
Terms for subject Technology containing grade | all forms | exact matches only
acceleration grade加速坡
accumulated average grade of ore累计矿石平均品位
active highway grade crossing protection主动式平交道口防护
admissible minimum of average grade最低可采平均品位
alloy grade niobium合金级铌
analytic reagent grade分析试剂级
analytic reagent grade分析纯
anomaly grade异常级别
appearance grade外观等级
arithmetic average grade算术平均品位
ascon grade单沟型
assay grade分析品级
assisting grade平地调车场的辅助坡度
automatic grade control system级配自动控制系统
auxiliary grade辅助坡 (度)
average down grade of hump驼峰平均下坡度
average grade平均坡度
average grade of mineral deposit矿床平均品位
average grade of ore平均品位
average grade of ore block块段平均品位
average grade of ore deposit矿床平均品位
average grade of orebody矿体平均品位
average pressure grade line平均压力梯度线
balanced grade平衡比降
balanced grade平衡坡度
balanced grade均衡坡度
basic grade基本级别
blue-top grade旧路改建前的纵断面 (美国)
bottom grade河底比降
bottom grade河底坡度
break grade改变比降
break in grade变坡点
break-even cut-off ore grade无亏损品位下限
break-even cut-off ore grade无亏损最低品位
break-even economic grade of mineral commodity矿产经济临界品位
break-even point of composite economic grade综合经济临界品位
break-even point of economic grade by mineral伴生矿经济临界品位
casing grades套管钢级
casing steel grade coefficient套管钢级系数
cement grade水泥等级
centre line grade elevation中线红色标高
chalk grade titanium dioxide抗粉化型二氧化钛
channel grade渠道比降
classification grade分类等级
classification map showing grades of prospective mineralization area成矿远景区级别分类图
classificatory grade of mineral deposit-hydrogeology矿床水文地质分类等级
cleavage grade解理等级
cloverleaf grade separation苜蓿叶式立体交叉
cloverleaf grade separation蝶形立交
cloverleaf grade separation苜蓿叶形互通式交叉
coating grade clay涂布级瓷土
cold bend grade冷弯度
cold bending grade冷弯度
common grade普通等级
compensation grade补整坡度
compensation of grades纵坡折减
compensation on grade curve曲线折减
constant grade持续上升
construction insulation grade material建筑绝缘等级材料
conversion grade换算坡度
conversion grade加算坡度
correction for grade坡度校正
correction for grade坡度改正
correction for grade倾斜改正
counter-grade siding避难线【铁】
counter-grade siding反坡岔线
coupler compressing grade压钩坡【铁】
critical length of grade临界坡 (度)
custom grade常规级
custom grade定制等级
custom grade正品
cut grade design割线设计
cut to grade挖到设计标高
cut-down to grade挖到设计标高
cut-off grade边界品位
cut-off grade边际品位 (矿业)
cut-off to grade切到基准线
cut-off to grade切至基准线
cutting below grade地面以下的采掘
cutting below grade地面以下的开采
defining coal-forming prospect grade圈定成煤远景分级
defining minerogenetic prospect grade圈定成矿远景分级
defining oil-gas accumulation prospect grade圈定含油气远景分级
dislocation velocity grade of active fault活断层错动速率分级
double heading grade双机坡度【铁】
double spur grade人字坡
downhill grade下斜坡
downhill grade下坡坡度
draw-out track at grade坡度牵出线【铁】
drug grade制剂
economics of grade separation立交的经济性
economy grade经济级
economy grade低级
economy grade次级
economy grade便宜级
economy grade廉价级
economy of helper grades辅助坡度的经济性
electronic grade电子级
electronic grade controller电子坡度控制器
elimination of grade crossings消除平交道口
eluate grade洗出液浓度
energy grade line能量梯度线
engineering geologic exploration of grade separation立交桥工程地质勘察
engineering geological exploration of grade separation立交桥工程地质勘察
erratic high-grade特高品位
excavated profile grade开挖纵坡
expanded concrete insulation grade slab多孔混凝土绝热板材
expanded concrete insulation grade slab膨胀混凝土绝热板材
