
Terms for subject Business containing grade | all forms | exact matches only
A grade货物甲级 (Grade A)
auditors grade 3三级审计员
auditors grade 2二级审计员
auditors grade 1一级审计员
B grade二级品
B gradeB级
B grade二等
B grade二级
B grade乙级
B grade乙等
basic grade of goods货物基本等级
basis grade基本品级
below grade proof等外
below grade不合格 (proof)
c grade第三等
c grade丙级
coefficient of variation of price of different grades不同品级的价格变差系数
coefficient of variation of prices of different grades不同等级价格差异率
commercial grade商业品位
commercial grade商品品级等级
cut-off grade边际品位
deliverable grade交付品级
down grade降低工资
down grade降级减薪
eight-grade wage scale八级工资标准
first grade甲级
first grade头等
first grade一级
first grade cargo一级品
first grade goods一级品
first grade goods高级商品
first grade product一级品
first grade product rate一级品率
first grade year上半年
Government Rubber Grade政府标准橡胶等级
grade A最佳级
grade A一级
grade AA二等
grade AAA三等
grade by quality按质量分等级
grade by size按大小分等级
grade by weight按重量分级
grade commodities and fix price accordingly按级论价
grade-description system质量分等法
grade description system分类法
grade differential等级级差
grade estimation等级估定
grade label等级标签
grade labeling〈美〉标签上注明商品等级
grade mark商品品级标记
Grade Marked木材等级已标号
grade method等级法
grade method分级法
grade of concentration集中程度
grade of finish成品等级
grade of goods货物等级
grade of precision精度等级
grade of service维修等级
grade of services服务质量
grade of services服务等级
grade-point average平均积分点
grade separation品级等级分类
high grade一流的
high grade高等
high grade高级
high grade高档的
high grade高级的
high grade高品质的
high-grade consumer goods高档消费品
high-grade goods高档货
high-grade product优质产品
high-grade stock高级股票
high grade stock高级股票
income grade收入等级
inferior grade低等级
intermediate grade中级
intermediate grade中等等级中级
investment grade投资等级
investment grade securities投资级证券
job grade作业分级
labor grade劳力等级
lesser grade stocks小股份
low-grade bond低级债券
low grade goods低档货
low-grade goods低品质货物
low grade ore低品位矿
low grade stock低级股票
main grade主要等级
main grade头等
management control grade管理控制级
medium grade中等品级
merit grade质量等级
metal grade金属等级
metallurgical grade冶炼品位
metallurgical grade冶炼级
middling grade中级货
middling grade中级品
minimum time-in-grade requirement级内最短服务期条件
modal age grade scores众数年龄级别比数
multi-grade salary structure多级薪水结构
off-grade -products等外品商品
optimum grade最优对策
pharmaceutical grade药物级
price raising by grade按级提价
production grade工业生产品位
production grade产品等级
proportion of each grade货物每级的比例
purchase by grade分级收购
second grade for domes tic consumption中等内销品
selling by grade分级出售
separate grade crossing立交桥
service grade业务级别
skills acquisition and up-grade技术引进与改进
spectroscopic grade分光镜品级
top grade一级品质
top grade最高品级
top grade顶级
top grade goods一级品
top grade product rate一级品率
up to grade达到标准