
Terms containing glazed | all forms | exact matches only
tech.acid-resisting glazed tile耐酸釉面砖
tech.adjustable glazed louvers活动通风玻璃百叶窗
tech.all-plastic cold-glazed wall coating全塑冷釉墙面涂料
tech.blue glazed porcelain青釉瓷器
polygr.board glazed paper, board paper; book-binder's paper; fancy ends扉页纸
polygr.board glazed paper; board paper; bookbinder's paper; fancy ends扉页纸
tech.brown-glazed brick盐釉砖
tech.brown-glazed brick防潮砖
tech.brown-glazed brick褐釉砖
polygr.buff glazed paper米色道林纸
polygr.burnish paper; glazed paper; high finish paper; high gloss paper高光泽纸
tech.cast glazed tile压铸玻璃板
tech.cement glazed coat水泥光泽涂层
tech.cement glazed coating水泥光泽涂层
tech.cement-based glazed finish水泥粉光面
tech.cement-plastic cold-glazed wall coat水泥塑料冷洙釉质墙面
tech.cement-plastic cold-glazed wall coating水泥塑料冷洙釉质墙面
tech.ceramic glazed coat陶瓷釉面
tech.ceramic glazed coating陶瓷釉面
tech.ceramic glazed sewer pipe上釉的下水管
tech.ceramic glazed sewer pipe上釉下水管
tech.ceramic glazed sewer pipe上釉的水管
tech.ceramic glazed sewer pipe陶釉污水管
tech.ceramic glazed sewer tube上釉的水管
busin.ceramic glazed unit陶瓷上釉部件
gen.ceramic glazed unit上釉装置
anim.husb.chequered glazed sausage挂糖衣的格子花纹香肠
exhib.color glazed pottery彩釉陶
tech.color-glazed sand paint for building decoration建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料
tech.colored glazed coat有色釉料涂层
tech.colored glazed finish彩色装修
tech.colored glazed tile彩色瓷砖
tech.colored glazed wall tile彩色釉面墙砖
tech.colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料
tech.coloured glazed coating有色釉料涂层
tech.coloured glazed finish彩色装修
tech.coloured glazed tile彩色瓷砖
tech.coloured glazed wall tile彩色釉面墙砖
textilecotton glazed thread棉蜡光缝纫线
ceram.Delft is a style of glazed earthenware, which is usually blue and white and is originally made in Delft, Netherlands德尔夫特精陶是上釉陶器的一种,通常蓝白相间,最初是在荷兰的德尔夫特制造的
agric.double-glazed sash双层框窗指温床盖
agric.double-glazed sash双层框盖
archit.double-glazed window双层玻璃窗
tech.double glazed window双层玻璃窗
tech.double glazed window frame双层玻璃窗框
tech.double glazed window unit双层玻璃窗
tech.dull-glazed art paper暗色美术纸
tech.dull-glazed paper暗色蜡光纸
tech.dull-glazed tile毛面的玻璃砖
tech.earthenware glazed finish陶面釉
tech.earthenware glazed finish陶土釉面修饰
tech.enamel glazed coating瓷釉涂层
tech.enamel glazed coating搪瓷上釉涂层
polygr.enamel paper; one-side glazed paper单面上光纸
tech.exterior glazed外部涂釉的
tech.exterior glazed外部镶嵌玻璃的
tech.extra-duty glazed tile特种釉面砖
tech.extruded glazed tile压出釉面瓦
tech.extruded glazed tile压出玻璃瓦
tech.extruded glazed tile压出釉面砖
tech.feldspar glazed finish长石釉面
tech.flat surface glazed coat无光泽表面涂油
tech.flat surface glazed coating无光泽表面涂油
polygr.flint glazed board蜡光纸板
polygr.flint-glazed paper有光纸
