
Terms for subject China containing go | all forms | exact matches only
approval before sth. go into effect批准后生效
construct to go with配建
Development should go before anything else发展是硬道理
go about and deceive people招摇撞骗
go abroad on official business公务岀境
go against the fiduciary obligations违背受托义务
go begging乞讨
go beyond the authorization超越代理权限
go beyond the scope allowed for its grade of qualification超越资质等级许可的范围
go deeply into get into the bottom of a matter深究
go for the disposition接受处理
go into effect使某事有法律效力
go into effect生效
go into effect履行
go into effect执行
this Law shall go into effect as of July1, 2000 本法自2000 年 7 月 1 日起施行
go into effect automatically即行生效
go on normally正常进行
go through通行
go to law提起诉讼 (against somebody)
go to law打官司 (against somebody)
go to law bring a lawsuit against告状
go to the debtor归债务人所有
go to the pledgee归债权人所有
go unpunished未经处理
have rules and regulations to go by有章可循
laws to go by法律依据
make it impossible for work to go on normally致使工作不能正常进行
no rules to go by无章可循
repeatedly commit the crime of embezzlement and go unpunished多次贪污未经处理
the "go global" strategy of Chinese enterprises企业"走出去"战略
to go by依据
unqualified capital to go into the stock market资金违规流入股市