
Terms containing good quality | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.As long as the quality is good, it is all right if the price is a bit higher只要质优,价格贵些也是可以的
busin.extra good quality特优质量
tech.extra good quality超等质量
econ.good average quality上好平均品质
busin.good average quality平均优等品质
busin.good commercial quality上好可销品质
busin.good commercial quality符合商业要求的优等质量
avia.good commercial quality良好的商业质量
avia.good cutting quality良好的切削质量
tech.good merchantable quality符合销售要求的质量
commer.good merchantable quality合销质量
econ.good merchantable quality适于商销
econ.good merchantable quality合销品质 (G. M. Q.)
econ.good merchantable quality合乎商销
interntl.trade.good merchantable quality上好可销品质
interntl.trade.good merchantable quality上等可销品质
textilegood merchantable quality品质上好
econ.good merchantable quality上等可销品质 (G. M. Q.)
econ.good merchantable quality良好销售品质 (G. M. Q.)
econ.good merchantable quality上等可销售的品质
econ.good merchantable quality品质优良
econ.good merchantable quality上好可销质量
railw.good merchantable quality尚好可销品质
busin.good merchantable quality优级品
busin.good merchantable quality适销品
tech.good merchantable quality良好销售品质
tech.good merchantable quality适销质量
textilegood middling quality上中等品制
textilegood middling quality上中档品质
busin.good middling quality上中等品质
busin.good ordinary quality中高档
busin.good ordinary quality上中等品质
busin.good ordinary quality中上品质
busin.good quality优质
tech.good quality质量好
econ.good quality好的品质
securit.good quality优质股票
met.good quality and high output优质高产
busin.good quality batch一批优质品
interntl.trade.good quality bonds良质债券
busin.good quality bonds优质公司债券
busin.good quality cargo优质品
busin.good quality goods优质品
busin.good quality product优质品
met.good quality steel优质钢
tech.good quality water优质水
shipb.good steam quality蒸汽品质好
tech.good-quality undisturbed sample质量好的原状土 (样)
shipb.high speed circumvolving arc-welding with high efficiency and good quality virtues高速旋转电弧焊具有效率高和质量好的优点
securit.index for good quality stocks优质股指数
tech.not good quality质量不好
gen.of good quality优〔劣〕质的
gen.of good quality上〔劣〕等的
footwearOur products are of good quality and at a reasonable whole-sale price我们的产品质量好,而且批发价很合理
textilepressing quality is not good熨烫不良
textilepressing quality is not good熨烫质量不良
tech.sale on good merchantable quality凭适销品质买卖
agric.seed of pure and good quality纯种优质种子
textilestitching quality is no good缝制不良
econ.The quality of the tea is good and, furthermore, the price is fair茶叶质量良好,而且价格公道
econ.The refrigerators on sale are in good quality and attractive designs出售的冰箱质量优良、设计新颖
econ.They owe their reputable position both in China and in other parts of the world to the good quality of their products and the sincere way of doing business他们在中国乃至世界其他地区享有盛誉归功于他们产品质量优良和经营业务诚实
audio.el.This kind of loudspeaker can automatically eliminate stationary waves generated inside and outside the box body, has the advantage of good integral tone quality, and is used for broadcasting这种扬声器可自我消除箱体内外驻波的产生,整体音色效果好,适用于播音
tech.very good quality质量很好
textilewashing quality is not good水洗不良
econ.We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场
econ.We have specified in our letter that all materials shall be of good quality我们已在信中说明所有材料必须质地优良
securit.XX good quality优等质量