tech.flint-glazed paper蜡光纸
busin.friction glazed擦釉
busin.friction glazed磨光的
wood.friction-glazed board摩擦压光板
pulp.n.paperfriction-glazed paper磨光纸
tech.friction glazed paper磨光纸
tech.frictional glazed machine摩擦抛光机
tech.frictional glazed paper board摩擦压光纸板
el.fringe glazed insulator裙边上釉绝缘子
tech.fully glazed全部安装玻璃的
archit.glass glazed浓釉的
tech.glazed aggregate光滑面骨料
tech.glazed aggregate光滑面集料
tech.glazed aggregate釉面骨料
tech.glazed and beveled tile釉面斜切砖
auto.glazed area车身玻璃面
tech.glazed area四周镶玻璃的区域
tech.glazed block玻璃砖块
polygr.glazed board高光泽纸板
eng.geol.glazed brick釉面砖
archit.glazed brick釉面琉璃
tech.glazed brick琉璃砖
industr.glazed brick釉面〔玻璃〕砖
tech.glazed brick瓷砖
tech.glazed brick
tech.glazed building units上釉建筑构件
knit.goodsglazed calico摩擦轧光细布
tech.glazed ceramic施釉陶瓷
tech.glazed ceramic涂釉陶瓷
tech.glazed ceramic mosaic tile釉面陶瓷锦砖
tech.glazed ceramic tile上釉瓷砖
tech.glazed ceramic wall tile釉面瓷砖
tech.glazed ceramics上釉陶瓷
tech.glazed chintz摩擦轧光艳丽花布
tech.glazed chintz finish摩擦轧光整理
tech.glazed clay tile釉面陶瓦
tech.glazed clay tile釉面陶砖
tech.glazed clayware上釉陶器
tech.glazed clayware drain pipe釉面陶土排水管
tech.glazed coat高光泽修饰
tech.glazed coat上釉的涂层
tech.glazed coated book paper高光泽涂布书籍纸
tech.glazed coated cover paper高光泽涂布封面纸
tech.glazed coated paper高光泽涂布纸
tech.glazed coating高光泽修饰
tech.glazed coating上釉的涂层
textileglazed color釉彩
tech.glazed colored ceramic tile彩釉瓷砖
tech.glazed colored mosaic彩釉马赛克
tech.glazed colored pottery彩釉陶
tech.glazed coloured ceramic tile彩釉瓷砖
tech.glazed coloured mosaic彩釉马赛克
tech.glazed coloured pottery彩釉陶
tech.glazed concrete釉面彩色饰面混凝土
tech.glazed concrete釉面混凝土
tech.glazed concrete磨光混凝土
tech.glazed cornice琉璃檐口
tech.glazed corridor装配玻璃的走廊
textileglazed cotton加光线
textileglazed cotton蜡光棉线
textileglazed cotton加光棉线
tech.glazed cotton上光棉线
textileglazed cotton sewing thread上光棉缝线
archit.glazed door镶玻璃的门
furn.glazed door玻璃门
tech.glazed door镶玻璃门
tech.glazed door窗门
auto.glazed drum玻璃鼓指鼓式制动器中制动鼓因受热表面变硬
agric.glazed earthen pot上釉陶盆
agric.glazed earthen pot涂釉陶盆
tech.glazed earthenware上釉陶器
met.glazed earthenware上釉釉面陶器
tech.glazed earthenware釉面陶器
el.glazed earthenware pipe釉面陶管
tech.glazed earthenware pipe上釉陶
tech.glazed earthenware wall tile釉面陶瓷壁砖
tech.glazed earthware釉面瓷器
tech.glazed facing tile釉瓷瓦
tech.glazed facing tile琉璃面砖
tech.glazed facing tile釉面砖
tech.glazed facing tile琉璃瓦
archit.glazed facing tiles釉面玻璃
tech.glazed finish高光泽整理
plast.glazed finish上光处理
polym.glazed finish光泽处理
tech.glazed finish上釉彩色饰面
tech.glazed finish喷塑彩色饰面
tech.glazed finish上光涂饰剂
tech.glazed finish挂釉面
tech.glazed flat roof玻璃平屋顶
tech.glazed floor tile上釉地砖
tech.glazed frame抛光窗框
tech.glazed frame抛光框格
tech.glazed frost冰雨
