重
desert.absolute specific gravity绝对相对密度
avia.acceleration due to gravity重力加速度 (海平面为 9. 806 65米/秒)
gen.acceleration due to gravity at latitude 0°赤道上的重力加速度
gen.acceleration of gravity重力加速度标准值为9.81260米/秒2
gen.acceleration of gravity at latitude 45°纬度45°处的重力加速度
gen.acceleration of gravity, normal重力加速度标准值
tech.adjustment of gravity base station network重力基点网平差
avia.afterburner limit of center of gravity重心后限
tech.aggregate specific gravity under oven dry condition骨料绝对干燥比重
tech.air-activated gravity conveyer气动重力运输机
tech.air-activated gravity conveyer气动动力传送带
tech.air-activated gravity conveyer气动动力输送机
tech.air-borne gravity measurement航空重力测量
tech.air-borne gravity meter航空重力仪
tech.air-borne gravity meter机载重差计
tech.air-borne gravity meter机载重力仪
avia.aircraft center of gravity〔客〕飞机重心
avia.aircraft center of gravity飞机重心
avia.aircraft eg aircraft center of gravity飞机重心
tech.air-dried volumetric specific gravity风干容重
tech.air-dried volumetrical specific gravity风干容重
tech.airlift gravity drop hammer单作用空气锤
tech.airlift gravity drop hammer蒸汽重力落锤
tech.airlift gravity drop hammer空气重力落锤
tech.American Petroleum Institute gravity燃油比重度数
tech.American Petroleum Institute gravity美国石油学会重度
gen.American Petroleum Institute gravity indexAPI 比重美国石油学会比重指数
tech.American Petroleum Institute gravity index美国石油协会容重指标
tech.American Petroleum Institute Gravity Scale美国石油协会标准比重表
tech.American Petroleum Institute Gravity Scale美国石油协会标准比重度
tech.apparent specific gravity体比重
tech.apparent specific gravity假比重
soil.apparent specific gravity假比重显示 比重
tech.area gravity survey面积重力测量
tech.automatic gravity classification yard自动化驼峰编组场【铁】
tech.automatic gravity die casting machine自动硬模铸造机
tech.automatic gravity marshalling yard自动化驼峰编组场【铁】
tech.automatic valveless gravity filter自动无阀重力滤池
tech.average normal gravity平均正常重力
tech.axis of gravity重心轴 (线)
tech.bagging-off by gravity重力装袋
tech.balance for specific gravity比重天平
tech.barotropic gravity wave正压重力波
tech.barrel gravity method桶装重量法
tech.batch gravity sludge thickener间歇式重力污泥浓缩池
tech.biconic gravity concrete mixer双锥形自落式混凝土搅拌机
tech.biconical gravity concrete mixer双锥形自落式混凝土搅拌机
tech.blower-type specific gravity stoner吹式比重法去石机
tech.borehole gravity measurement井中重力测量
tech.Bouguer's gravity布格重力值
tech.Bouguer's gravity correlation布格重力对比
tech.breakwater with concrete-block gravity wall方块防波堤
tech.broad suturing gravity dam宽缝重力坝
tech.Brown gravity gage布朗重力仪
tech.Brown gravity gauge布朗重力仪
tech.building gravity drainage system房屋重力排水系统
tech.building gravity drainage system建筑物的重力排水系统
tech.bulk cement car discharged by gravity重力卸料式散装水泥车
tech.bulk specific gravity散容重
tech.bulk specific gravity假比重
tech.bulk specific gravity毛体积密度
tech.bulk specific gravity整体比重
tech.bulk specific gravity毛比重
tech.bulk specific gravity散装比重
tech.bulk specific gravity松散容重
tech.bulk specific gravity体比重
tech.bulk specific gravity体积密度
tech.bulk specific gravity堆积比重
tech.bulk specific gravity散容董
tech.bulk specific gravity视比重
tech.bulk specific gravity松装比重
soil.bulk specific gravity假比重过半比 重
tech.bulk-dry specific gravity松堆密度
gen.butt weld in the gravity position对接平焊
tech.by gravity在重力作用下
tech.by gravity自坠 (落)
