
Terms for subject Technology containing futures | all forms | exact matches only
advance payments for future purchase预购定金
alternative future未来发展趋势预测
average future time平均预期寿命
azimuth at future position位置方位角
buy for future delivery预购
dominant future支配性期货
economic growth rate in the near future近期经济增长速度
effective resource amount in the near future近期有效资源量
energy future能源期货
energy future能源未来
environmental system of future population未来人口环境系统
equivalent future等价远景
estimated future traffic估计未来交通量
estimated future traffic估计远景运量
exchange of future for cash以期货换现货
far future远景
far-future stage远期
foreign currency futures外币期货
foreign exchange future外汇期货
future acquired property将获得的房地产
future activities未来作业
future advance后续贷款
future advance远期预付
future advance clause后续贷款条款
future average daily traffic远期平均日交通量
future city未来城市未来主义理想新城市
future cost预测成本
future delivery期货交割
future development area远景发展地段
future economic development经济发展后劲
future edition再版
future expansion area远景发展地段
future expected data将来预期的数据
future expected population未开发的种群
future expenses未来费用
future extension将来扩建
future label未来标记
future label待标号
future land-use pattern土地使用远景 (图)
future light cone未来光锥
future load demand远景负荷需要
future operation and maintenance远期运转维修费
future position预测点
future potential recovery将来潜在可采储量
future price期货价 (格)
future project for development发展前景
future public land mobile telephone system未来公共陆地移动电话系统
future purchase期货购入
future quotation期货报价 (单)
future road拟建道路
future sale期货交易
future sale期货销售
future scenarios未来情景设想
future site use未来场地使用
future sum期货总额
future surrounding case将来环境角色
future traffic远景运量
future traffic forecast交通预报
future traffic volume将来交通量
future traffic volume远景货运量
future traffic volume estimating交通量预测
future unit预留机组
future wharf line计划码头线
future worth of one per period定期存入等量数目款项到期后的未来价值比
futures brokerage house期货经纪商
futures contract期货交易合同
futures delta期货变化率
futures foreign exchange contract期货汇兑合同
futures-style option期货式期权
futures trading期货贸易
House of the Future未来展览馆 (1929年雅各布森与拉尔斯森所设计的展览馆,呈圆形,屋顶可升降直升机)
in the near future programme已列入近期规划
International Conference on Environmental Future国际环境未来会议
known future value and present value-compute unknown由已知终值和现值求算未知
land for future extension预留
mean future time平均预期寿命
measurable future不久的将来
Nikkei stock average futures股票指数期货 (日本)
options on foreign currency futures外币期货期权
options on futures contract期货合约的期权交易
predicting future transportation demand远景交通量估算
range at future position提前位置距离
usable-in future reserves暂不能利用储量