tech.glazed frost凝霜
environ.glazed frost薄冰
wind.glazed frost冻雨
wind.glazed frost雨淞
hydrol.glazed frost雨霜
tech.glazed frost雨凇 (下降时呈液态,着地后就冰冻)
tech.glazed frost雨后凝水
auto.glazed frost道路光滑的路面薄冰
tech.glazed frost雨凇冰
tech.glazed frost indicator雨后凝冰指示仪
tech.glazed frost indicator雨凇指示仪
tech.glazed greaseproof paper高光泽防油纸
tech.glazed hollow block上釉空心砖
bridg.constr.glazed ice薄冰
tech.glazed ice雨凇 (下降时呈液态,着地后就冻成冰)
tech.glazed imitation greaseproof paper高光泽仿防油纸
tech.glazed imitation parchment釉光仿羊皮纸
tech.glazed interior tile室内用釉面砖
construct.glazed joint failure黏合接头玻璃状破坏
tech.glazed joint failure按合部分釉面状损坏
polym.glazed joint failure玻璃状黏合接头破坏
tech.glazed joint failure接合部分玻璃状破坏
plast.glazed joint failure玻璃状粘接破裂
tech.glazed joint failure玻璃状破坏
textileglazed kid光泽整理的小山羊皮
textileglazed kidskin上光小山羊皮
chem.glazed leather打光革
auto.glazed lining光滑的制动衬带
tech.glazed lookout deck四面装玻璃的瞭望台
tech.glazed material上釉的材料
wood.glazed millboard高光泽厚纸板
tech.glazed mosaic玻璃马赛克
tech.glazed observation platform四面装玻璃的平台
tech.glazed offset paper高光泽胶版印刷纸
tech.glazed opening装玻璃的洞口
auto.glazed opening车身装玻璃的开口孔洞
tech.glazed opening装玻璃的孔穴
tech.glazed ornament玻璃花饰
tech.glazed pagoda琉璃塔
tech.glazed panelled door玻璃镶板门
archit.glazed paper蜡光
tech.glazed paper高光泽纸
plast.glazed paper蜡光纸〈包装〉
wood.glazed paper光泽纸
busin.glazed paper釉纸
telecom.glazed paper有光纸
telecom.glazed paper蜡光纸
tech.glazed paper釉〔蜡光〕纸
tech.glazed paper
polygr.glazed paper; wood-free paper道林纸
tech.glazed parchment蜡光仿羊皮纸
tech.glazed partition玻璃隔墙
archit.glazed partition玻璃隔断间壁
archit.glazed partition玻璃间壁
tech.glazed partition玻璃隔断
tech.glazed partition镶玻璃隔墙
tech.glazed partition玻璃栅板墙隔
tech.glazed partition wall玻璃隔墙
polygr.glazed pasteboard上光纸板
tech.glazed patio玻璃庭院
tech.glazed pig脆性生铁
met.glazed pig高硅镜面生铁 (含10~12Si)
tech.glazed pig高硅生铁
met.glazed pig iron高硅镜面生铁
shipb.glazed pig iron高硅生铁
tech.glazed porcelain上釉瓷
tech.glazed porcelain施釉陶瓷
tech.glazed porcelain tile釉面瓷砖
agric.glazed pot上釉试
tech.glazed pot施釉坩埚
tech.glazed pot釉罐
el.glazed pottery陶瓷[上釉陶瓷器]
exhib.glazed pottery釉陶
archit.glazed pottery釉面陶
chem.glazed powder石墨打光了的火药
tech.glazed print上光像纸
tech.glazed printing paper道林纸
polygr.glazed printing paper; ground woodfree paper; offset paper; woodfree paper; offset lithography paper胶版纸
tech.glazed quality玻璃安装质量
hydroel.st.glazed rain冰雨
hydroel.st.glazed rain冻雨
met.glazed resistance涂釉电阻
agric.glazed rice涂亮米以葡萄糖与滑石粉在米粒表面涂一层薄膜以增加白米亮度
agric.glazed rice精碾米
polygr.glazed roller晶化墨辊[故障]
tech.glazed roof玻璃屋顶
auto.glazed roof车身玻璃天窗
archit.glazed roof釉面嵌玻璃屋顶
tech.glazed roof嵌玻璃屋顶
tech.glazed roof covering玻璃屋顶覆盖层
tech.glazed roof sheathing玻璃屋顶的望板
tech.glazed roof tile琉璃瓦
