
Terms for subject Securities containing fundamentals | all forms | exact matches only
assets value moving out of line with their fundamental worth资产价格脱离其基本价值
business fundamental经营的基本面
business fundamental经营基本环境
economic conditions and stock fundamentals经济状况与股票基本面因素
economic fundamentals基本经济因素
economic fundamentals经济资本状况
fragile fundamentals脆弱的基本面
fundamental analysis基本面分析以判断金融市场未来走势为目标,对经济和政治数据的透彻分析
fundamental analysis基本要素分析
fundamental analysis vs. technical analysis基本面分析与技术分析
fundamental beta基本面贝塔系数
fundamental convention基本惯例
fundamental evaluation of stock股票基本面评估
fundamental forecast基本面预测
fundamental long基本性长仓
fundamental nature基本特点
fundamental risk基本面风险
fundamental risk基本风险
fundamental rule基本规定
fundamental rule基本条例
fundamental transaction重大交易
fundamental turnaround根本性扭转
fundamentals of management基本面管理