
Terms for subject Environment containing global | all forms | exact matches only
annual global emissions全球年发散[污染物]量
climate and global change气候和全球变化
climate and global change program气候和全球变化计划
Commission cxi Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与全球污染委员会
dynamic global vegetation model全球动态植被模型
Framework Convention on Global Climate全球气候框架公约
global agro-ecological zone全球农业生态区
global analysis, interpretation and modeling国际岩石圈生物计划全球分析、解释和模拟
global aspect Aspects concerning the whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being interdependent economically, socially and politically全球观 (认为整个世界通过现代通讯工具紧密相连,并在经济、社会、政治等方面相互依赖的观念。)
global atmosphere watch全球大气监视
Global Atmospheric Research Program全球大气研究计划
global carbon balance全球碳平衡
global change research program全球变化研究大纲
Global Climate Coalition全球气候联盟
global convention A worldwide assembly of national, political party or organizational delegates, or the pact or the agreement that arises from such an assembly that forms, often, the preliminary to an international treaty全球公约 (由各国、各政党或各组织代表参加的全球性会议、或由这样的形式会议达成的协定、协议,而通常是初步的国际协定。)
global energy and water cycle experiment全球气候研究计划全球能源与水资源周期实验
Global Environment Facility An international organization established in 1990 to provide practical assistance to governments in achieving environmental improvements. The GEF is managed by the World Bank, which contributes 2/3 of its funds, the remaining 1/3 being controlled by the United Nations Development Programme全球环境机构 (于1990年设立的国际组织,旨在向各国政府提供实现环境改善的实际援助。 GEF由捐助2/3基金的世界银行管理,而剩下的1/3基金乃由联合国开发设计署捐助。)
Global Environmental Monitoring Service全球环境监测服务处
global environmental monitoring system全球环境监测系统
global investigation on pollution of marine environment联合国全球海洋环境污染调査
global model Models concerning different aspects of reality which can be applied at global level全球模式 (考虑现实的各个方面且能应用到全球层面的模式。)
global tropospheric experiment全球对流层实验
global warming Changes in the surface-air temperature, referred to as the global temperature, brought about by the greenhouse effect which is induced by emission of greenhouse gases into the air全球变暖 (由于温室气体的排放所导致的温室效应造成地球表面空气温度的变化。)
global warming pollutants引起全球变暖污染物
global warming potential全球变暖潜能值
global weather experiment全球天气实验
International Committee on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与地球污染国际委员会
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project国际全球大气化学研究项目
route of global water circulation全球水分循环路线