
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing grade | all forms | exact matches only
A grade carbon steel甲类碳素钢
alloy grade niobium合金级铌 (Nb + Ta >95)
alloy steel grade合金钢钢号 【种】
amount of mixed grade混钢量
B grade carbon steel乙类碳素钢
balanced grade填挖平衡的坡度
below grade标线以下的
below grade不合格的
below grade基准标高以下的
below grade地面以下的
best coke grade tin plate高级镀锡钢板
break in grade坡度变更点
bulging sensitive steel grade鼓肚敏感钢种
carbon steel grade碳素钢钢号 【种】
cascade grade中间产物品位
cast boundary place of different grades of steel异钢种接浇处
charcoal grade优质木炭生铁
charged iron ore grade人炉铁矿品位
chemical-pure grade化学纯品位
coasting grade滑行坡度
commercial grade工业品位
commercial grade工业品级
commercial-grade ore商品级矿石
commercial-grade sinter商品级烧结矿
compensating grade折减坡度
concentrate grade精矿品位 (【技】精矿产品中所含金属量占精矿数量的百分比。它反映了精矿的质量指标。)
concentration grade富集度
concrete grade混凝土标号
continuous converting of high grade matte高品位锍连续吹炼
conventional-grade iron ore普通铁矿石
conventional-grade iron ore—般品位铁矿
conventional-grade iron ore般品位铁矿
cut-off grade品位下限
cut-off grade截止品位
cutoff grade品位下限
defect-sensitive steel grade缺陷敏感钢种
deposit of high-grade ore富矿床
deposit of low-grade ore贫矿床
descending grade降坡
descending grade下坡
descending grade下坡 (度)
desired grade要求品位
desired grade预定品位
die steel grade模具钢钢号
different grades异钢种
different grades of steel异钢种
different steel grade sequence casting without tundish change不更换中间包的异钢种连浇
difficult-to-continuously cast steel grade难连铸钢种
dissimilar grade mixing异钢种钢混合
dissimilar grades异钢种
domestic grade国产级品位
domestic grade国产品位
domestic grade国产级别
eddy-current grade comparator钢种涡流鉴别仪
eddy-current grade comparator钢种涡流比较仪
electrical grade sheet电工钢板 (【技】一种含碳很低的铁基软磁合金钢板,故也称低碳电工钢板。主要用于制作微电机、小电机、镇流器和继电器中的铁心。)
engineering grade工业品级
engineering grade工业等级
excessive grade陡坡
fake, counterfeit and low grade commodities假冒伪劣商品
fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate肥料级硫酸铵
fertilizer-grade sulfuric acid化肥级硫酸
fettling grade补炉料
finest grade of graphite最纯石墨
first grade一级
first grade头等
first-grade头等 (的)
first-grade一级 (的)
first-grade enterprise一级企业
first-grade product ratio一级品率
forging grade锻造比
fuel grade核燃料级品位
gain reputation with first-grade quality以质取胜
gap-grade concrete间隙级配混凝土
grade analysis等级分析
grade change变钢种
grade change operation【连】 变钢种操作 (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
grade change operation during continuous casting连铸变钢种操作
grade change process变钢种过程 (Therefore, it is desirable to develop a simpler and faster means of analyzing the grade change process. With this aim in mind, a simple tanks-in-series model has been developed to account for the grade change process. 因此,人们迫切需要开发一种简洁、快速的分析变钢种过程的方法。基于这一目标,现已开发出一种简易的系列槽模型用于说明变钢种过程。)
grade change process during continuous casting连铸变钢种过程
grade changing变钢种
grade comparator system钢级鉴别装置
grade demanded by customer用户需要的钢种
grade efficiency分级收尘效率
grade measure度数测量
grade name矿种名称
grade name等级名
grade of accuracy精度等级
grade of accuracy公差等级
grade of brick砖的等级
grade of concentration富集度率,比
grade of fit配合等级
grade of iron铁的牌号 (According to the types of ores used and the grade of iron manufactured, slags with different physical and chemical properties are produced. 根据所使用的矿石类型和所炼制的铁的牌号,人们造出了物理、化学性能各异的炉渣。)
grade of iron铁的等级
grade of iron ore铁矿石品位
grade of ore矿石品位
grade of roughness粗糙度等级
grade of slope斜坡度
grade separation structure立体交叉结构
