
Terms for subject Economy containing get | all forms | exact matches only
After you pay the money, you will get a receipt你付寸款之后,会收到一张收据
as near there to as she can safely get该船所能安全到达的附近地点
Before signing the contract we must get an estimate of the total costs involved合同签约前,我们必须估计有关的总花费
Can you get me extension 201?请帮我接通201分机电话
get a bargain买得便宜
get a good price for...好价卖出
get a patent for...获得…专利
get a patent for得到…的专利权
get a patent for获得…专利
get a rake-off for introducing因介绍一笔新交易而获取佣金 (the new business)
get a rake-off on公司拍卖中得到回扣 (all the company's sales)
get a receipt for夺取借款 凭证 (borrowed money)
get one's accounts square结清账目
get at够着
get at查明
get at了解
get at贿赂
get at到达
get credit for goods赊货
get customs clearance结关
get down to bedrock寻根究底
get hand得手
get in on the ground floor以享有与发起人同样优先权的资格入股
get things in proportion一切事情安置妥当
get... in readiness将…准备就绪
get in touch with我们公司驻伦敦的助理联系 (the assistant of our corporation in London)
get into debt欠债
get into line使一致
get into line使排齐
get level达到能级【水平】
get much less schooling受过很多很少教育
get notice接到解雇通知
get off发出
get off卖出
get off one's hand货物脱手
get one's account square结清账目
get out of还清 (debt, 债务)
get out of hand摆脱控制
get out of the red不再亏空
get paid领工资
get priority取得优先地位
get quit of one's debt结清债务
get quit of one's debts结清债务
get raw materials from local resources就地取材
get ready for做好批量生产的准备 (mass production)
get returns to scale获得与生产规模成比例的收益
get rich发财
get rich致富
get rid of消除 (the excess currency in circulation, 流通中过多的通货)
get square with和…清账
get the bounce被解雇
get the fire under扑灭火
get the hook美俚被解雇
get the knock被解雇
get the maximum economic results with a minimum expenditure of labour以最小的劳动耗费取得最大经济效果
If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同
If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款
In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature如果明天下午合同准备好,我们就邮寄给你们签字
In the event of changing any terms, one should get the permission of all the signatories to the contract若要修改条款,必须征得合同所有签署人的同意
It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
It's out of question that you should get the necessary import licence from the authorities毫无疑问,你须从行政当局取得必需的进口许可证
Please get everything ready before your application for the import licence is endorsed进口许可证申请得到批准之前,请将一切准备好
Serious efforts are to be made to get the goods despatched without delay认真努力以期立即发货
The clients are very anxious to get your offers and samples客户切望得到你方的报价和样品
The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates业主想以优惠税率从公司提取现金
The partner will get suitable accomodation in our place合伙人将在我处得到恰当的食宿安排
The plant has promised to get the goods ready for shipment within one month's time该工厂保证在一个月内将货备妥待装
The stock market being chaotic, investors get cautious股票市场很乱,投资者都谨慎起来了
The tenant has to get the permission of the landlord to relet the vacated promises承租人应得到房产主许可,方能将空出的建筑物转租
The workers often use public transport to get to their factory工人们经常利用公共运输工具到工厂上班
There is no doubt that we can get the import licence from authorities毫无疑问,我们可以从当局获得进口许可证
They are hastening to get the nylons ready他们正在加紧将尼龙长袜备妥
This contract will be valid when we get all necessary export licenses from our government当我们从我国政府获得一切必要的出口许可证时,本合同即行生效
to get a profit获得利润
To get to the shop, you turn right and cross the street at the post office你向右拐再走过邮局那条街,就到了这家店
Unless we get necessary instructions by return of cable, your order will miss the steamer除非我方从你方复电中得到必要的指示,否则你方订货将赶不上这班轮船
We are in a hurry to get to report我们急于取得报告
We must get further information我们必须得到更多的信息
We questioned whether they can get the import licence for these articles我们怀疑他们是否能取得这些商品的进口许可证
We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权
We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见
We wonder if you can get other resource available for financing this purchase我们想知道你方是否能获得其他资金来购货
What you see is what you get能显示者即能打印
Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?我们从什么地方为项目筹集必要的资金呢?
With a high cap rate, investors are almost certain to get better terms from the banks有了固定最高利率,投资者十有八九可以获得更优惠的贷款条件
You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产