expanding grade胀管度
feasibility of momentum grades的可彳
fiber-grade monomer化纤单体
filler-grade talc填料级滑石
final grade最终坡度
final grade line最后采用的坡度线
finest grade of graphite最纯的石墨
flat approaching grade平坡道口
flat board to the tool grade工具等级型平板
flat grade平缓比降
flat grade平缓坡道
floating grade滑行坡度
floating grade溜行坡度
forecasting grade预行分级
frictional restraint of grade路基摩擦的约束性
fully automated grade crossing全自动平交道口
fully automatic grade crossing全自动平交道口
geomorphic grade地貌等级
geomorphical grade地貌等级
geotectonic grade大地构造级另
geothermal grade地温强度
grade ability爬坡能力
grade adjustment坡度调整
grade bar定幅筘 (在玻璃纤维分条整经机上)
grade bar测坡杆
grade calculation坡度计算
grade 4 chain四极锚链
grade classification等级分类
grade climbing capacity爬坡能力
grade compensation纵坡折减
grade compensation for curve曲线折减坡度
grade correction坡度改正
grade correction坡度校正
grade correction倾斜改正
grade correction倾斜修正
grade course纵坡层
grade course找平层
grade course坡度层
grade course防潮层
grade diagram of line线路坡度图
grade distribution粒径分配
grade division分度尺
grade easement坡度改进
grade easement坡度缓和
grade elimination坡度减缓
grade elimination立交
grade elimination高梁桥
grade evaluation质量评定
grade evaluation质量评价
grade five discontinuity五级结构面
grade five texture body五级结构体
grade floor有坡度的楼面
grade grid分度网格
grade grid经纬线网
grade ground level地面高程
grade indicator坡度标
grade labeling按质分等级
grade labelling按质分等级
grade labelling商品质量的标签说明
grade length limitation坡长限制
grade location坡度设计
grade location路基设计
grade man推土机手
grade material级配物料
grade meridian measurement子午线弧度测量
grade of prospecting of natural building material天然建材勘察级别
grade post坡度标 (桩)
grade protection layer护坡层
grade protection layer基面保护层
grade rate坡度率
grade rectification坡道化直
grade rectification坡度校正
grade scale粒级标度
grade scale颗粒分级标准
grade scale土粒大小尺度
grade scale粒度分级标准
grade scale粒级 (标准)
grade scale of coal quality煤质主要指标的分级标准
grade slab地基板
grade slab斜坡板块
grade specific gravity +- 0.1 rate分选比重正负0.1 率
grade stabilization纵坡稳定
grade stabilization边坡加固
grade stabilization structure固床建筑物
grade-staff领工员 (俚语)
grade stake护桩
grade stake填挖标
grade stake坡度
grade stake纵坡标桩
grade stake道路坡度桩
grade stake填挖方高程标准桩
grade stress等级应力
grade tariff多级税率
grade two chain二级锚链
grade two texture body二级结构体
grade two-discontinuity二级结构面
grade width地基宽度
grade width路基宽度
grade wire坡度控制线
grease grades润滑油稠度等级
heat insulation-grade material隔热材料
helper grade双机坡度【铁】
helper grade推送坡度
helper grade推挽坡度
helper grade多机坡度补机坡度
helper grade平地调车场的辅助坡度
high grade咼级的
high grade咼精尖
high grade优等 (的)
high grade高质量 (的)
high grade高品位 (的)
high grade高坡
high grade优质
high grade alloy高级合金
high grade alloy steel高级合金钢
high grade alloy structure steel高级合金结构 (钢)
high grade carbon steel高级碳素钢
high grade cargo高级货物
high grade cast iron pipe高级铸铁管
high grade cataclasis way高级碎裂作用方式
high grade cement高级水泥
high grade cement mortar高强度等级水泥砂浆
high grade clay高级黏土
high grade coating超级镀膜
high grade concrete高强度混凝土
high grade consumer goods高级消费品
high grade corporate bonds高级公司债券
high grade dyestuff高级染料
high grade dynamite高级炸药
high grade electrode高级焊条
high grade energy
high grade energy welding高能焊
high grade finish高级整理
high grade hotel高级旅馆
high grade insulating materials高级绝缘材料
high grade melting scrap高品位废金属
high grade metamorphic bituminous高变质烟煤
high grade metamorphosed高变质
high grade mill高品位矿石选矿厂
high grade mineral高品位矿物