tech.glazed roof tile釉面瓦
tech.glazed roofing tile玻璃瓦
tech.glazed sash玻璃窗框
anim.husb.glazed sausage有光泽的香肠
textileglazed silk加光丝
tech.glazed silk上光丝
tech.glazed slag玻璃状炉渣
tech.glazed sliding door玻璃滑动门
tech.glazed stoneware上釉陶器
tech.glazed stoneware上釉火石器
tech.glazed stoneware粗釉陶
tech.glazed stoneware釉面陶管
tech.glazed stoneware上釉硬质陶土管
tech.glazed stoneware pipe上釉陶管
tech.glazed stoneware tile釉面陶瓦
tech.glazed stoneware tile釉面陶砖
tech.glazed storm雨凇暴
tech.glazed structural unit上釉结构构件
met.glazed surface抛光表面
auto.glazed surface车身装玻璃的表面
auto.glazed surface气缸光亮表面
tech.glazed terrace玻璃露台
tech.glazed terrace平屋顶晒台
textileglazed thread上光丝
textileglazed thread加光线
textileglazed thread蜡光线
tech.glazed thread上光线
archit.glazed tile釉面砖
archit.glazed tile玻璃瓦
tech.glazed tile釉瓷瓦
tech.glazed tile琉璃瓦
tech.glazed tile瓷砖
exhib.glazed tile琉璃砖瓦
tech.glazed tile釉面瓦
tech.glazed tile decorative pattern琉璃彩画
tech.glazed tile facing琉璃饰面
tech.glazed tile flooring瓷砖楼地面
tech.glazed tile flooring釉面砖楼地面
tech.glazed tile kiln琉璃窑
tech.glazed tile pipe釉面陶管
tech.glazed tile roof琉璃瓦屋顶
archit.glazed facing tiles釉面琉璃
tech.glazed timber door镶玻璃的木门
tech.glazed transparent paper高光泽透明纸
tech.glazed viewing platform四面装玻璃的月台
tech.glazed wall coat墙面涂釉层
tech.glazed wall coating墙面涂釉层
archit.glazed wall tile釉面墙砖
tech.glazed wall tile釉面
tech.glazed wallboard釉面墙板
tech.glazed ware上釉陶瓷器
tech.glazed ware釉面陶管
tech.glazed ware pipe釉面陶瓷管
tech.glazed window玻璃窗
tech.glazed wire漆包线
tech.glazed work釉面砖圬工
textileglazed yarn加光纱
textileglazed yarn上光纱
tech.half-glazed door半玻璃门
tech.half-glazed partition半截玻璃隔断
tech.hard glazed coat硬珐琅涂层
tech.hard glazed coat盐釉质面层
tech.hard glazed coating硬珐琅涂层
archit.hard glazed coating硬杀郎
tech.hard glazed coating盐釉质面层
anim.husb.herringbone glazed sausage人字形花纹面的香肠
ceram.In the Han dynasty, while soft-bodied lead-glazed wares were manufactured largely in central China, the coastal region of southern China continued the production of high-fired stoneware incorporating a wood or ash glaze with a yellow-green color range that can be considered an early form of celadon在汉朝,软体铅釉瓷器主要在中国中部制造,中国南部沿海地区还是继续制造高温焙烧的炻瓷,加上草木灰釉、黄绿色等色彩,可以说是一种早期的青瓷
tech.interior glazed内装玻璃的
tech.interior glazed玻璃的内部安装
tech.interior glazed window内装玻璃窗
archit.ivory glazed coat镶牙表层
archit.ivory glazed coat象牙色表层
archit.ivory glazed coat象牙釉表层
tech.ivory glazed coat象牙色釉表层
archit.ivory glazed coating象牙色表层
archit.ivory glazed coating象牙釉表层
archit.ivory glazed coating镶牙表层
tech.ivory glazed coating象牙色釉表层
tech.ivory glazed finish象牙色表层
tech.lead glazed finish铅釉 (条镶嵌玻璃)
polygr.machine finishing; machine glazed机械加工修整
polygr.machine finishing; machine glazed机器上光
