
Terms containing governing | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a governing board董事会
econ.a governing board理事会
econ.a governing body理事机构
China, polit.a policy governing the price floors for the purchase of grain粮食最低收购价政策
securit.Administrative Measures Governing Stock Collateral Loans for Securities Firms证券公司股票质押贷款管理办法
securit.Administrative Regulations Governing the Information System Technology of the Sales Department of Securities Operating Institutions证券经营机构营业部系统技术管理规范
econ.All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner支配商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定
securit.Amended and Restated Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters上市事宜谅解备忘录修订
China, polit.Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes附件 2:关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解
el.astatic governing无定向控制[调节]
tech.astatic governing无定向调节
el.automatic governing自动控制
el.mach.automatic governing自动调速
wind.automatic governing自动调节
shipb.automatic governing test of voltage and frequency for main generator主发电机电压和频率自动调节试验
el.automatical governing自动调节
el.automatical governing自动控制
el.mach.autonomous governing自主调节
el.mach.autonomous governing自治调节
tech.basic law and governing formula of seepage渗流基本定律与公式
China, polit.basic laws governing criminal offences, civil affairs, the State organs and other matters有关刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律
China, polit.basic rules governing the market economy市场经济的基本法则
tech.blast governing鼓风调节
China, polit.build the Party's capacity to govern加强党的执政能力建设
oilby-pass governing旁通控制
el.bypass governing旁通调节[控制]
met.bypass governing旁通调节
met.bypass governing旁通控制
tech.by-pass governing旁通调节
compr.capacity sliding governing device气量滑阀调节装置
tech.combined governing综合调节
el.combined governing characteristic综合自动控制调节特性
UN, polit.Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories非自治领土情报委员会
sport.Competitors must wear the national or club uniform clothing approved by their National Governing Body运动员应穿着由其国家主管部门正式批准的国家或俱乐部统一的比赛服装 (注clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,通常不用复数)
China, polit.consolidate the Party's position as the governing party巩固党的执政地位
tech.cut-off governing停气调节
tech.cut-out governing喷嘴调节
org.name.Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat对外关系司和理事会秘书处
org.name.Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat对外关系司和管理理事会秘书处
tech.electric governing system电力调速系统
el.mach.electrical governing system电调速系统
tech.electrical governing system电力调速系统
el.electro-hydraulic speed governing system电液调速系统
spaceemergency governing device应急控制装置
securit.enforcing the rules and laws governing securities markets执行证券市场的法规
China, polit.enhance the Party's governing capability加强党的执政能力建设
China, polit.enhance the Party's governing capacity加强党的执政能力建设
tech.equation governing the motion运动方程
fin.full European Union Governing Treaty欧盟全面治理条约
tech.General Procedures Governing the Operations of the Fund of United Nations Environment联合国环境计划基金作业总则
tech.General Procedures Governing the Operations of the Fund of United Nations Environmental Program联合国环境方案基金作业总贝
tech.General Procedures Governing the Operations of the Fund of United Nations Environmental Programme联合国环境方案基金作业总贝
el.generator governing characteristic发电机调节特性
econ.govern a country管理国家
China, lawgovern environmental protection环境保护管理
China, polit.govern for the people and with their support坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政
China, lawgovern land administration土地管理
China, lawgovern neighboring relations处理相邻关系
China, lawgovern the contract of employment调整劳务合同
China, polit.govern the country according to law依法治国
tech.governing air signal pressure调速器空气信号压力
tech.governing aspect关键 (问题)
el.governing automation可控自动化
el.governing automation可调自动化
manag.governing board董事会
manag.governing board理事会
corp.gov.Governing Bodies领导机构
org.name.Governing Bodies管理机构
org.name.Governing Bodies and Government Support Group领导机构及政府支持组
manag.governing body管辖机构
textilegoverning body董事会
textilegoverning body管理机构
textilegoverning body统制机构
textilegoverning body执行委员会
exhib.governing body主管团体
corp.gov.governing body领导机构
manag.governing body决策机构
org.name.Governing Body理事会
manag.governing body理事机构
securit.governing body主管机构
tech.governing box调速箱
tech.governing characteristic调节特性
refrig.governing characteristics调节特性曲线
refrig.governing characteristics调节特性
lawgoverning clause约束性条款
busin.governing clause控制条款
securit.governing committee管理委员会
bridg.constr.governing condition控制条件
org.name.Governing Council管理委员会
textilegoverning council董事会
UNGoverning Council理事会
UNGoverning Council for Environment Programmes环境方案理事会
environ.Governing Council for Environmental Program联合国环境规划管理委员会
