
Terms for subject Technology containing garage | all forms | exact matches only
accessory garage附属的汽车间
attached garage毗连式汽车房
attached garage附属车库
attached garage毗邻式汽车房
balance-weight-type overhead garage door平衡锤式车库翻门
basement garage地下车库
basement garage地下室汽车库
basement park garage地下停车库
basement park garage地下停车场
basement parking garage地下停车场
battery garages一排汽车库
battery truck garage电瓶车库
bomb shelter garage防空洞掩蔽车库
bomb shelter garage防空洞车库
built-in garage屋内车库
built-in garage楼房建有存车库
cast garage浇制汽车库
cellar garage地下车库
clay brick-built garage黏土砖建汽车库
commercial garage商业停车库
commercial garage营业性停车库
common garage公用汽车间
common garage普通汽车间
communal garage公用车库
detached garage独立车库
domestic garage家用汽车间
domestic garage住宅汽车间
downstream garage下游停泊区
dump time of garage车库出空时间
emergency truck garage卡车急救车库
enclosed parking garage封闭式停车库
estate battery garage成排的汽车库房地产
four-wheel garage jack四轮修车起重器
garage account虚伪账户
garage apartment有停车库的公寓
garage compound集合车库
garage construction车库建筑
garage court车库前庭
garage court车库院子
garage door车库门
garage door汽车库门
garage door furniture车库门配件
garage door furniture汽车间门配件
garage door leaf车库门扉
garage door leaf车库门扇
garage door operator车库门控制器
garage door operator车库门开启装置
garage drainage车库排水
garage drive车库入口
garage drive入车库的车道
garage equipment汽车房设备
garage equipment修车器具
garage floor车库地面 (finish)
garage flooring车库地面 (finish)
garage forecourt车库前庭
garage heating车库采暖
garage jack修车千斤顶
garage jack修车起重机
garage jack车库滑动门
garage jack千斤顶
garage jack修车起重器
garage lamp安全灯
garage lamp金属护网安全灯
garage storage汽车储[贮]藏库
garage threshold车库门口
garage threshold车库门槛
garage threshold车库阈限
garage trap车库排水弯
garage trap车库地漏
garage trap车库滤油阀
garage warming车库采暖
group garage集合停车库
heated garage采暖车库
high-rise garage多层停车库
high-rise parking garage高层停车车库
hinged garage shutter door铰接的车库门
in-built garage内部车库
in-built garage内装的车库
industrial garage工业停车房
industrial garage工厂车库
interim garage sign内部车库标志
interior garage sign车库内部标志
interior garage sign内部车库标志
investigation of underground garage地下车库勘察
lightweight concrete garage轻质混凝土车库
mechanical garage机械化车库
mechanized parking garage机械化停车库
mechanized parking garage equipment机械化停车库设备
merry-go-round garage旋转式升降机停车库
motor garage汽车间
motor garage汽车库
motor garage汽车修理厂
multistoried garage多层车库
multi-story garage多层车库
one-level garage单层车库
open air parking garage露天停车库
open newel garage露天停车库
open newel garage敞开式停车库
open-deck garage无侧墙式车库
open-deck garage露天车库
open-deck garage露天汽车修理厂
open-deck parking garage露天上承式停车库
open-sided multi-storey garage边侧敞开的多层修车厂
open-sided multi-storey garage边侧敞开的多层汽车库
open-sided multi-storey garage侧敞开式多层车库
open-sided multi-story garage边侧敞开的多层修车厂
open-sided multi-story garage边侧敞开的多层汽车库
open-sided multi-story garage侧敞开式多层车库
overhead door of garage车库翻门
overhead garage door上翻式汽车库门
overhead-type garage door上跨式车库门
overhead-type garage door吊门
overhead-type garage door卷帘门
overhead-type garage door车库翻门
parking garage多层停车库
parking garage汽车房
parking garage多层停车场
parking garage汽车库
parking garage室内停车场
parking garage停车库
portable garage移动式汽车库
precast reinforced concrete garage预浇钢筋混凝土车棚
precast reinforced concrete garage预浇钢筋混凝土汽车库
private garage私人汽车库
private garage专用车库
private parking garage私人车库
private parking garage私用车库
private parking garage专用车库
private storage garage私人储藏室
public garage公共车库
public garage公共汽车库
public parking garage公共车库
public storage garage公共存车库
ramp-type garage坡道式车库
repair garage汽车修理
residential garage住宅车房
semi-underground garage半地下式车库
service garage服务站
service vehicle garage服务车库
single-level garage单层车库
sliding garage door车库推拉门
sloping floor parking garage坡道式车库
small garage小车库
small garage小汽车间
small motor garage小型汽车库
staggered floor parking garage错层式车库
steel garage钢车库
steel garage door车间钢门
steel plate garage钢板车库
storage garage储藏库
storage garage存车间
swing-up garage door车库翻门
two-car garage双车车库
two-floor garage双层汽车库
two-level garage双层车库
two-storey garage双层车库
two-story garage双层车库
two-wheel garage jack二轮修车起重器
underwater garage水下车库
up-and-over garage door上盖式车库门
upstream garage船闸的上游停泊区
wooden garage木结构车库