
Terms containing gas in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.absorbed gas in coal煤层吸附气
tech.absorbed gas in sedimentary rock沉积岩中吸
geol.apparent gas in place视天然气 地质储量
expl.At present, natural gas has fird the heating system in some big cities现在、有些大城市的供暖系统是天然气烧的
econ.bachelor of science in natural gas engineering天然气工程学学士
tech.built-in gas fire嵌墙式煤气炉
tech.carbon dioxide analysis in flue gas废气二氧化碳分析
met.central flow of gas in BF高炉中心气流
tech.change of oil and gas in the reservoir储层中油气变化
expl.characteristics of combustion and blasting technology in oil-gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破技术的特点其特点包括: 1. 要求爆破器材设计制造得非常精细,结构严密,施工技术要求十分严格。 2. 油、气井燃烧爆破在复杂的外界环境中进行,施工要求更加严格。 3. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材要有良好的耐温、耐压性能。 4. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材应具有良好的密封、绝缘性能。 5. 起爆技术、传爆技术要求特殊
expl.classification of combustion and blasting equipment in oil gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破器材分类油、气井燃烧器材种类繁多,目前国内使用的油、气井燃烧爆破器材,按使用性能和应用品种可分为三大类: 1. 油、气井用爆破器材, 2. 油、气井用燃烧器材, 3. 起爆、传爆器材
expl.CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中
tech.compressibility of gas in place地层天然气的压缩系数
el.concentration of droplets in gas core气体核心中的液滴浓度【核】
met.cooled in gas muffle〔在〕气体马弗〔炉中〕冷却的
anim.husb.dehydration in natural gas燃烧天然气加热干燥
met.determination of gas in steel钢中气体测定
expl.detonating cord used in oil and gas wells油气井用导爆索以耐热炸药为药芯、以耐温材料作包覆外壳的耐温、耐压高能导爆索。即用于油气井开采作业的工业导爆索
met.differential pressure of gas in BF高炉煤气压差
el.discharge in a gas气体中的放电
tech.dissolved gas in high-pressure thermal water高压热水溶气
tech.dissolved gas in oil油溶气
tech.dissolved gas in water水溶气
met.distribution of gas in steel钢中气体分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by position in basin油气田在盆地中位置的分布
geol.dry gas in place干气地质储量
met.flue dust control in BF gas高炉煤气含尘控制
sport., med.fractional concentration in dry gas phase干燥气中比例浓度
expl.Gas bubbles generated by entrapment of air or by chemical gassing are compressed by the head of water and /or fluid product loaded in the borehole由圈闭空气或由化学充气产生的气泡受到水压头的挤压、而且受到装进炮孔中的液态炸药的挤压
spacegas bubbles in venous blood returned to heart回心血流气泡
dril.gas concentration in the mud钻井液中的含气量
met.gas converter in sintering烧结气体转化器
met.gas distribution in BF高炉煤气分布 (【技】煤气在高炉截面上的分布,常用炉喉料面以下水平截面上的分布来代表。高炉煤气分布得比较均匀、比较合理,其热能和化学能就利用得比较好;高炉冶炼的技术指标也会比较好。)
compr.gas equivalent velocity in opening area阀隙当量流速
compr.gas equivalent velocity in valve opening area阀隙气体当量流速
met.gas flow in blast furnace高炉煤气流
met.gas in进气
tech.gas in coal煤层瓦斯
mining.gas in liquid slug液相段塞中的气体
tech.gas in mass气块
mining.gas in pipe管道中天然气量
geol.gas in place天然气地质储量
ecol.gas in solution溶解气
met.gas in steel钢中气体
tech.gas in water solution天然气水溶液
geol.gas initially in place天然气原始地质储量
oilgas inventory in the last section of a gas pipeline管道末段储气
met.gas movement in BF高炉煤气运动 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,风口燃烧带产生的炽热煤气穿过料柱上升到炉顶的运动过程。煤气在上升运动过程中,将热量传给下降的炉料而本身则被冷却。)
mining.gas saturation in flushed zone冲洗带含气饱和度
tech.gas smothering system in cargo hold货舱惰 灭火系统
met.gas solubility in liquid steel气体在钢水中的溶解度 (【技】气体在钢水中的溶解度受多种因素的影响,主要有:温度升高,溶解度增加;气体分压降低,溶解度降低。同时,气体在钢液中的溶解度还受钢水中不同化学元素的影响:与气体能形成化合物的元素,能提高气体在钢水中的溶解度;比铁对气体有更大亲和力的元素,能提高气体在钢水的溶解度;但一些非金属或准金属元素,如 C、 P、 S、 O、 Si 等会降低气体在钢水中的溶解度。)
met.gas source in steel钢中气体来源 (【技】钢中氢的来源主要有:炉气中的水蒸气、废钢铁表面的铁锈、原材料中的水分、萤石中的化合水和吸附水、炉衬和浇注系统中耐火材料中的水分等。钢中氮的来源主要有:钢液在冶炼和浇注过程中直接从炉气和大气中吸收大量的氮,金属料中带人到钢水中的氮。)
el.gas source used in the CVD reaction化学汽相淀积反应用气源
oilgas storage in abandoned mined spaces废弃矿井型储气库
oilgas storage in aquifers含水层型储气库
met.gas volume in bosh炉腹煤气量 (【技】炉缸煤气以及炉缸与滴落带内各种直接还原和脱硫反应气体产物 (CO) 量的总和。炉腹煤气量的大小从炉料下降、热交换和还原三个方面对高炉冶炼过程产生明显影响。)
met.gas volume in hearth炉缸煤气量 (【技】燃料在高炉风口区域燃烧产生的最终气体产物。)
mining.gas well shut in气井关井
tech.gas-coning in oil reservoir储[贮]油库中的气锥
tech.gas-liquid exchange process in wastewater treatment废水处理的气液交换法