avia.cargo center of gravity货物重心
tech.Cassini formula of gravity卡辛尼重力公式
avia.center gravity locator重心定位器
desert.center of gravity地球引力中心
bowl.center of gravity球重心
shipb.center of gravity above molded base重心距基线距离
avia.center of gravity control computer重心控制计算机
avia.center of gravity control system重心控制系统
avia.center of gravity management system重心管理系统
avia.center-of-gravity envelope重心范围
tech.centre of gravity重心
sport.centre of gravity身体重心
tech.centre of gravity for compartments船舱重心
tech.centre of gravity member section杆件断面重心
tech.centre of gravity of geoid大地水准面重心
tech.centre of gravity of ship船舶重心
tech.centre of gravity path重心运动轨迹
tech.centre-of-gravity disturbance重心扰动
tech.centre-of-gravity motion重心运动
tech.centre-of-gravity mounting system重心支承系统
tech.centre-of-gravity position重心位置
tech.centre-of-gravity range重心范围
tech.centre-of-gravity shift重心偏移
tech.centre-of-gravity suspension重心悬置法
tech.chamfered gravity breakwater削角防波堤
tech.classification by specific gravity按比重分级
tech.classification of gravity anomalies重力异常分类
tech.classification of gravity corrections重力改正分类
tech.classification of gravity survey重力测量分类
refrig.coil and gravity starter电流线圈重力式起动继电器
tech.common center of gravity公共重心
avia.condition center-of-gravity location重心位置
tech.conic gravity platform锥形重力平台
tech.constant of gravity重力常数
tech.continuously mechanical gravity dewatering连续机械重力脱水
avia.conventional gravity bomb常规自由落下炸弹
avia.correction angle due to the force of gravity抬高角
tech.correction for gravity重力改正
tech.correction for gravity重力校正
tech.correction for variation of gravity重力变化改正
tech.cryogenic gravity meter超低温重力仪
nautic., tech.curve of limiting positions of center of gravity极限重心垂向坐标曲线
tech.data processing of gravity anomaly重力异常数据处理
avia.delta-V Earth gravity assist地球重力提供速度增量
tech.derived quantity of gravity重力导出量
tech.detachment gravity slide脱顶重力滑动
tech.detailed gravity survey重力详査
avia.differential gravity微分重力
avia.differential gravity effect微分引力效应
tech.direct gravity culvert直接重力涵洞
refrig.downfeed gravity heating system下给重力式供暖系统
tech.dry bulk specific gravity干松比重
tech.dry bulk specific gravity干容积比重
tech.dry gravity stamp干法重力式捣击机
tech.dust removal by gravity重力除尘
tech.dynamical gravity measurement动态重力测量
tech.dynamical gravity meter动力重力仪
tech.dynamical gravity survey动态重力测量
avia.earth gravity assist地球重力加速器
avia.Earth gravity assist地球重力助推
avia.Earth gravity assist地球重力借力飞行
avia.Earth's gravity地球重力
avia.Earth's gravity地球引力
tech.effect of gravity重力效应
avia.effective center of gravity有效重心
tech.Emery-Dietz gravity corer迪茨重力取样器
tech.empty by gravity重力卸车
avia.empty weight center of gravity空重重心
avia.empty-weight center of gravity飞机净重重心
avia.empty-weight center of gravity range飞机净重重心范围
tech.equatorial gravity赤道重力
tech.equatorial gravity value赤道重力值
nautic., tech.exhaust-gas turbo-charger lubricating oil gravity tank废气涡轮增压器的滑油重力柜
tech.external gravity field外部重力场
gen.fillet weld in the gravity position船形焊
gen.fillet weld in the gravity position角接平焊
nautic., tech.fine gravity measurement引力精密测量
tech.flow by gravity自然流动
refrig.flow by gravity靠重力流动
tech.fluid gravity flow流体重力流
tech.flux-gravity diagram流量重力图