grade separator plate【连】 钢种隔离板
8-grade wage system八级工资制
high grade高等级
high grade高品位
high-grade alloy steel高级合金钢
high-grade alloy structural steel高级合金结构钢
high grade antimony metal高品位金属锑
high grade argon atmosphere高纯度氩保护气氛
high-grade argon protection atmosphere高纯度氩保护气氛
high-grade bituminous coal高级烟煤
high-grade blast furnace burden高炉精料
high grade blast furnace burden高炉精料
high grade blast furnace burden优质高炉炉料
high-grade blast furnace burden优质高炉炉料
high-grade carbon steel高级碳素钢
high grade cast iron高级铸铁
high grade cast iron优质铸铁
high-grade cast iron优质铸铁
high grade cement高标号水泥
high grade cement优质水泥
high grade clay优质粘土
high grade clay高质量粘土
high-grade coal高级煤
high grade concentrate高品位精矿
high-grade concentrate高品位精矿
high grade copper matte高品位冰铜
high grade copper matte高品位铜锍
high-grade corrosion-resistant steel高级耐蚀钢
high grade deposit富矿床
high-grade drawing-quality steel优质深冲钢
high-grade ferrite stainless steel高级铁素体不锈钢
high grade fuel优质燃料
high grade fuel高级燃料
high-grade grey iron高级灰铸铁
high grade hematite高品位赤铁矿
high-grade hematite高品位赤铁矿
high grade iron ore高品位铁矿
high-grade iron ore富铁矿 (石: ① The Pilbara region of Australia has large supplies of high-grade iron ore as well as natural gas and suitable building sites, including those for ports and transport facilities. 澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区可以大量提供高品位铁矿石和天然气,同时它还具有包括建设港口和运输设施的合适场地。② If all goes according to plans, over the next twenty years Channar Mine will produce 200 million tonnes of high-grade iron ore, all of which will be shipped to China. 如果所有都按计划实施,在未来二十年恰纳矿业公司将会生产2亿 t 高品位铁矿石,并将全部运往中国。)
high grade iron ore富铁矿
high-grade iron ore高品位铁矿石
high grade low alloy scrap优质低合金废料
high grade matte高品位冰铜
high grade matte高品位锍
high grade melting scrap高质量回炉废料
high-grade melting scrap高质量回炉废钢铁
high grade nickel matte镍高锍
high grade nickel matte高镍冰铜
high grade nickel matte高品位镍锍
high-grade ore高品位矿石
high grade ore富矿石
high grade ore高品位矿石
high-grade ore富矿石
high-grade ore富矿
high grade ore leaching高品位矿石浸出
high grade ore sinter富矿烧结矿
high-grade ore sinter富矿烧结矿
high grade pellet高品位球团
high-grade pellet高品位球团
high-grade, precision and advanced sophisticated product高精尖产品
high grade product优质产品
high grade product高级产品
high-grade recirculated steel高质量回炉废钢
high-grade refractory高级耐火材料
high-grade refractory brick高级耐火砖
high-grade rolled steel优质轧材
high-grade sinter高品位烧结矿
high grade steel优质钢
high-grade steel优质钢
high grade stone优质熔剂
high grade zinc精炼锌
higher grade matte高品位锍
high-speed steel grade高速钢钢号 【种】
high-sulphur off-grade iron高硫号外铁
imported high-grade ore进口富矿
industrial grade工业品位等级
industrial-grade sulphuric acid工业级硫酸
intermixed region of unlike grades of steel异钢种混钢区
iron ore grade铁矿石品位
limiting grade of ore矿石最低工业品位
limiting grade of ore矿石边界品位 (【技】矿石中有用组分的最低工业品位。)
low-grade antimony metal低品位金属
low-grade bauxite低品位铝土矿
low-grade chromite低品位铬铁矿
low-grade concentrate低品位精矿
low-grade copper低级铜
low-grade copper低品位铜
low-grade deposit贫矿床
low-grade firebrick低级耐火砖
low-grade firebrick低等耐火砖
low-grade fluxed sinter低品位自熔性烧结矿
low-grade fuel低级燃料
low-grade gas热值煤气
low-grade gas低发热值煤气
low-grade gas低热值煤气
low-grade heat低热值热量
low-grade hematite低品位赤铁矿
low-grade material低级材料
low-grade matte低品位冰铜
low-grade matte低品位锍
low-grade metal低品位金属
low-grade ore贫矿
low-grade ore低品位矿石
low-grade run-of-mine低品位原矿
low-grade steel低级钢
lower limit of grade品位下限
