
Terms for subject Business containing get | all forms | exact matches only
be anxious to get cheaps贪便宜
draining the pond to get all the fish竭泽而渔
fall each other to get rid of...抛售…风暴
feelers in the hope of get ting an order试探获得订单的可能性
get a good wage挣高薪
get a living谋生
get a patent取得专利
get a share of the equity享有股份
get one's account square结清账目
get ahead of超过
get ahead of胜过
get along together在一起处得好
get away with逃避惩罚
get credit for goods赊购货物
get customers招徕顾客
get customers开始营业
get good wages领高薪
get in到达
get in收回借款
get in到站
get in goods进货
get into debt负债
get notice失业
get notice解雇
get off下车
get off卖出货物
get off one's hand货物脱手
get offer得到报盘
get one's work工作获好评
get out of debt还清债务
get out of red不再亏空
get over a task完成任务
get quick answer请即复
get quick answer请即回答
get quit of debt还清债务
get quit of one's debt偿清债务
get quit of one's debts了清债务
get round the law规避法律
get statement取得语句
get the most out of data充分利用数据
get the most out of funds充分利用资金
get the most out of information充分利用信息
get the most out of resources充分利用资源
get through花光钱款
get through完成
get tick赊购
get to work开始工作
We can get the contract finalized now我们现在可以签合同了
We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time我们会在规定时间内发货