gen."machine glazed"砑光纸
gen."machine glazed"机器压光的单面光的纸张
wood.machine-glazed board有光纸版
spacemachine glazed finish机械抛光
shipb.machine glazed finish机器抛光
tech.machine-glazed paper单缸光泽纸
pulp.n.papermachine-glazed paper单面光纸
plast.machine-glazed paper机制上光纸
gen.machine glazed paper桃制蜡光纸
chem.machine glazed wrapping paper鸡皮纸
tech.majolica glazed coat陶器上釉层
tech.majolica glazed coating陶器上釉层
tech.marble glazed paper玳瑁蜡光纸
construct.marbled glazed paper娥瑁蜡光纸
polygr.marbled glazed paper斑纹蜡光纸
tech.marbled glazed paper玳瑁蜡光纸
polygr.marbled glazed sulfite paper斑纹蜡光亚硫酸盐纸
tech.mat glazed coat无光上釉的涂层
tech.mat glazed coating无光上釉的涂层
tech.mottled glazed coat斑釉涂层
tech.mottled glazed coating斑釉涂层
tech.multiple glazed unit多层玻璃窗门
tech.multiple glazed window多层玻璃窗
tech.non-lustrous glazed tile无光釉面砖
wood.one-side glazed board有光纸版
pulp.n.paperone-side glazed paper单面光纸
tech.one-side glazed paper单面上光纸
tech.opaque ceramic glazed tile不透明陶瓷釉面砖
tech.opaque ceramic glazed tile乳浊的陶瓷釉面砖
archit.opaque glazed coating不透明釉层
archit.opaque glazed eoat不透明釉层
tech.organic-seal double-glazed unit有机物封填双层玻璃窗
tech.plain glazed coat简单釉面层
tech.plain glazed coating简单釉面层
tech.plain glazed finish简单釉面装饰
wood.plate-glazed board平板压光纸板
pulp.n.paperplate-glazed paper机压光泽纸
gen.plate-glazed paper砑光平板纸
tech.polychrome glazed-brick decoration彩色釉面砖装饰
tech.Portland cement glazed coat上釉硅酸盐水泥面层
tech.Portland cement glazed coating上釉硅酸盐水泥面层
consult.pottery/glazed files询瓷联合企业
tech.salt-glazed brick粗瓷砖
tech.salt-glazed brick盐釉砖
tech.salt-glazed brick盐釉瓷砖
archit.salt-glazed brick瓷砖
tech.salt-glazed brick盐釉
tech.salt-glazed earthenware pipe盐釉陶瓷管
tech.salt-glazed finish盐釉涂面
tech.salt-glazed structural facing unit盐釉建筑贴面块
tech.salt-glazed tile盐釉瓦
tech.salt-glazed tile盐釉面砖
tech.salt-glazed ware陶土制品
tech.satin-glazed tile有光泽的釉面砖
archit.satin-glazed tile有光泽的釉面砖
tech.satin-glazed tile有光泽的釉面瓦
tech.satin-glazed tile光亮釉面瓦
tech.sealed double glazed unit密封双层玻璃单元
el.semiconducting glazed insulator半导体釉面绝缘子
textilesingle-glazed paper单面上光纸
tech.single-glazed unit单釉面制品
tech.single surface glazed packing paper单面光包装纸
archit.slat-glazed brick瓷砖
archit.slat-glazed structural facing unit盐釉建筑贴面块
archit.slat-glazed ware陶土制品
tech.surface ice glazed表面结冰的
tech.tile glazed coat面砖加釉
tech.tile glazed coating面砖加釉
tech.top glazed顶部上釉
exhib.tri-colored glazed pottery三彩
archit.Tri-coloured glazed pottery of Tang Dynasty中国瓷器唐三彩
tech.triple-glazed units三层玻璃窗
tech.white glazed coat上白釉
tech.white glazed coat白釉涂层
tech.white glazed coating上白釉
tech.white glazed coating白釉涂层
tech.white glazed finish白釉饰面
tech.white glazed finish白釉终饰
tech.white glazed latex cup白釉胶杯
tech.white glazed wall tile白釉壁砖