refrig.forced of gravity重力
avia.forward limit of center of gravity重心前限
tech.forward problem of gravity anomaly重力异常正演问题
tech.free air gravity anomaly海平重力异常
tech.free air gravity anomaly自由空气重力异常
tech.free-standing gravity davit轻型重力式艇架
nautic., tech.fuel gravity tank重力燃油柜
nautic., tech.fuel oil gravity tank重力燃油柜
avia.fuel/center of gravity management燃油/重心管理
avia.fuel/center of gravity management system燃油/重心管理系统
avia.fuel/center of gravity monitor燃油/重心监测器
avia.fuel/center of gravity monitor system燃油/重心监测系统
tech.gas gravity differentiation气体重力分异
tech.gas specific gravity meter天然气比重计
tech.gaseous fuel specific gravity气体燃料的比重
nautic., tech.gas-shielded gravity welding set气体保护重力#设备
tech.geologic type of gravity anomaly重力异常地质类型
tech.geological type of gravity anomaly重力异常地质类型
tech.global gravity anomaly全球重力异常
tech.grade specific gravity分选比重
tech.gradient zone of gravity anomaly重力度带
avia.gravity acceleration重力加速度
refrig.gravity assisted heat pipe重力热管
nautic., tech.gravity balanced hatch cover重力平衡舱盖
refrig.gravity battery重力 〔比重液〕电池
desert.gravity cementation重力胶结
ecol.gravity center shift重心变化
sport., med.gravity centre of body身体重心
nautic., tech.gravity chute甲板排水槽排水管/斜槽
energ.ind.gravity circulation重力〔自流,自动〕循环
energ.ind.gravity circulation自流〔重力〕循环
refrig.gravity circulation hot water heating system重力循环热水供暖系统
avia.gravity coefficient重力系数
desert.gravity collapse structure塌陷构造
avia.gravity compensation重力补偿的
desert.gravity component重力组分
desert.gravity-controlled slope重力侵蚀坡
nautic., tech.gravity corer重力取样管
ecol.gravity dust collector重力除尘器
ecol.gravity dust separator重力集尘装置
avia.gravity effect重力影响
ecol.gravity erosion重力侵蚀
avia.gravity fall gear重力放下式起落架
nautic., tech.gravity fed self-unloading bulk carrier重力输送直卸式散货船
avia.gravity feed重力输送
mater.sc.gravity feed自流喂送装置
mater.sc.gravity feed自重进料
mater.sc.gravity feed自重〔自动式〕供给
mater.sc.gravity feed重力自动供料馈给,进给,给油
ecol.gravity filter自流式滤清器
ecol.gravity flow of air空气重力流动
avia.gravity force万有引力
nautic., tech.gravity forced-feed oiling system重力式滑油系统
refrig.gravity furnace heating重力式热风炉供暖
avia.gravity gradient acquisition重力梯度捕获 (重力梯度稳定卫星的姿态捕获)
avia.gravity gradient attitude control system重力梯度姿态控制系统 (利用重力梯度力矩控制姿态)
avia.gravity gradient boom重力梯度杆
avia.gravity gradient stabilization重力梯度稳定
avia.gravity gradient torque重力梯度力矩
ecol.gravity ground water重力地下水
refrig.gravity heating重力式供暖
refrig.gravity hot water heating system重力式热水供暖系统
shipb.gravity launching重力下水
nautic., tech.gravity line survey重力路线测量
nautic., tech.gravity loadings重力载荷
avia.gravity loss重力损失
refrig.gravity low pressure steam heating重力式低压蒸汽供暖
ecol.gravity model引力模式
avia.gravity model重力场模型
nautic., tech.gravity oil system重力润滑系统
nautic., tech.gravity piston type corer重力活塞式取样管
ecol.gravity potential energy重力势能
avia.gravity refueling开式加油
avia.gravity refueling重力加油
desert.gravity retaining wall重力式挡墙
port.facil.gravity roller conveyor重力滚筒运送机
ecol.gravity sand filter重力沙滤池
ecol.gravity sand filtration process重力沙滤法
ecol.gravity separation依比重分离
ecol.gravity separation重力分离法
ecol.gravity separation重力沉降分离
avia.gravity settler澄清器
desert.gravity slumping重力滑塌
desert.gravity spring重力泉
