
Terms for subject Mountaineering containing glacier | all forms | exact matches only
alpine glacier高山冰川
cirque glacier冰斗冰河
dry glacier干冰川
end moraine of glacier冰川终债
end of glacier冰川口
glacier camp冰川营地
glacier cream防辐射膏
glacier excrescence冰川上的隆起
glacier excrescence冰川隆起状
glacier fall冰瀑
glacier table冰川台地
glacier tiredness冰川困乏感
glacier tongue冰舌
glacier tongue冰川舌
hanging glacier悬冰
hanging glacier悬冰川
head of glacier冰川源
piedmont glacier山麓冰川
snout of glacier冰川前锋
snout of glacier冰川鼻
source of glacier冰川源
terminal moraine of glacier冰川终债