
Terms for subject Agriculture containing grade | all forms | exact matches only
accuracy grade精确度级
age grade龄阶
chromatographic grade层析级
chromatographic grade reagent层析级试剂
chromatographic grade solvent层析级溶剂
commercial grade fertilizer商业级肥料
common grade wheat普通等级小麦
compensated grade补偿坡度
ear height grade穗位高度级
electrophoresis-grade reagent电泳级试剂
fertilizer grade肥料含量
fertilizer grade potassium chloride肥料级盐酸钾
fertilizer grade potassium sulphate肥料级硫酸钾
fertilizer-grade zinc sulphate肥料级磷酸锌
finest grade上等
finest grade优等
flour grade面粉等级
genetic grade遗传阶梯
grade breeding级进育种法逐步改良品种
grade distribution等级分布
grade division分度
grade green绿度
grade hybrid级进杂种
grade-line of canal渠道纵剖面
grade-line of canal渠道纵坡
grade-line of tile drain排水暗管瓦管纵坡
grade machine分选机
grade machine选果机
grade machine分级机
grade of fertilizer肥料品级
grade of locality地位级
grade of polishing精白度
grade of productivity肥沃度
grade of rice kernel米粒等级
grade point坡度点
grade rod水准尺
height grade高级
height grade高度
high-grade compound fertilizers优级化肥
high-grade compound fertilizers优质复合肥
high-grade registry优级登记蚕,畜
high-grade rice优质米
high-grade rice上等米
high-grade seed-potato优质种薯
high-grade seed-potato高级种薯
high-grade superphosphate lime优级过磷酸钙{农化}
inspection grade检验等级
loose grade banana粉红香蕉
low grade下等的
low grade劣等的
low-grade phosphate rock低品位磷矿
low grade sugar低级糖
luxury grade rice高档米
market grade fertilizer商业级肥料
merchant grade fertilizer商业级肥料
middle-grade rice中级米
middle-grade rice中等米
minus grade下[降]坡
official standard grades正式标准分级
outlet for first-grade corn头级谷物口脱粒机
pearling grade出米率
percent of grade坡度百分比
pharmaceutical grade protein药物级蛋白质
quality grade品质等级
rice grade of maturity稻成熟度
second grade二级品
second grade二等
second grade rice二等米
second-grade seed quality二级种子质量
self-cleaning grade自净梯度
sound on-grade健全无疵的
standard grade标准等级
synthesis-grade reagent合成级试剂
tapering grade尖削度
technical grade原药
technical grade工业品
therapeutic grade protein治疗级蛋白质
thinning grade疏伐[分]级
tobacco grades烟草等级
tree grades立木等级