
Terms for subject Textile industry containing gold | all forms | exact matches only
abolishment of obligatory payments in gold解除以黄金支付的义务
ancient gold姜黄
ancient gold古金色
antique gold古金色
ash gold金灰色
aspen gold山杨黄
burnished gold草黄色
burnished gold浅秋香色
24 carat gold fabric涂 24K 金的薄织物
cloth of gold线织物 (silver)
cloth of gold金线织物
cloth of gold tissue金地绸
clothes of gold金线织物
colour gold bracelet彩金手镯
colour gold hoop彩金耳圈
colour gold necklace彩金项链
colour gold ring彩金戒指
cream gold奶油金黄
cream gold奶油金黄色
drain of gold out of country黄金外流
gold and silver brocade金银线织锦缎 (or damask)
gold and silver embroidery金银线绣花
gold and silver embroidery金银线绣
gold and silver jewelries金银首饰
gold and silver jewelry金银首饰
gold and silver lace金银线花边
gold and silver lace金银花边
gold and silver thread金银线
gold bond金债券
gold bracelet金手镯
gold braid制服用金色饰边
gold brocade金线锦缎
gold brown黄棕色
gold brown金褐
gold brown金黄褐
gold brown金褐色
gold clause黄金保值条款
gold clause金条款
gold cloth黄金大衣呢
gold cloth金黄大衣呢
gold cloth两面呢
gold color金色
gold cover黄金储备
gold crocodile金黄鳄鱼皮
gold currency金币
gold debentures黄金债务
gold dust cotton砂金棉
gold earth金黄大地色
gold embroidery盘金刺绣
gold embroidery金线刺绣
gold exchange黄金交易[所]
gold flow黄金流动
gold flow黄金流量
gold foil printing金箔印花
gold hoarder黄金囤积者
gold in woven satin织金缎
gold inwoven satin织金缎
gold issues金矿股票
gold lace金线花边
gold lace金属线辫带
gold lace金花边
Gold Medal金奖章薄膜纤维 (聚乙烯和聚丙烯纤维)
gold necklace金项链
gold pearl earrings嵌珠金耳环
gold-plated button镀金纽扣
gold-plated fiber涂金纤维
gold powder printing金纷印花
gold price黄金价格
gold print金粉印花
gold reserve黄金储备金
gold ring金戒指
gold scare黄金恐慌
gold thread镀金线
gold thread金线
gold tissue金丝透明绸
gold tussores金丝罗缎
gold washed包金的
harvest gold橄榄黄
harvest gold芥末黄
harvest gold橄黄
harvest gold芥末黄
hoarded gold贮藏黄金
honey gold黄棕色
inca gold老黄色
international gold standard国际黄金本位
jade clothes sewn with gold thread金缕玉衣
king's gold三硫化二砷
king's gold雌黄
light gold浅金色
light gold淡金色
loss of gold黄金损失
Lyons gold thread里昂金线丝或棉芯外包镀金铜丝
Lyons gold thread里昂金线
matt gold黯金色
matt gold黯金色的
matte gold黯金色
mustard gold稻草黄
mustard gold稻草黄
old gold浅黄至浅橄榄棕色
old gold古金色
parity of gold and silver金银比价
payable in gold可付黄金
payable in gold应付黄金
pearl gold珠光金色
pearlized gold珠光金色
pearlized gold珍珠金色
printed handkerchief with gold-sliver powder finish金银粉整理印花手帕
pure gold24K 金
pure gold纯金
pure gold thread细银丝镀金线
pure gold thread细银丝外镀金线
pure gold thread真金线
red gold现金
reserve and gold assets movement储备和黄金资产的流动
resin gold teeth zipper树脂金齿拉链
spray gold powder wash喷金粉
stock of gold黄金储备
sun set gold晚霞金色
theory of gold movement金货流动论
twenty-four-carat gold fabric纯金饰花薄纱
white gold人造白金
white gold snake chain人造白金蛇形项链