avia.gravity survey satellite地球重力测量卫星
refrig.gravity system重力循环系统
nautic., tech.gravity tank重力液货舱
nautic., tech.gravity tank重力水柜
gen.gravity tank自流式燃料供给箱
nautic., tech.gravity type boat davit重力式艇架
shipb.gravity type davit重力式吊艇柱
shipb.gravity-type davit重力式吊艇柱
nautic., tech.gravity-type lubrication system重力式润滑系统
avia.gravity vector引力向量
avia.gravity vector重力向量
avia.gravity vector重力矢量
refrig.gravity warm air furnace重力暖风炉
refrig.gravity warm air heating system重力式热风供暖系统
ecol.gravity washing desulphurization重力洗选脱硫
ecol.gravity water重力[给]水
ecol.gravity wave drag重力波阻
shipb.gravity welder重力焊机
port.facil.gravity yard驼峰调车场铁 路的
tech.grit discharge by gravity重力排沙
avia.gross weight and center of gravity总重与重心
tech.ground specific gravity of crude oil地下原油比重
gen.height of the centre of gravity over the keel〔船舶〕重心在龙骨以上高度
avia.helicopter gravity measuring system直升机重力测量系统
avia.high gravity高重力环境
avia.high gravity超重力
tech.high gravity environment高重力加速环境
tech.high gravity filler重质填料
shipb.high-gravity fuel高比重燃料
tech.high head gravity flow system高位自流系统
tech.horizontal gradient of gravity水平重力梯度
tech.horizontal gradient of gravity重力水平坡度
tech.horizontal gradient of gravity anomaly重力异常水平梯度
tech.horizontal gradient of gravity profile重力水平梯度剖面图
tech.horizontal gravity take up水平重锤拉紧装置
avia.horizontal location center of gravity重心水平位置
gen.horizontal location of centre of gravity重心水平位置
tech.hump in gravity yard重力调车场驼峰
tech.incident gravity wave入射重力波
tech.inertia-gravity wave惯性重力波
tech.instrument of gravity measurement重力测量仪器
tech.International Gravity Standardization Net 19711971年国际重力基准图
tech.inverse problem of gravity anomaly重力异常反演问题
ecol.inversion of gravity and magnetic interface重磁异常反演
tech.island-arc gravity anomaly岛弧重力异常
tech.isostasy gravity anomaly重力均衡异常
tech.isostatic gravity anomaly均衡重力分异
tech.isostatic gravity anomaly map均衡重力异常图
tech.isostatical gravity anomaly map均衡重力异常图
tech.isostatically reduced gravity data均衡归正的重力值
tech.isotropic gravity anomaly均匀重力异常
tech.land gravity survey陆地重力测量
shipb.launching gravity下水重量
sport., med.line of gravity重力作用线
tech.linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis一次重力加荷线性弹性分析
tech.linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis一次加荷重力线弹性分析
tech.local gravity anomaly局部重力异常
tech.local gravity circulation局部重力循环
tech.longitudinal center of gravity纵重心
nautic., tech.longitudinal center of gravity from AP纵向重心自尾垂线距离
shipb.longitudinal center of gravity from after perpendicular重心距艉垂线纵向距离
shipb.longitudinal center of gravity from forward perpendicular重心距艏垂线纵向距离
sport., med.longitudinal centre of gravity纵向重心
tech.longitudinal shifting of centre of gravity of goods货物重心的纵向位移
avia.low gravity accelerometer calibration system低重力加速度校准系统
shipb.low-gravity fuel低比重燃料
sport.lower the center of gravity降低重心
nautic., tech.lubricating oil gravity tank滑油重力柜
tech.many order derivative of gravity potential重力位各阶导数
tech.marine gravity anomaly海洋重力异常
tech.marine gravity meter海洋重力仪
tech.marine gravity prospecting海洋重力勘探
tech.marine gravity survey海洋重力测量
tech.masonry arch gravity dam圬工拱式重力坝
tech.masonry gravity dam圬工重力坝
tech.masonry gravity dam砖石重力坝
