
Terms for subject Technology containing geological age | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
distribution of oil and gas field by geologic age油气田的时代分布
distribution of oil and gas field by geological age油气田的时代分布
distribution of source rock in geologic age and strata烃源岩时代和层位分布
distribution of source rock in geological age and strata烃源岩时代和层位分布
geologic age地质
geologic age地质期
geologic age determination地质年代测定
geologic age determination地质年龄测定
geologic age of landform地貌地质年龄
geological age地质
geological age地质期
geological age determination地质年代测定
geological age determination地质年龄测定
geological age of landform地貌地质年龄
isotope geologic age同位素地质年龄
isotope geological age同位素地质年龄