met.gas-stirring in ladle钢包吹气搅拌
org.name.Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories国家温室气体清单优良作法指南和不确定性管理
agric.harmful gas in livestock house畜舍有害气体
tech.heat loss in exit gas废气热损失
geophys.hydrogen index in gas天然气含氢指数
ecol.Incident of Poison Gas Leak in Seveso, Italy意大利塞维索化学污染事故1976 年7月10 0,在意大利塞维索的伊克梅萨化工厂逸出三氯苯酚,其中含有剧毒化学品二噁英,造成严重的环境污染,使多人中毒
tech.in-ground storage for liquefied gas液化气地下储存
geol.initial gas in place天然气原始地质储量
chem.in-line pyrolysis gas chromatography管线内热解气相色谱法
nautic., tech.interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship"船上天然气燃料发动机装置安全暂行指南"
org.name.IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories国家温室气体清单优良作法指南和不确定性管理
UNLeast-Cost Greenhouse Gas Emission Plan in Asia亚洲最低成本温室气体排放计划
geol.major natural gas field in Texas Railroad Commission Dist 4美国得克萨斯铁路委员会第4区大气田
tech.map of gas saturation in formation water地层水中气饱和度图
tech.mass transfer in gas phase气相传质
tech.mean dust concentration in stack gas烟道气粉尘平均浓度
compr.mean gas velocity in valve opening area阀隙平均流速
compr.mean gas velocity in valve seat阀座平均流速
tech.method for determination of carbon dioxide in exhaust gas排气中一氧化碳测定法
tech.method for determination of chlorine in exhaust gas排气中氯测定法
tech.method for determination of hydrogen cyanide in exhaust gas排气中氰氢酸测定法
tech.method for determination of oxides of nitrogen in exhaust gas排气中氮氧化物测定法
tech.method for determination of total sulfur oxides and sulphur dioxide in fuel gas燃料气中硫氧化物和二氧化硫测定法
tech.method of measuring dust content in stack gas烟道气中粉尘含量测量法
tech.micro-gas analysis in inclusion包体微量气体分析
tech.natural gas deposit of dissolved-in-water type水溶型天然气矿床
tech.natural gas in igneous岩浆岩中天然气
tech.natural gas in marine海洋中天然气
tech.natural gas in marine sediment海洋沉积物中的天然气
tech.natural gas in metamorphic rocks变质岩中天然气
tech.natural gas in solution溶液中的天然气
tech.natural gas rich in oil vapors富有石油气的天然气
tech.natural gas rich in oil vapours富有石油气的天然气
tech.negative-filter type in fra red gas analyzer负滤波式红外气体分析器
geol.original free gas in place原始自由气地质储量
geol.original gas in place天然气原始地质储量
oiloriginal gas-in-place原始天然气地质储量
geol.original solution gas in place溶解气原始地质储量
met.partial pressure of CO in gas bubble气泡中的 CO 分压 (With the bottom injection of argon in the BOF combined-blowing practice, and the presence of hydrogen in the gas bubbles in OBM, the partial pressure of CO in the gas bubbles will be lowered in both processes when the rate of CO generation decreases. 带有底吹氩的 BOF 复吹实践和 OBM 炼钢时气泡中存在氢时,如果 CO 的产生速度下降,则这两种炼钢法气泡中的 CO 分压将会降低。)
geol.pore volume gas in place原始孔隙体积储气量
met.radial gas-flow distribution in BF高炉径向煤气流分布
met.rational gas distribution in blast furnace高炉合理的煤气分布
tech.removal of water in gas天然气脱水
tech.shallow gas in coal field煤田浅层气
mining.shut-in gas well关闭气井
tech.simple phase gas in fluent model单相气体渗流模型
tech.solubility of gas in oil天然气溶于石油
tech.solubility of oil in gas石油溶于天然气
oilsolution gas in place油层溶解气
oilstorage gas in fissure裂缝储气
tech.sulfur content in gas煤气含硫量
expl.The gas composition is strongly dependent on many factors such as actual field detonation conditions, rock type,hole diameter,water presence,product homogeneity in the hole气体的形成在很大程度上取决于诸多因素、如现场实际爆轰条件、岩石类型、炮孔直径、有没有水以及炸药在炮孔中是否均匀等
house.The use of electrical appliances like electric heaters and electric pads, as well as flammable items like gas cylinders is not allowed in the hostel旅舍内严禁使用电暖气、电热垫等电器设备,以及煤气罐等易燃易爆物品
auto.volume fraction of carbon monoxide in compression gas sample在压缩气体试样中一氧化碳的体积百分率
auto.volume fraction of carbon monoxide in expansion gas sample在膨胀气体试样中一氧化碳的体积百分率
mining.water in gas cap气顶中的水
mining.water-alternating-gas process in the marly and vuggy泥灰岩和多孔岩水气交替注入法
geol.wet gas in place湿气地质储量
expl.When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体
refrig.You take that gas phase mixture, and condense it in your condenser用新得到的气相混合物在冷凝器中冷凝