
Terms for subject International trade containing fund | all forms | exact matches only
administration of the fund资金管理
agency fund代管款
agency fund代收款
agency fund代管基金
aggregate fund in-flow out-flow资金流入与流出累积总额
agricultural export fund农产品外销基金
Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金协定条款
Asian Rice Trade Fund亚洲大米贸易基金
banker's fund position银行资金状况
banking fund银行基金
banking fund银行营业资金
bond sinking fund偿债基金
bonus fund奖励基金
buffer fund缓衡基金
building fund reserve建筑基金准备
business fund account业务资金账户
capital fund资本基金
cash fund现金款项
cash fund现金基金
common fund共同基金
common Fund and International Commodity Agreements共同基金和国际商品协议
common trust fund共同信托基金
consolidated fund整理基金
consolidated fund统一基金
consolidated fund service固定资金
consolidated working fund综合运用专款
consolidated working fund合并营运基金
contingent fund意外准备基金
contingent fund意外损失基金
contingent fund或有基金
continual redemption sinking fund连续偿债基金
counterpart fund对等基金
cumulative sinking fund累积偿债基金
current fund流动基金
depreciation fund折旧费
depreciation fund折旧基金
depreciation sinking fund偿债基金折旧
development loan fund开发放款基金
distribution of fund分配资金
dividend equalization fund平均股利基金
dividend fund股利基金
employees' insurance fund职工保险基金
employees' insurance fund self donation职工自付保险基金
employees' pension fund职工恤养基金
employee's savings fund职工储金
endowment fund捐赠基金
endowment fund留本基金
European Monetary Cooperation Fund欧洲货币合作基金组织
European Monetary Fund欧洲货币基金
exchange equalization fund汇兑平准基金
exchange fund兑换准备金
exchange fund汇兑基金
exchange fund cover汇兑资金调整
exchange stabilization fund汇兑稳定基金
exchange stabilization fund外汇平准基金
expandable fund可用资金
expandable fund备用基金
expenditure on fund deposit经费存款
expense fund deposit经费存款
export development fund出口发展基金
factory fund工厂基金
foreign exchange fund外汇基金
foreign fund外资
frozen fund冻结资金
fund account基金账户
Fund Agreement国际货币基金协定
fund allocation基金分配
fund and bank review基金与银行评论
fund appropriation基金拨付
fund asset基金资产
fund balance sheet基金资产负债表
fund balance sheet基金平衡表
fund flow资金流转
fund for compensation awards补偿金基金
fund group基金分类
fund group基金类
fund holder公债持有人
fund in trust信托基金
fund liability基金负债
fund obligation基金负担
fund pool基金合并投资
fund raiser基金筹措者
fund raising activities资金筹集活动
fund statement资金表
fund surplus基金盈余
general average deposit fund共同海损保证基金
general average fund共同海损基金
general bonded-debt fund普通债券债务基金
general fixed-assets fund一般固定资产基金
general fund deposit收入总存款
go-go fund赌博性投资
guarantee fund保证准备金
guarantee fund保证金
idle fund闲置资金
imprest fund定额周转金
imprest fund定额备用金
industrial accident fund工人伤害恤养基金
industrial accident fund reserve工人伤害恤养基金准备
industrial export fund工业品外销基金
industrial fund工业基金
initial fund开办资金
initial fund创始资金
insurance fund保险基金
insurance fund reserve保险基金
insurance fund reserve保险基金准备
integrated fund综合基金
interest equalization fund利息平准基金
interest fund利息基金
interest subsidy fund利息津贴基金
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 19711971 年设立国际油污损害赔偿基金公约
international monetary fund国货币基金组织
International Monetary Fund国际货币基金会
International Monetary Fund Agreement国际货币基金协定1945年 12 月 27 日
international monetary fund agreement国际货币基金协定
international opportunity fund国际适时基金会
investment fund投资基金、
investment of sinking fund偿债基金投资
legal public loan fund法定公积金公债基金
legal reserve fund法定准备金
limitation fund处理船主责任范围以外的索赔的基金
loan fund贷款资金
medical benefits fund医疗保险基金
medical benefits fund医疗保证基金
mezzanine fund提供中介融资的中介资
mobile fund流动基金
mobile fund可动基金
mutual fund共同基金公司
mutual fund company共同基金公司
mutual fund company合股投资公司
non-accumulative sinking fund非累积偿债基金
non-business revolving fund非营业循环基金
non-cumulative sinking fund非累积偿债基金
not sufficient fund存款不足
not sufficient fund基金不足
old sinking fund原偿债基金
open-end investment company mutual fund company随时买卖证券的投资公司
operating fund业务基金
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund日本海外经济协作基金会
overseas economic fund海外经济联合基金
Overseas Economic Fund海外经济联合基金
overseas project fund海外工程基金
payroll fund薪资基金
pension fund deductions恤养基金减除数
pension fund reserve恤养基金准备
petty cash fund零用现金基金
plant fund固定设备专款
preferred stock sinking fund优先股收回基金
preinvestment fund投资前基金
private trust fund私人信托款
purchase fund购买基金
quotas of International Money Fund国际货币基金摊额
raising fund筹款
redemption fund偿债基金
redemption fund赎债基金
relief fund救济基金
relief fund reserve救助基金准备
renewal fund换新基金
repatriation of fund汇返本国资金
replacement fund重置基金
reserve for sinking fund偿债准备
reserve fund准备金
reserve position in the fund在国际货币基金储备净额
reserve position in the Fund参加国在国际货币基金中的准备地位 (of a participant)
reserved fund公积金
restricted fund特定用途基金
restricted fund限定用途的基金
revolving fund备用金
revolving fund周转金
rotary fund循环基金
savings fund储蓄基金
sinking fund偿还准备金
sinking fund accumulation偿债基金累积
sinking fund accumulation偿债基金积存款
sinking fund assets偿债专款资产
sinking fund expense偿债基金费用
sinking fund income偿债基金收益
sinking fund installment偿债基金按期摊发款
sinking fund investment偿债基金投资
sinking fund method of depreciation偿债基金折旧法
sinking fund requirements偿债基金应提款
sinking fund reserve偿债基金准备
sinking fund trustee偿债基金信托人
solidarity fund团结基金
Special Arab Fund for Africal Oil Importers非洲石油进口国阿拉伯特别基金会
special assessment fund特别捐税基金
special credit fund特别信贷基金
special fund特种基金
special fund deposit特种基金存款
special reserve fund特别准备基金
special revenue fund特种收入基金
Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development联合国经济发展特别基金会
staff compensation fund工作人员补偿基金
statement of source and application of fund资金来源运用表
stock fund库存基金
stock fund存货基金
stock fund材料基金
stores fund材料基金
strike fund罢工津贴基金
sulking fund cash偿债基金现金
superannuation fund养老金基金
surplus fund剩余基金
surplus fund盈余资金
surplus-fund warrant余款停用通知
suspense fund暂记款项
tax fund税源
total tranche position of a country in the Fund一国在国际货币基金中的总份额
trust revolving fund信托周转金
trust-and-agency fund信托及代理基金
UNIDO Central Trust Fund联合国工发组织总信托基金
united fund联合基金
United Nations Capital Development Fund联合国资本开发基金会
United Nations Fund for Population Activities联合国人口问题基金
United Nations special Fund联合国特别基金
unused fund未动用资金
utilities fund公用事业基金
wage fund工资基金
wages-fund theory工资基金论
welfare fund福利金
working capital and reserve fund周转准备金
working capital fund周转资金
working fund营运基金
working fund零用金
working fund周转金
yellow dog fund反对工会的基金
yellow dog fund收买基金