mantle-grade thorium nitrate灯罩级硝酸钍
market grade商品等级
matte grade冰铜品位
matte grade锍品位
medium grade中级的
medium grade中等品位
medium grade heat中等热值热量
merchant-grade sulfuric acid商品级硫酸
mesh grade quality wire rod低碳钢线材
mesh grade quality wire rod钢筋网<用线材
metal-grade purity金属级品位纯度
metal grade uranium dioxide金属级二氧化铀
middle-grade coal中块过筛
minimum payable grade最低可获利品位
mixed grade混合形成的钢种 (【技】混合钢种:由于中间包操作的连续性,两个钢种的钢水在中间包内混合是不可避免的。这一相互混合所形成的钢种称之为混合钢种或过渡钢种。)
mixed grade异钢种
mixed grade casting异钢种多炉连浇
mixed grade region of slab板坯混钢区
mixed grades of steel异钢种
mixing between the two grades of steel两种钢水混合
mixing zone of different grades异钢种混钢区
national-grade enterprise国家级企业
natural grade自然品位
new grade【连】后一炉异钢种钢水
new grade新钢种
new steel grade新钢种
nitration grade benzol硝化级苯
off-grade alumina不合格氧化铝
off-grade alumina等外级氧化铝
off-grade ball【团】 不合格生球
off-grade burden不合格炉料
off-grade charge不合格炉料
off-grade continuously cast billet不合格连铸小方坯
off-grade heat不合格炉次
off-grade heat废品炉次
off-grade heat号外炉次
off-grade heat出格炉次
off-grade heat炼废炉次
off-grade iron号外铁
off-grade iron出格铁
off-grade iron废品铁
off-grade material不合格料
off-grade metal不合格钢
off-grade metal号外钢
off-grade metal号外金属 (钢、铁等)
off-grade pellet不合格球团
off-grade product不合格品
off-grade product等外品
off-grade rolled product等外轧材
off-grade scrap不合标准废钢铁
off-grade scrap不合标准的废钢铁
off-grade slab废板坯
off-grade sponge不合格海绵金属
off-grade sponge metal不合格的海绵金属
off-grade steel不合格钢
off-grade steel号外钢
off-grade steel plate不合格钢板 (指中、厚钢板)
off-grade steel sheet不合格钢板 (指薄钢板)
off-grade strip coil不合格带卷
off-grade zinc不合格锌
off-grade zinc等外品锌
old grade前一炉异钢种钢水 (【参】在连铸专业中有时作"前一炉(异钢种)钢水"解,)
old grade老钢种
old grade of steel being cast前一炉正在浇注的异钢种钢水 (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
ore grade矿石品位
phthalic grade naphthalene苯酐级萘
pig iron grade生铁牌号
pig iron grade生铁级别
pig iron grade生铁等级
pig iron grade生铁标号
premium-grade material高级材料
production grade工业级
production grade工业品位
production-grade green salt工业品位的四氟化铀
production-grade uranium工业品位铀
quality grade质量等级
quantity of mixed grade of steel混钢量 (【技】在多炉连浇作业中,不同牌号的上一炉钢水与下一炉钢水的混合数量即混钢量。)
raw ore grade原矿品位
reactor grade反应堆品位级
reactor-grade graphite反应堆用石墨
reactor-grade hafnium反应堆级铪
reactor grade ingot反应堆级锭料
reactor grade metal反应堆级金属
reagent grade试剂级品位
reduction grade alumina电解级氧化铝
refined grade精炼级别
refined grade精制级
rhomboidity sensitive steel grade脱方敏感的钢种
road grade道路坡度
scrap of steelmaking-grade炼钢等级废钢
scrap of steelmaking grade炼钢等级废钢
scrap of steelmaking grade炼钢用废钢
scrap of steelmaking-grade适合炼钢用废钢
segregation-sensitive grade偏析敏感钢种
segregation-sensitive steel grade偏析敏感钢种
sequence casting of different grades异钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of different grades不同钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of different grades of steel异钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of different grades with tundish change更换中间包的异钢种连浇
sequence casting of different steel grades不同钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of different steel grades异钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of grades of radically different chemistries化学成分相差大的钢种连浇
sequence casting of mixed grades of steel异钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of mixed steel grades with tundish change更换中间包的异钢种连浇
