
Terms for subject Securities containing futures | all forms | exact matches only
advertising of futures brokerage services期货经纪服务的广告业务
agreed future time约定未来时间
agreed future time商定未来日期
Agricultural Futures Market, Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹农产品期货市场
Amsterdam Financial Futures Market阿姆斯特丹金融期货市场荷兰
arbitration for futures trading disputes期货交易争议的仲裁
Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers期货经纪人和交易商协会
Australia Financial Futures Market澳大利亚金融期货市场
Australian Financial Futures Market澳大利亚金融期货市场
Austrian Futures and Options Exchange奥地利期货期权交易所
Belgian Futures and Options Exchange比利时期货期权交易所比利时
bill futures国库券期货
bill payable at a determinable future time定期付款的远期汇票/账单
BNP Paribas Futures巴黎银行期货经纪公司
Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited香港期货交易所有限公司董事局
BOCI Commodities & Futures Limited中银国际商品期货有限公司
bonus future红利期货
call option on interest rate swap futures利率交换期货的认购期权
capital futures资本期货
catastrophe futures and options灾难期货与期权
cattle futures活牛期货
Chicago Mercantile Future Exchange芝加哥商品期货交易所
Chicago Merchantile Futures Exchange芝加哥商品期货交易所
Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Futures Exchange香港期货交易所行政总裁
China Commodity Futures Exchange中国商品期货交易所中国海南
China Financial Futures Exchange中国金融期货交易所上海
China Financial Futures Exchange中国金融期货交易所
China Index Futures中国指数期货
coffee futures咖啡期货
commercial paper futures商业票据期货
commodity-futures straddle商品期货套利
Commodity Futures Trading Commission商品期货交易委员会
commodity-indexed futures商品指数化期货
complaints against futures traders投诉期货交易商
congressional restrictions on futures trading国会对期货交易的限制
cross-rate futures contract交叉汇率期货合约
currency futures contract货币期货合同
currency futures investment外汇期货投资
currency futures option货币期货期权
currency futures option外汇期货选择权
custom in futures business期货行业中的惯例
Dalian Future Exchange大连期货交易所中国
dealing in futures contract期货合同交易
debt payable at a future time未到期应还债务
deferred futures延期期货
deposits required for futures accounts期货账户规定的保证金存款
development of futures期货的开发
Dj index future道・琼斯指数期货合约
DJIA futures道・琼斯工业平均指数期货
dollar value of futures contracts期货合约的美元价值
dominant futures主导期货
electricity futures电力期货
enhance and improve the supervision on securities and futures加强和改善证券期货监管工作
enter into a futures contract签订期货合同
ETF tracking an index on commodities futures追踪商品期货指数的 ETF
Euroyen futures contract欧洲日元存款利率期货合同
Euroyen Tibor Futures欧洲日元东京银行同业拆息期货
exchange for futures现货转为期货 (的现金支付)
exchange of futures for cash期货换现货
exchange of futures for swaps期货转掉期 (EFS)
Exchange of Futures of Swap现货转掉期
exchange of spot for futures现货换期货的交易
exchange traded futures交易所交易期货
Financial Futures Market, Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹金属期货交易所
financial instrument futures金融工具期货
flexible treasury futures options弹性国库券期货期权
foreign currency futures contract外汇期货合同
foreign exchange futures transaction外汇期货交易
forex future外汇期货
FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Futures新华富时中国25指数期货
future advances未来贷款款项
future benefit远期收益
future cash flow securitization未来现金流证券化
future contract期货合约 (FC)
future contract期货交易合同 (FC)
future delta期货变化率
future estate未来财产
future estate将来的不动产物权
future exchange contract远期外汇买卖合同
future fund期货资金
future fund期货基金
future goods未来财富
future income growth securities未来收益增长证券
future interest将来财产权
future interest未来权益
future investment opportunity未来投资机会
future performance liability未来行权责任
future performance liability未来执行责任
future rate agreement利率期货协议 (FRA)
future receivable securitization应收账款证券化
future return未来回报
future revenue loan value未来经营收人贷款额
future service payment未来的债务还本付息额
future sum未来资金总额
future value interest factors for annuity年金终值利息系数
future worth未来价值
future worth未来财富
futures and exchange-related derivatives期货和交易所相关衍生产品
futures and forwards期货和远期协议
futures and money market instrument期货及货币市场工具
futures and options exchange期货与期权交易所
futures and options fund期货与期权基金
futures and options fund期货和期权式基金
futures brokerage firms annually registered通过年检的期货经纪公司
futures brokerage licence期货经纪营业执照
futures brokerage licence期货经纪经营许可证
futures business licence期货营业执照
futures business trading期货交易
futures call期货认购
futures cash equivalent期货的现金等值
futures commission broker期货佣金经纪人
futures commission merchant期货委托商
futures commission merchants期货佣金商
