
Terms containing gable roof | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.broken gable roof偏屋脊坡屋顶
tech.Chinese overhung gable-end roof悬山屋顶
tech.clipped gable roof嵌制砌合的人字屋顶
tech.clipped gable roof折山头屋顶
tech.diagonal ridge gable and hip roof戗脊
archit.double-gable roof双人字屋顶
tech.double gable roof双山墙屋顶
tech.double gable roof双脊屋顶
tech.double gable roof双人字屋顶
tech.double gable roof双山头屋顶
tech.flush gable roof硬山
tech.gable and hip roof歇山
tech.gable roof山墙封檐板
tech.gable roof人字屋顶形式
tech.gable roof双坡屋顶形式
construct.gable roof人字三角屋顶
archit.gable roof人字三角屋顶
met.gable roof人字屋顶
tech.gable roof双坡屋面
tech.gable roof山形屋顶
tech.gable roof三角屋顶
tech.gable roof人字屋顶
tech.gable roof双坡屋顶
tech.gable roof dormer人字屋顶窗
tech.gable roof dormer有山墙的屋顶天窗
tech.gable roof ridge turret人字屋顶上小塔
tech.gable roof ridge turret人字屋脊上小塔
tech.gable roof rigid frame山形刚架
tech.gable roof rigid frame硬山式刚架
tech.gable roof rigid frame人字顶架
tech.gable roof truss人字屋架
archit.gable roof truss人字屋架
tech.gable roof truss三角形屋架
anim.husb.gable roof type畜舍人字形屋顶
anim.husb.gable roof type山形屋顶
tech.gable roof type人字形屋顶 (畜舍)
tech.hip and gable roof人字坡墙
tech.hip and gable roof歇山式屋顶
archit.hip-ped-gable roof人字三角屋顶
tech.hipped gable roof半山头屋顶
tech.hipped gable roof小戗角屋顶
tech.low pitch gable roof缓双坡屋顶
tech.overhanging gable roof悬山
tech.slightly pitched gable roof小坡度人字屋顶
tech.unequal gable roof不等长双坡屋顶
tech.vertical ridge for gable roof垂脊