econ.governing council of a program规划理事会
earth.sc.Governing Council of Environment Programmes环境计划执行委员会联合国
tech.Governing Council of the United Nations Environment program联合国环境规划管理理事会
tech.Governing Council of the United Nations Environment programme联合国环境规划管理理事会
UNGoverning Council of the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP GC联合国环境规划署理事会
earth.sc.Governing Council of United Nations Environment Programme联合国环境规划管理理事会
tech.governing criterion规定标准
commer.governing currencies主导货币
busin.governing currencies主要货币指在国际金融市场起主导作用的货币,如美元等
tech.governing device调节设备
el.governing device控制装置
el.governing device操纵装置
tech.governing device调节装置
nautic., tech.governing device test调车机构试验
math.governing differential equation支配微分方程
tech.governing differential equation of groundwater movement地下水运动基本微分方程
el.governing effect of load负荷控制效果
hydroel.st.governing equation基本方程
el.governing equation主导控制方程
tech.governing equation基本控制方程
hydroel.st.governing equation控制方程
tech.governing equation基本方程 (式)
gen.governing equation基本〔控制〕方程
avia.governing equations控制方程
tech.governing error支配误差
tech.governing error控制误差
tech.governing error调节误差
el.governing error主导误差
tech.governing error主要误差
econ.governing factor决定性因素
tech.governing factor关键因素
hydroel.st.governing factor决定因素
hydroel.st.governing factor控制因素
construct.governing factor控制〔决定,支配〕因素
tech.governing factor支配因素
gen.governing group统治集团
el.governing impeller可调叶轮
proj.manag.governing language主导语言
proj.manag.governing law管辖的法律
lawgoverning law管辖法
commer.governing law适用的法律
commer.governing law依据的法律
textilegoverning law依据法律
econ., int. law.governing law法律
oilgoverning law适用法律
econ., int. law.governing law管理法
busin.governing law管辖法律
tech.governing laws适用的法律
tech.governing laws依据的法律
tech.governing loop调节回路
tech.governing loop调节环节
tech.governing loop调速环节
expl.governing mechanism控制机理
tech.governing mechanism调节机构
el.governing oil piping调速油管
el.governing oil pressure调速油压
wind.governing parameter控制参数
nautic., tech.governing performance test调速性能试验
manag.governing plan掌管计划
manag.governing plan管理计划
hydroel.st.governing point控制点
auto.governing pressure喷油泵调节控制压力
hydroel.st.governing principle指导原则
lawgoverning principle指导方针
manag.governing principles管理原则
manag.governing principles指导原则
el.governing ratio调节率
tech.governing response调节响应
tech.governing rock characteristics岩石基本性态
tech.governing screw调节螺钉
met.governing screw调整螺丝
nautic., tech.governing screw调节螺丝
auto.governing sleeve电子控制悬架调节滑套
el.mach.governing speed调节速度
el.mach.governing speed band速度调节范围
auto.governing spring喷油泵调节控制弹簧
tech.governing stage调节级
oilgoverning stress主控应力
oilgoverning stress支配应力
tech.governing system调节系统
el.governing system dynamic performance test调速系统动态特性试验
el.governing system pre-operation test运行前调速系统静止试验
el.governing system static performance test调速系统静态特性试验
nautic., tech.governing test调速试验
nautic., tech.governing performance test调速性能试验
construct.governing time调速〔调整〕时间
hydroel.st.governing time调速时间
hydroel.st.governing time调整时间
tech.governing time调整时期
tech.governing torch气刨枪
el.mach.governing unit调节机构
hydroel.st.governing valve调节阀
shipb.governing valve调速阀
el.governing valve控制阀
el.governing valve调速汽门
gen.governing valve调节〔调速〕阀
busin.governing with two sliding valve双滑阀调节
tech.group nozzle governing分组喷嘴调节
tech.hand governing人工调节
China, polit.have a good understanding of the objective laws governing reform, opening up and socialist modernization准确把握改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的客观规律
commun., railw.humping governing驼峰溜放调速
el.hydraulic governing液压控制
wind.hydraulic governing液压调节
tech.hydraulic governing水力调节
el.hydraulical governing液压控制
el.hydraulical governing液压调节
libr.IFLA Governing Board国际图联管理委员会
shipb.ignition governing点火调节
China, lawin violation of the regulation governing control of guns违反枪支管理规定
auto.injection-pump governing喷油泵调节正时
el.integral governing积分调节
el.integral governing积分控制
tech.integral governing积分调整
auto.isochronous governing无差调节
busin.law governing accumulation积累规律
busin.law governing currency circulation货币流通规律
China, lawlaw governing taxation税收法律
busin.law governing the business cycle经济周期规律
busin.law governing the development of productivity生产力发展规律
busin.law governing the downward trend of average profit rate平均利润率趋向下降规律
busin.law governing the economic cycle经济周期规律
busin.law governing the value价值规律
China, lawlaws and regulation governing energy conservation节能法律、法规
busin.laws governing population人口规律
tech.laws governing special economy特有经济规律
busin.laws governing the price价格规律
securit.laws governing the securities and futures markets调整证券和期货市场的法规
busin.laws governing time saving时间节约规律
el.load governing负荷控制
el.load governing负荷调节
China, polit.local regulations governing especially important matters of an administrative area规定本行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规