high grade of transparency高透明度
high grade ore富矿 (石)
high grade paper高级纸 (张)
high grade pressure gage高精度压力计
high grade pressure gauge高精度压力计
high grade processed goods高级加工产品
high grade product高品位产量
high grade reinforcement steel高强钢筋
high grade residence高级住宅
high grade structural steel高强结构钢
high grade timber优质木材
high grade timber board优质木板
high grade time relay高级时间继电器
high grade white interference color高级白干涉色
high grade white interference colour高级白干涉色
high-quality grade优质
hydraulic-grade line水力坡度线
impact modified grade冲击性改进级
inertia grade动力坡度
inertia grade惯性坡度
inertia grade惰性坡度
inertial grade惯性坡度
intermediate grade中间等级 (的)
intermediate grade中等坡度
intermediate grade中间坡 (度)
intermediate grade billet中级钢杆
intermediate grade span中等跨度
intermediate grade steel中级钢
invert grade管道内底坡度
keel grade龙骨坡度
keel grade龙骨斜度
knife grade刮刀稠度
labor grade劳动等级
laboratory-grade water实验室级用水
laser grade control激光坡度控制
length of grade section坡段长度
length of maximum grade最大坡道之长度
levee grade堤顶高
levee grade坡度
levee grade堤顶高程
light grade小坡度
limit grade极限坡度
lithopone grade锌钡白级
locating grade定线坡度
low-grade material低品位原料
maintain at grade保持坡度
masonry wall below grade地下砖石墙
masonry wall below grade地下基础墙
masonry walls below grade基础墙
masonry walls below grade地下砖石墙
material quality grade材料质量等级
maximum economic ascending grade最大经济升坡
maximum economic plus grade最大经济升坡
maximum economical ascending grade最大经济升坡
maximum economical plus grade最大经济升坡
maximum grade最陡坡度
maximum longitudinal grade最大纵坡 (度)
mean grade平均比降
mean pressure grade line平均压力梯度线
merit grade质量水准
metal connecting fitting of high grade furniture高档家具五金连接件
moisture-resistant grade防潮等级
momentum grade动量梯度
momentum grade动量坡度
momentum grade动力坡道
momentum grade冲力坡度
momentum grade动力坡度
momentum grade动能坡度
multiple grade cooler多篦床冷却器
national first grade gravity base station国家一等重力点
natural grade自然坡度
natural grade天然地平
natural grade自然地平
natural grade自然高程
natural grade原始地表的自然标高
natural grade line天然地平线
nitration grade benzene硝化级苯
nitration grade products硝化用产品
nitration grade toluene硝化级甲苯
nitration grade xylene硝化级二甲苯
nominal pressure grade公称压力等级
ordinary grade普通等级
overpass grade separation上跨铁路立体交叉
paint grade宜涂漆木制品
paint-grade talc涂料级滑石
paint grade titanium dioxide涂料用二氧化钛
paint grade titanium dioxide涂料用钛白
paperboard grade纸板用 (stock)
parabolic grade抛物线形坡度
parabolical grade抛物线形坡度
partial grade separation不完全立体交叉
pavement grade路面坡度
pencil-grade talc铅笔级滑石
penetration-grade asphalt膏体石油沥青
penetration-grade asphalt黏稠沥青
penetration-grade bitumen黏稠沥青 (英国)
penetration-grade bitumen膏体石油沥青
plastic-grade talc塑料级滑石
plasticity grade of soil土的可塑性分级
plus grade升坡
plus grade上坡
plus grade上升坡度
poor grade劣级配
premium grade一级
premium grade优等
premium grade高级
proposed grade拟用坡度
proposed grade推荐坡度
proposed grade建议坡度
protection circuit for heavy down grade approaching下坡道防护电路
protection grade保护等级
protection grade防护等级
purity grade纯度级别
pushed grade term of reserves推荐的储量分级术语
pusher grade加力牵引坡度
pusher grade推挽坡度
pusher grade多机坡度
pusher grade补机坡度
pusher grade辅助坡 (度)
pusher grade推送坡度
pusher grade平地调车场的辅助坡度
Q-grade gasoline正规汽油
railroad grade crossing铁路和道路的平面交叉
railway grade crossing铁路与轨道平交道口
railway grade crossing铁路道口
railway grade crossing铁路公路水平交叉
railway grade crossing铁路与公路交叉道口
rate of grade坡度变化率
