
Terms for subject Commerce containing futures | all forms | exact matches only
Commodity Futures Trading Commission商品期货交易管理委员会 (美国)
contango of futures期货溢价
deal in futures作期货交易
Future business would be jeopardized if the quality of goods is not kept up不保持货物的良好品质就会有损于未来的交易
future requirements未来要求
It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌
London Grain Futures Market伦敦谷物期货市场
new Futures Exchange纽约期货交易所
order for futures期货订单
physicals and futures现货与期货
sell for future delivery预售
There is no probability of their re-entering the market in the near future他们在近期内不可能买货
trading of futures期货合同交易