
Terms for subject Sports containing get | all forms | exact matches only
get a blow in击中
get a "goose egg"得零分
get a home win主场获胜
get a point得分
get an away win客场获胜
get around智胜某人
get around逃避法律等
get around an opponent过人
get back into the game伺机反攻
get back on one's feet重整旗鼓
get back to centre court返回中场 (squash)
get down to the ground落地
get even foul报复性犯规
get excited兴奋
get hot来劲儿
get into a groove习惯老一套打法
get into a groove习惯老套打法
get into a violent fight大打出手
get into gear打法顺手
get into shape进入竞技状态
get into the form进入竞技状态
get into the shape进入竞技状态
get on the Internet上网
get one's colours被选入运动队尤指校队
get one's eyes in球类运动眼跟球练习
get one's innings【板、棒】轮到击球
get one's wind口气
get ready to start准备出发
get rid of无障碍的
get rid of解除危险
get second place得第二
get second wind获得"第二次呼吸"
get the advantage占优势
get the advantage again又领先
get the ball得球
get the best of超过
get the best of打败
get the best of占上风
get the best of占优势
get the best of胜过
get the jump on somebody抢在…之前
get the jump on somebody比…… 占先
get the signature得到签名
get third place得第三
get through出线
get to first base走向成功的第一步
He couldn't get his wind after the race.他跑完后、 喘不过气来注释:呼吸一词通常用动词 breathe 及名词 breath 表示,用名词 wind 少些,但表示"第二次呼吸"时要用 second wind.
try to get through the group试图超前