rate of grade斜率
rate of ruling grade限坡坡率
reactor-grade graphite适合反应堆用的石墨
rectifying coefficient of ore grade矿石品位校正系数
reducing grade减少坡度
reducing grade折减坡度
relation between seismic grade and seismic degree地震烈度和地震震级关系
reverse grade反向坡度
river at grade均衡河流
roller grade平地机
roller grade路辗
roller grade压路机
ruling grade最大容许坡度
sampled grade试样品位
sea-grass insulation grade strip海草绝缘等级带
section of easy grade缓坡地段
section of gentle grade缓坡地段
section of insufficient grade非紧坡地段【铁】
section of sufficient grade紧坡地段【铁】
section of unsufficient grade非紧坡地段【铁】
self-cleaning grade自净坡度
self-purification grade自净坡度
separate grade分离式立体交叉
separate grade crossing立体交叉道
separate grade crossing立体交叉路 (口)
separate grade crossing分离式立 (叉)
set line-and-grade stakes设置平面与坡度桩
ship's grade船舶等级
side grade侧面坡度
single grade wire单品位钢丝
single grade wire单级别钢丝
single pre-erected grade wire单根预架设坡度线
site grade map建筑用地地形图
site grade map建筑基地标高图
size grade粒径等级
slab-on-grade construction斜坡楼板结构
slab-on-grade construction斜坡地板结构
slab-on-grade construction架空平板结构
slab-on-grade floor架空无梁楼板
speed on grade上坡速度
speed on grade坡度上车速
square grade平方度
stabilized grade不冲不淤比降
stabilized grade稳定纵波
standard grade标准坡度
steel grade钢的等级牌号
steel grade and type钢号及钢种
steel grade character钢级代号
steep grade陡坡度
steep grade tunneling陡坡隧洞掘进
steep grade tunneling陡峭隧洞掘进 (法)
steep grade tunnelling陡坡隧洞掘进
steep grade tunnelling陡峭隧洞掘进 (法)
stress grade应力等级
stress grade of lumber木材应力等级
stress grade of timber耐压木材
stud grade立柱等级
stud grade立筋等级
sustained steep grade持续陡坡
swelling and shrinkage grade of swelling soil膨胀土的胀缩性分级
swelling grade of foundation soil地基土的胀缩等级
synthetic lacquer-grade resin合成亮级树脂
synthetic lacquer-grade resin合成蜡克树脂
T-grade separationT 形立体交叉
T-grade separation丁字形立交
T-grade separationT型立体交叉
technical grade工业品等级
technical workers with specific grades一定级别的技术工人
technical-pure grade工业纯品
tectonic grade构造等级
tectonic grade构造级别
ten degree grade xylene十度级二甲苯
the fifth grade of minerogenetic prospect五级成矿远景区
the fifth grade pf coal-forming prospect五级成煤远景区
the first grade of minerogenetic prospect一级成矿远景区
the first grade of oil-gas prospect一级油气远景区
the first grade pf coal-forming prospect一级成煤远景区
the fourth grade of minerogenetic prospect四级成矿远景区
the third grade of minerogenetic prospect三级成矿远景区
third-grade gravity base station for exploration geophysics物探重力三级基点
third grade structure三级构造
top grade高级
top-grade concentrate上等精矿
top grade variety高级品种
top-grade wood carving tool高级木雕刻刀
topographic relief grade地形起伏程度
transfer of line and grade轴线和倾斜度校正
transitional grade缓和坡段 (zone)
two-grades accountability system两级责任制度
Tyler standard grade scale泰勒粒级标准
uphill grade向上坡度
variable grade channel变坡渠
variable-grade spring变量泉
variation chart in grade品位变化曲线图
variation coefficient of grade品位变化系数
variation of ore grade矿石品位变化
visual estimated grade目测品位
volatile grade挥发
water grade水力坡度
water quality grade水质等级
water yield property grade of aquifer含水层富水性等级
water-white high-grade burning oil水白色高级燃料油
weighted average grade加权平均品位
welding grade argon焊接级用氩
welding grade shield gas焊接级保护气体
winter-grade gasoline冬季级汽油
wire grade钢丝号
Y-grade separationY形立体交叉
zero grade line施工基准线
zero grade line路基的不填不挖线
zero grade line零点高程线
zero grade line零点标高线
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