
Terms for subject Securities containing gold | all forms | exact matches only
China Gold Company中国黄金总公司
Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society of Hong Kong中国香港金银业贸易场
convertible gold note可兑换黄金券
earmarked gold存在国外的黄金
flight of gold抛售黄金
flight of gold资金流失
gold and dollar reserves黄金和美元储备
gold and foreign currency reserves黄金和外汇储备
gold and US dollar standard system黄金与美元本位制
gold bank兑换黄金的银行
gold bond金债券开采金矿的公司发行的债券
gold brick share证券假货看上去不错而实际价值低的股票
gold brick share假金砖股
gold brick speculation假金块投机
gold bug黄金迷认为黄金作为货币是最安全的储备方式
gold bug主张进行黄金投资的人
gold bug金臭虫
gold bullion金砖
gold certificate黄金凭证
gold certificate兑金券
gold currency standard金币本位制
gold delivery黄金交割
gold delivery合格交割
gold deposit黄金储存
gold fix黄金定价
gold flow mechanism黄金流动机制
gold forward rate黄金远期利率
gold future黄金期货
gold hoarding黄金囤积
gold holding持有黄金
gold indexed investment黄金指数投资
gold-linked bond黄金关联债券
gold linked investment黄金关联的投资
gold-linked investment黄金关联投资
gold-linked note黄金关联票据
gold-mining stocks金矿公司股票
gold mutual fund黄金共同基金
gold on paper纸黄金
gold options黄金期权
gold-pegged currency与黄金挂钩的货币
gold pool黄金储存库
Gold Reserve Operation Center PBC中国人民银行黄金储备运作中心央行上海分部
gold rush对黄金的抢购浪潮
gold settlement fund黄金清算准备
gold settlement fund黄金结算储备
gold shares金矿股票开采黄金的公司发行的股票
gold tranche黄金部分
gold vein财源
Shanghai Gold Exchange上海黄金交易所中国
short-term claims against U. S. gold可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券
sitting-on-a-gold-mine hypothesis坐在金矿上的假设信息披露使企业被低估的真实价值被发现
Zurich Gold Pool苏黎士黄金联营
Zurich Gold Pool苏黎士黄金总汇