
Terms for subject Finances containing fundamentals | all forms | exact matches only
economic fundamentals经济基本面
fundamental analysis基本面分析
fundamental equilibrium exchange rates基本均衡汇率 (指经济体正常产出的情况下足以让经济体恢复经常账户大致平衡的货币价值)
fundamental error重大错误
fundamental factors基本面因素
fundamental improvement in the economic situation经济运行根本好转
fundamental of accounting会计的基本原理
fundamental of financial accounting财会基础
fundamental reversal根本扭转
fundamental transformation of the economy经济根本转型
fundamental trend基本趋势
fundamental trend theory基本趋势理论
fundamental turnaround根本扭转
fundamental turnaround根本转向
fundamental uncertainty重大不确定性
fundamental value基本价值
fundamentals of accounting会计的基本原理
fundamentals of financial accounting财会基础
fundamentals of the economy经济基本面
give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用
limit the fundamental ability of banks to lend限制银行基本放贷能力
macroeconomic fundamentals宏观经济基本面
reflect market fundamentals反映市场基本面
serve the fundamental interests of China -U.S. peoples符合中美两国人民的根本利益
systemic and fundamental problems系统性、根源性问题