UNMOCB Treaty = Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约 (1983年国务院公报第25号)
gymn.National Governing Body美国体操全国管理局
sport.National Governing Body美国体操 全国管理局
tech.non-linear governing equation非线性控制方程
UN, polit.non-self-governing territory非自治领土
China, polit.norms governing international relations国际关系准则
tech.nozzle control governing喷管调节
tech.nozzle control governing喷嘴节流调速
tech.nozzle cut-out governing喷嘴阀开闭调速
tech.nozzle cut-out governing喷管调节
tech.nozzle governing喷嘴调节
tech.nozzle-control governing喷嘴节流调速
bridge.odds governing specified card特定牌张概率比
bridge.odds governing specified cards特定牌张的概率比
org.name.Office of Governing Bodies and Protocol理事机构和礼宾办公室
org.name.Open-ended Working Group on Measures Designed to Increase the Efficiency of Governing Bodies, including Representation有关采取措施提高包括驻国家代表处在内领导机构效率的开放性工作组
tech.overflow governing溢流量调节
tech.pilot valve governing操纵阀调节
refrig.pilot valve governing导阀调节
construct.positive governing直接调整〔控制〕
archit.positive governing强迫直接调整
tech.positive governing直接调整
tech.positive governing强迫调整
met.positive governing正调节
tech.positive governing直接控制
auto.power govern or功率调节器
footb.president of soccer's governing body国际足联主席 (FIFA)
tech.pressure governing压力调节
China, lawpromote governing the country according to law推进依法治国
China, lawprovision governing road passage道路通行规定
interntl.trade.provisional regulations governing the inspection testing检验暂行条例
securit.Provisional Regulations Governing the Issue & Trading of Shares股票发行及交易管理暂行条例
bridg.constr.provisions governing flange local buckling控制翼缘屈曲的条款
auto.qualitative governing燃油供油变质调#
tech.qualitative governing变质调节
tech.quantitative governing变量调节
China, lawquota system governing限额管理
tech.ratio governing改变成分的调节
oilratio governing组分比调节
tech.ratio governing质量调节
auto.regulation governing exterior noise关于控制车外噪声的规定
econ.regulation governing the public debt公债条例
busin.regulation governing the public debt公债管理条例
securit.regulation governing the public offering上市发行规则
UN, account.Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则
China, lawregulations governing control管理规定 (of)
China, lawregulations governing control of guns枪支管理规定
tech.regulations governing foreign vessels外轮管理规则
China, lawregulations governing metrological verification计量检定规程
footb.regulations governing player's agents球员经纪人条例
fin.Regulations Governing Pre-sale Procedures for Insurance Products《保险商品销售前程序作业准则》
econ.regulations governing the organization组织条例
econ.regulations governing the public debt公债管理条例
org.name.Relationship Agreement between the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture全球作物多样性信托基金与《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定
tech.relay governing继动调节
securit.rules governing适用条例
agric.rules governing competition竞赛管理规定
railw.rules governing organization of train operation铁路行车组织规则
China, lawrules governing performance of duties执勤规则
interntl.trade.rules governing the inspection of export and import commodities进出口商品检验工作细则
fin.Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》
fin.Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》 Rules of the Exchange 〈港〉《交易所规则》
securit.rules governing the official listing of securities管理证券上市的规则
earth.sc.secondary governing equation二次控制方程
tech.self-governing city自治城市
China, polit.self-governing local organizations基层自治组织
China, polit.self-governing local organizations in urban and rural areas城乡基层自治组织
tech.single-row governing stage单列调节级
tech.speed governing速度调节
tech.speed governing调速
auto.speed governing characteristic发动机调速特性
el.mach.speed governing device调速装置
shipb.speed governing device调速机构
el.speed governing oil pump调速油泵
railw.speed-governing servo mechanism系统
railw.speed-governing servo mechanism调速伺服机构
railw.speed-governing servomechanism调速伺服机构
railw.speed-governing servomechanism调速伺服系统
el.speed-governing system调速系统
compr.speed governing system调速系统
agric., tech.speed governing system of electric drive电力驱动调速系统
auto.speed-droop governing有差调节
China, lawsystem governing lawyers律师制度
commer.The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect新出口贸易规定已经生效
China, polit.the principle of building the party for the public interest and governing for the people, run the country for the people, exercise political power in the interest of the people立党为公、执政为民的理念
econ.This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖
wind.throttle governing节流调节
tech.throttle governing节流调速
oilthrottling governing节流调节
tech.throttling governing节流调节
railw.Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解
desert.UNEP Governing Council联合国环境规署管理委员会
China, polit.universally acknowledged norms governing international relations公认的国际关系准则
shoot.world governing body of shooting世界性射击管理机构