sequence casting of unlike grades异钢种多炉连浇 (How to minimize intermixed region is still a major problem for sequence casting of unlike grades. 如何将混钢区减少到最小仍然是异钢种多炉连浇的一个主要难题。)
sequence casting of unlike grades of steel不同钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting of unlike grades of steel异钢种多炉连浇
sequence casting with grade changing改变钢种的连浇
sequencing of dissimilar grades异钢种多炉连浇
sequential casting of mixed grades异钢种多炉连浇
sequential casting of mixed grades of steel不同钢种多炉连浇
sequential casting of mixed grades of steel异钢种多炉连浇
sequential continuous casting of different grades of steel不同钢种多炉连浇
sequentially casting mixed grades异钢种多炉连浇 (This paper presents some of the considerations, practices and results that are associated with sequentially casting mixed grades. 本文介绍了一些与异钢种多炉连浇相关的研究、实践和结果。)
sequentially casting mixed steel grades异钢种多炉连浇
sequentially casting mixed steel grades连浇异钢种
sinter grade烧结矿品位
slag grade炉渣品位
soda-ash grade of sodium carbonate工业纯碳酸钠
special type of high-grade pig iron特种高级生铁
spring steel grade弹簧钢钢号
stainless steel grade不锈钢钢号
steel grade钢种
steel grade钢号 (【技】钢种:钢的品种和种类。每一大钢类或钢组中,再按其基本成分和主要性能的差别进一步分为若干个钢种。每一钢种至少有一个钢号。钢号:用于表示每种钢的主要特征的符号。各国钢号表示方法繁多。我国新钢号表示方法基本分两类:对非合金钢和低合金钢,钢号以表示其屈服强度为主;对合金钢,钢号以表示其主要元素的平均成分为主。: Figure 13 shows the change of average decarburization time for each steel grade after revamping of RH facility. 图13显示了 RH 装置改造后每一钢种平均脱碳时间的变化。)
steel grade change改变钢种
steel grade change变钢种
steel grade change operation【连】变钢种操作
steel grade demanded by customer用户需要的钢种
steel grade of beam blank工字梁坯的钢种
steel grade separator plate【连】 钢种隔离板 (【技】异钢种连浇时,用于将前后两炉不同钢种的钢水隔离开,尽量缩短连铸坯混钢区长度,提高钢水收得率。: Steel grade separator plates are inserted in the mold to minimize the amount of steel mixing and reduce the cast boundary croppage. 将钢种隔离板插人结晶器,以便将混钢量减少到最低,同时减少接浇处切头量。)
steelmaking-grade direct reduced iron适合炼钢用的直接还原铁
steelmaking-grade DRI适合炼钢用的直接还原铁
steelmaking grade scrap steel炼钢等级废钢
steelmaking process for high-grade alloy steel高级合金钢冶炼法
steelmaking process for special grades特殊钢炼钢法
steel-scrap of steelmaking grade炼钢等级废钢
sticker sensitive steel grade粘结敏感钢种
structural steel grade结构钢钢号 【种】
sub-mill-grade ore难选低品位矿石
submill-grade ore难选低品位矿石
surface quality of crack sensitive steel grade裂纹敏感钢表面质量
technical grade技术等级
technical grade工业品位
technical-pure grade工业纯品位
technology for sequence casting of different grades of steel异钢种连浇技术
technology of sequence casting of different grades of steel异钢种连浇技术
temper grade平整度
temper grade measuring device平整度测量装置
top-grade coal高级煤
transistor-grade silicon晶体管级硅
transition grade过渡钢种
transition grade混合形成的钢种
transition region of different grades of steel【连】异钢种混钢区
ULC steel grade超低碳钢种
unlike grade casting异钢种多炉连浇 (Unlike grade casting may be performed by one of two methods: either a "flying" tundish change, together with a grade separator plate, or a lowered tundish practice and grade separator plate may be used. 异钢种多炉连浇可以采用以下两种方法中的一种进行:采用飞包同时使用钢种隔离板的方法,或者采用降低中间包液位和使用钢种隔离板的方法。)
unlike grade sequence casting involving tundish change更换中间包的异钢种连浇
unlike grade sequence casting with tundish change更换中间包的异钢种连浇
unlike grade sequence casting without tundish change不更换中间包的异钢种连浇
unlike grades异钢种
unlike grades of steel异钢种
up-grade cast iron高级铸铁
welding-grade argon焊接级 〔用〕氩
welding-grade argon焊接用氩
welding-grade argon焊接级氩
welding grade gas焊接级保护气体
welding-grade gas焊接级保护气体
welding-grade helium焊接用氦
welding-grade helium焊接级氩