avia.maximum gravity最大重力
avia.maximum zero fuel center of gravity最大无燃油重心
tech.mean gravity平均重力
tech.mean gravity anomaly平均重力异常
tech.mean normal gravity平均正常重力
tech.mean specific gravity平均相对密度
tech.mean specific gravity平均比重
tech.mean square error of base station gravity基点网重力值均方误差
tech.measured specific gravity实测相对密度
tech.measured specific gravity实测比重
sport., med.measurement of gravity centre of body人体重心测量
tech.method of field work of gravity survey重力测量工作方法
tech.method of gravity measurement重力测量方法
tech.method of satellite gravity gradient卫星重力梯度法
tech.method of specific gravity相对密度法
tech.method of specific gravity比重法
avia.missile center of gravity导弹重心
tech.motor gravity自行式起重机
avia.multiple gravity assist多重力辅助
tech.multiple part gravity die多分型面的金属型
avia.mutual gravity相互的重力作用
tech.national first grade gravity base station国家一等重力点
tech.national gravity base station国家重力基准点
tech.national gravity base station network国家重力基本网
tech.negative gravity负引力
tech.new international normal gravity formula新国际正常重力公式
tech.Newton's law of gravity牛顿万有引力定律
avia.non-spherical gravity非球形引力
tech.normal acceleration of gravity标准重力加速度
tech.normal acceleration of gravity正常重力加速度
avia.normal gravity正常重力值
desert.normal gravity正常重力
avia.normal gravity法重力
tech.normal gravity line正常重力线
tech.normal gravity on the earth spheropotential正常地球位面上的正常重力
tech.normal gravity value正常重力值
tech.normal potential of gravity重力正常位
tech.offshore gravity meter海洋重力仪
tech.optimum standard gravity最佳标准重力
tech.overflow gravity dam溢流重力坝
tech.overhead gravity pipeline架空重力管路
tech.paste lining gravity dam浆砌石重力坝
tech.plane of gravity重心面
tech.polar gravity极重力
avia.pounds per square inch gravity磅/平方英寸重力
tech.primary gravity network一等重力网
tech.progressive gravity wave前进重力波
tech.pseudo-gravity chart假重力异常图
tech.pycnometer specific gravity factor比重瓶法测定的比重因数
sport.raise the center of gravity提高重心
tech.rate of specific gravity比重值
nautic., tech.reduction gear lubricating oil gravity tank减速齿轮箱滑油重力柜
refrig.refrigerating system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity重力供液制冷系统
refrig.refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity重力供液制冷系统
bodybuild.Reverse Gravity Principle反地心引力原则
tech.reversing gravity die双面金属型
tech.roller-fitted spiral gravity shoot装有滚柱的螺旋重力溜槽
tech.rotating dumbbell pseudo-gravity station旋转式哑铃形人造重力航天站
tech.rotating gravity concentrator重力转动浓缩器
tech.rotating gravity concentrator旋转式重力浓缩器
tech.sea-borne gravity measurement海上重力测量
tech.sea-bottom gravity meter海底重力计
tech.sea-floor gravity survey海底重力调查
tech.sediment gravity flows沉积物重力流
tech.self-acting gravity incline自重运输斜坡道
tech.semi-gravity type abutment半重力式桥台
tech.semi-gravity type retaining wall半重力式挡土墙
tech.semi-gravity wall半重力式墙
avia.semiactive gravity gradient stabilization半主动重力梯度稳定
tech.semi-automatic gravity feeding半自动重力送料
tech.separate gravity structure分离式重力结构
tech.separate gravity structure独立式重力结构
sport.shift the center of gravity变换重心
tech.shipboard gravity survey船载重力调查
refrig.simple gravity circulation简单的重力循环
tech.simulated gravity模拟重力
tech.sludge gravity thickening污泥重力浓缩
tech.solitary water gravity wave水重力孤波