Futures Compensation Fund Committee期货赔偿基金委员会香港证监会
futures contract multiple期货合同乘数
futures contract on Eurodollars欧洲美元期货合约
futures contract value期货合同价值
futures crossing procedure期货对盘程序
futures equivalence期货等值法
futures equivalence pricing期货等值定价法
futures exchange company期货交易公司/交易所
futures foreign exchange期货外汇
futures fund期货基金
futures general clearing dealer期货总结算交易商
futures implied隐形期货合约
futures implied隐形期货
futures implied contract rate隐形的期货合约利率
futures implied forward rate隐形的期货远期利率
futures individual clearing dealer期货独立清算交易商
Futures Industry Association期货行业协会
futures industry practitioners期货从业人员
futures management agency期货经营代理机构
futures margin monitoring center期货保证金监控中心
futures market maker期货市场造市商
futures operational branch期货营业部
futures options期货期权
futures pool operator期货基金经营商
futures position期货头寸
futures position期货仓位
futures price as risk reduction风险降低时的期货价格
futures price volatility期货价格波动性
futures rate agreement利率期货协议
futures regulation期货规则
futures sale期货销售
futures spread期货套利
futures strip期货叠期
futures style operation期货式操作
futures style option on futures期货式期权期货
futures transaction volume期货交易量
futures turnover期货总成交额
geared futures and options fund期货与期权杠杆基金
geared futures and options fund期货和期权杠杆基金
German Futures Exchange德国期货交易所
gold future黄金期货
Guangdong United Futures Exchange广东联合期货交易所
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures恒生中国企业指数期货
Hang Seng Commerce and Industry Sub-index Futures恒生工商分类指数期货
Hang Seng Finance Sub-index Futures恒生金融分类指数期货
Hang Seng Index Futures恒生指数期货
Hang Seng 100 Index Futures恒生100指数期货
Hang Seng Index Futures Contract恒生指数期货合同
Hang Seng Index Futures market恒生指数期货市场
Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Futures恒生地产分类指数期货
Hang Seng Sub-index Futures恒生分类指数期货
Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index Futures恒生公用事业分类指数期货
hedging with futures contract期货合同套期保值
HIBOR futures contract香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货合同
HIBOR futures strip香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货叠做期权
history of futures trading期货交易的历史
Hong Kong dollar interest rate futures港元利率期货
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited China Affairs Committee中国事务委员会香港期货交易所有限公司
Hong Kong interest rate futures港元利率期货
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission香港证券和期货委员会
Hong Kong stock-related futures market港股期货市场
H-shares Index Futures H股指数期货
impact of futures trading on price期货交易对价格的影响
index-futures pricing指数期货定价
index-based future指数基准期货
interest rate futures利率期货合同
interest rate futures market利率期货市场
interest rate swap futures利息掉期期货
International Stock Futures and Options国际股票期货及期权
Irish Futures and Options Exchange爱尔兰期货和期权交易所
Italian financial futures market意大利金融期货市场
Japanese government bond futures日本政府公债期货
Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所马来西亚
Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所
laws governing the securities and futures markets调整证券和期货市场的法规
lead futures contract主导期货合同
lead month futures contract最近月份期货合同
legal restrictions on futures trading对期货交易的法律限制
legislation concerning futures trading restriction有关期货交易限制的立法
levy on futures contract对期货合同征费
London Futures and Options Exchange伦敦期货期权交易所
London grain future伦敦谷物期货
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange伦敦国际金融期货与期权交易所
long currency future contract买人外汇期货契约
long futures多头期货
long futures长期期货交易
long-only diversified commodity futures fund单向买人多样化商品期货基金
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement-Arrangements Relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排一一与证券与期货人员资格有关的安排
managed futures管理的期货
managed futures funds接受管理的期货基金
managed futures funds管理下的期货基金
Manila International Future Exchange马尼拉国际期货交易所
Manila International Futures Exchange马尼拉国际期货交易所
Mercato Italiano Futures意大利期货市场位于罗马
Mercato Italiano Futures意大利期货市场
Mini-Hang Seng Index HSI Futures小型恒生指数期货
minimize crime in securities and futures transaction减少在证券期货交易中的违法行为
mini-trading on Nikkei 300 index futures日经300指数期货的小额交易
most distant futures contract最远期期货合约
municipal bond futures市政债券期货
municipal futures市政期货
Nasdaq Index Future纳斯达克指数期货
National Commodity Futures Examinations国家商品期货考试
national futures association全国期货协会
National Futures Association国家期货协会
