
Terms for subject Economy containing go | all forms | exact matches only
A lot of unemployed workers in that country go on relief那个国家的大量失业工人靠救济金生活
Because the cases have become thoroughly damp with water, we shall not let them go forward由于这些箱子完全受潮,我们不能把这些箱子运出去
Either voluntary or compulsory adj., this company have to go into liquidation无论是自愿或是强制,此公司将停业清理
go ahead请继续
go all out用尽全力
go-and-not-~ gauge合格检验器
go bad变质
go badly to market或卖吃亏
go badly to market使存货过剩
go better出价高于
go beyond超过
go down (in price, 价)
go-down man仓库工作人员
go far大有成就
go far效力大
go flop失败
go for a sail乘船游览
go for broke利用一切资源
go fora skate去滑冰
go fut车胎破裂
go fut坏掉
go fut告吹
go fut成泡影
go fut破坏
go halves平分
go hand in hand with与…结合
go in for参加…
go in for为…努力
go into调査
go into进入
go into business从事商业
go into business从事工商业
go into detail详细说明
go into details详细说明
go into effect from...自…时开始生效
go into of feet施行
go into operation开始生效 (或运转)
go into operation施行
go into operation实施
go into operation开始工作〔运转〕
go into operation实行〔施〕
go into operation投产
go into particulars详细列出
go into the red负债
go into the red出现赤字
go long on the market买空
go negative变成负值
go off高价出售 (at high price)
go on a tour参观
go on a tour旅行
go on an embassy去〔来〕任大使
go on an embassy去做大使
go on shift上〔下〕 班
go on off shift
go on shore from ship从船上上岸
go on the hook for为…而负责 (或借钱)
go operation开始工作
go out of business停止经营
go out of business改行
go out of business停止做原来的工作
go out of business停业
go over调査审査 (账目)
go over核对
go over the ground调查情况
go public挂牌
go public上市发行股票
go round分给大家
go round足敷分配
go scat破产
go security为 M 作保 (for M)
go security出面担保
go security for为…作担保
go shares平等分摊
go shopping去商店购物
go short缺乏 (of)
go short自己不能有 (of)
go short买空
go slow怠工
go through生意成交
go through通过 (customs, 关检)
go through卖光
go through customs通过关检
go through procedures办理手续
go to遭遇
go to诉诸
go to court起诉
go to great pains费很大劲儿
go to pot衰落
go to protest遭到拒付 (或收)
go to the block被提出拍卖
go to the block拿出拍卖
go to the wall失败
go to wreck遭到毁灭
go under倒闭
go under破产
go under沉没
go under失败
have a precedent to go by有例可循
have a precedent to go by有例可援
I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告
I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告
Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up一些投资公司认为价格已降到最低限度,以后只会上升
Let me go fifty-fifty with you on the expenses让我和你两人平分开支
pay as you go付现款
pay as you go按程收费
pay as you go量入为出
pay as you go账单到期付款
pay as you go预扣所得税
pay-as-you-go plan按程收费计划
pay-as-you-go plan分期付款计划
pay-as-you-go policy讨现款政策
Please do not hesitate to let us know the matter, and we will certainly go all lengths to assist you in solving it请转告有什么问题,我们一定全力协助你方解决
stop go停止进行
stop-go policy"停走"政策 (在生产过程中交替采用刺激和抑制的政策)
stop-and-go policy"停走"政策 (在生产过程中交替采用刺激和抑制的政策)
Strikes and other accidents beyond our control caused the business to go down罢工以及其他难以控制的事故使业务滑坡
The active stock is said to go up, I am willing to hazard a try该热门股据传会上涨,我愿冒险一试
The machines are too weighty to go via airmail机器太重,不宜航空邮寄
The meeting rejected the resolution to go on strike by 10 votes to 20会议以10票赞成20票反对否决一项继续罢工的决议
They will not go into the market until the crisis is over危机结束前,他们不会进入市场
This suitcase has to go through a customs examination这个手提箱得通过海关检查
Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
We need go further into the matter我们需进一步调査此事
We offer to go shares with you in the risk我们愿同你们分担风险
We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作