avia.specific gravity比重 (换算公式如下: 1 kg/m³ = 0.062 43 lb/ft³, 1 lb/ft³ =0.01602 g/cm³ = 16.02kg/m³, 1lb/in³=27.68g/cm³ = 1728lb/ft³)
avia.specific gravity密度
avia.specific gravity adjustment比重调整
sport., med.specific gravity factor比重系数
ecol.specific gravity of dust粉尘比重
desert.specific gravity of soil particle土粒比重
soil.specific mass gravity固体重度
tech.sphere of gravity重力范围
nautic., tech.standard acceleration of gravity g₀标准重力加速度
avia.standard gravity标准重力 (标准地球引力加速度时的重力)
tech.standard gravity acceleration标准重力加速度
tech.standard gravity value标准重力值
avia.standard specific gravity标准密度
tech.standing gravity wave竖向驻波
tech.standing gravity wave重力驻波
tech.steam gravity stamp蒸汽重力捣碎机组
refrig.steam heating down-feed gravity system上行下给式蒸汽重力供暖系统
tech.steam-heating by gravity重力式蒸汽供暖
tech.steam-heating down-feed gravity system重力上行下给式蒸汽供暖系统
tech.steam-heating with gravity air removal重力气式蒸汽供暖
tech.steep gravity wave陡重力波
tech.subaqueous gravity flow deposit水下重力流沉积
tech.super-gravity theories超引力理论
tech.super-conducting gravity gradiometer超导重力梯度仪
tech.superposition gravity anomaly迭重力异常
tech.survey task of gravity重力测量任务
tech.swinging gravity fender重力摆动缓冲板
tech.take-up by gravity重力张紧 (装置)
avia.target, gravity目标、重力
tech.test for specific gravity of slip泥浆比重测定
avia.the acceleration of gravity重力加速度
tech.the effect on gravity field影响重力场因素
avia.the force of gravity重力
tech.theoretic gravity formula理论重力公式
geol.thermal gravity gas chromatograph-mass spectrum热重力分析气相色谱质谱联用
tech.third-grade gravity base station for exploration geophysics物探重力三级基点
nautic., tech.transverse center of gravity重心横向坐标
tech.two-dimensional gravity graticule二度重力量板
tech.ultra-gravity wave短周期重力波
tech.ultra-gravity wave超重力波
tech.upward continuation of gravity anomalies重力异常向上延拓
tech.valveless gravity filter无阀重力滤池
tech.variations of gravity重力变化
gen.velocity-gravity速度-重力〔计〕 (meter)
avia.velocity, gravity, height速度、重力、高度
tech.vertical center of gravity垂直重心
shipb.vertical center of gravity重心垂向位置
nautic., tech.vertical center of gravity重心垂向坐标
gen.vertical centre of gravity垂直重心
tech.vertical gravity take-up垂直重锤拉紧装置
gen.vertical line through centre of gravity重心垂残
avia.virtual gravity假重力
tech.viscosity-gravity chart黏度比重图
busin.viscosity-gravity constant黏度比重常数
gen.viscosity-gravity constant粘度比重常数
tech.viscosity-gravity number黏度重力数
tech.water circulation gravity system重力循环系统
tech.water gravity selection水选
tech.wet-gravity concentration method湿式重选方法
tech.Worden gravity meter沃登重力仪
tech.world-wide gravity base station network全球重力基本点网
avia.zero fuel center of gravity〔客〕零燃油时的重心
avia.zero fuel center of gravity无燃油重心
avia.zero fuel weight center of gravity零油重量重心
sport., med.zero gravity失重状态
avia.zero gravity无重力
avia.zero gravity零重心
tech.zero-gravity condition失重状态
tech.zero-gravity effect失重效应
tech.zero-gravity environment失重环境
ecol.Zero Gravity Environment失重环境
tech.zero-gravity facility失重装置
avia.zero gravity facility失重设施
tech.zero-gravity period失重阶段
tech.zero-gravity switch无引力开关
tech.zero-gravity test失重试验
tech.zero-gravity time失重时间
tech.zero-gravity tower失重试验塔
tech.zone of zero gravity无重力区
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