nearby futures contract近期期货合同
net present value of future investments未来投资净现值
New York Composite Index futures纽约综合指数期货
New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange新西兰期货和期权交易所
next futures contract下一个期货合同
Nikkei index future日经指数期货
non-futures brokerage company非期货经纪公司
non-deliverable future forward人民币非交割期货远期
note futures票据期货
offsetting futures transactions期货对冲交易
one day rolling currency futures一日掉期外汇期货
one-month HIBOR futures 1个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货
one-month HIBOR futures contract 1个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货合同
opening of futures trading account期货交易的开户
option/futures spread期权/期货价差
option on futures期货合同期权
option on index futures contract指数期货合约的期权
option on stock index futures股价指数期货期权
Osaka stock futures 50大阪股50期货
OTC stock-index futures场外股指期货交易
overseas futures trading permit境外期货交易许可证
physical vs. futures trading现货与期货交易
pollution futures污染许可证期货
Portuguese Futures Exchange葡萄牙期货交易所
predefined futures calendar spreads预设期货跨期利差
premises of futures market期货市场的假定/前提
pricing stock index futures股票指数期货定价
primary month futures基本月期货
profitability of futures trading期货交易的盈利能力
Provisional Regulations for the Administration of Futures Trading期货交易管理暂行条例
PSI futures恒生地产分类指数期货
psychology of futures trader期货交易者的心理
put option on interest rate swap futures利率交换期货看跌期权
recognized futures exchange/market被授权的期货交易所/市场
red chip futures红筹期货
red chip index futures红筹股指数期货
reduce systemic risk in the securities and futures industry减少在证券和期货行业中的系统风险
regulated futures contract接受监管的期货合约
regulated futures contracts受监管的期货合约
requirements for futures trading对期货交易的要求
Reuters Jefferies CRB Future Index路透社 CRB 商品研究局期货指数
roll over a futures contract滚动期货合约
roll over a futures contract连续交易期货合同
rolling of futures期货滚动
rules of the futures exchange company期货交易所规章
sectoral index future分类指数期货
Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal证券和期货事务上诉审裁处
Securities and Futures Authority证券与期货管理局
Securities and Futures Authority证券与期货管理局
Securities and Futures Commission SEC证券期货监管委员会
Securities and Futures Commission, the证券期货监管委员会中国台北
securities and futures industry证券期货行业
Securities and Futures Statistical Yearbook证券和期货统计年鉴
securitization of future cash flows未来现金流的证券化
sell for future delivery预约销售
serial month Hibor futures三个月同业拆放利率期货
serial month Hibor futures连续数月香港银同业拆放利率期货
Shanghai Futures Exchange上海期货交易所
Shanghai Futures Exchange Plans Commodities Index上海期货交易所计划商品指数
Shanghai Municipal Futures Industry Association上海期货同业公会
share price index futures股指期货
share price index futures股价指数期货
Shenzhen Metal and United Futures Stock Exchange深圳金属和联合期货交易所
short futures做空期货
short futures卖期货
short futures contract淡仓期货合同
short futures contract卖期货合同
short synthetic futures合成空头期货
single stock future单一股票期货
size of futures期货商品规模
software for futures trading期货交易的软件
Spanish Financial Futures & Options Exchange西班牙期货和期权交易所
specified futures exchange专门期货交易所
specified security or futures contract专门证券或期货合同
spot futures parity theorem即期期货平价理论
STIR futures短期利率期货STIR 是 Short-term interest rate 缩写
stock index futures contract股票指数期货合同
stock index futures market股票指数期货市场
stock index futures transaction股票指数期货交易
stock price index future股价指数期货
stock trading vs. futures trading股票交易与期货交易
Straits Times Index Futures海峡时报指数期货
strip futures剥息期货
supervision sectors of securities and futures证券期货监管部门
Swiss Commodities, Futures and Options Association瑞士商品、期货及期权协会
Sydney Futures Exchange SFE悉尼期货交易所
synthetic long futures合成多头期货
synthetic short futures合成空头期货
taking of a long future买人长仓期货
taking of a short future买人短仓期货
theoretical futures price理论期货价格
three-month HIBOR futures三月期香港银行同业放款利率期货
three-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate futures contract三月期香港银行同业放款利率期货合同
three-year exchange fund note futures三年期外汇基金债券期货
Tokyo Futures Exchange东京期货交易所
Tokyo International Financial Future Exchange东京国际金融期货交易所
Toronto Futures Exchange多伦多期货交易所
trading in commodity futures contract商品期货合同交易
transaction in futures期货贸易
Treasury future国债期货
Treasury note futures国库中期票据期货
underlying futures contract对应期货合约
underlying futures contract原始期货合约
universal stock futures全球股票期货
value line composite index futures contract价值线综合指数期货合同
value line futures价值线期货