
Terms for subject Finances containing fund | all forms | exact matches only
ABF Hong Kong Bond Index FundABF 香港创富债券指数基金
absorb idle fund吸收游资
account of application of fund资金运用帐户
accumulated fund公积金
accumulated fund累计基金
accumulating fund积累基金
accumulative sinking fund累计偿债基金
active fund management积极型基金管理
additional fund增加基金
administration of wage fund工资基金管理
advance from working capital fund周转资金垫付款
advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure垫付普通基金款项充作预算支出
advance to the working capital fund对周转基金预缴款项
African Developemnt Fund非洲开发基金 (非洲开发银行的附属机构,成立于1972年11月)
African Solidarity Fund非洲统一基金组织 (区域性经济开发合作金融组织,成立于1976年,总部设在尼日尔首都尼亚美)
aggregate fund公积金总计
Agreement of the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织协定
American fund美国基金
American Monetary Stabilization Fund美国货币稳定基金
Andean Reserve Fund安第斯储备基金会
application of fund资金运用
application of fund statement资金运用表
appropriation for special fund专用拨款
appropriation for special fund专用基金
appropriation fund支出预算基金
appropriation fund岁出预算经费
Arab Economic Development Fund阿拉伯经济开发基金
Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金会 (区域性货币金融合作组织,成立于1971年,秘书处设在科威特)
Arab Fund for Technical Assistance阿拉伯技术援助基金会 (附属于阿拉伯国家联盟的区域性金融合作机构,成立于1974年,总部设在突尼斯)
Arab Monetary Fund阿拉伯货币基金组织 (阿拉伯国家政府间货币金融合作组织,成员国为阿拉伯国家联盟的22个成员国,成立于1977年,总部设在阿联酋首都阿布扎比)
arbitrage fund套利基金
assessment fund摊派税捐基金
assessment fund付税基金
assessment fund特赋基金
asset allocation fund资产分配基金
asset of special fund专用基金资产
assets of special fund专用基金资产
authorized fund认可基金
authorized mutual fund认可互惠基金
average balance of current fund流动资金平均余额
bail-out fund纾困基金 (又称"救援基金 (rescue fund)")
balanced fund资金平衡
balanced large-cap fund大盘平衡基金
balanced mid-cap fund中盘平衡基金
balanced small-cap fund小盘平衡基金
bank credit fund银行信贷资金
bank deposit on enterprise fund企业基金银行存款
banker's fund银行专款
banks fund position银行资金状况
bank's fund position银行资金状况
benefit fund reserve职工福利基金准备
blend fund混合型基金
bond fund products债券基金产品
bond index fund债券指数基金
bond market stabilization fund国债平准基金
bond retirement fund债券偿还基金
bond retirement fund减债基衾
bond sinking fund公司债偿债基金
bond stabilization fund国债平准基金
Brie investment fund金砖四国投资基金
budget and fund accounting预算与基金会计
buffer fund缓冲基金
buffer fund平准基金
buyout fund收购基金
capital appreciation fund资本增值型基金
capital guarantee fund保本型基金 (金融机构提供的投资工具,保证投资者的初步资本投资不会有损失)
capital market fund资本市场基金
capital projects fund资本计划基金
capital redemption reserve fund资本赎回准备基金
captive fund专属基金
cash fund保证金
cash fund现金型基金
cash fund现金
cashier's imprest fund司库垫款
change fund找换金
change fund换钱
China Merchants Fund Management Co中国招商基金管理有限公司
China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation Limited中国证券投资者保护基金有限责任公司 (简称"中投保",成立于2005年9月29日,由国务院独资设立,证监会、财政部、央行有关人士出任董事)
China Southern Fund Management南方基金管理有限公司
China's fund companies中国基金公司
circulating fund source周转资金
circulation fund流通基金
city contingencies fund对内预备金
civil contingencies fund对内预备金
classification of expenditure by fund支出按专款分类
classification of income by fund收入经费分类法
clearing fund清算基金
clients' fund客户资金
clone fund复制基金
closed fund封闭式基金
closed-end fund封闭式基金 (指具有固定的核定资本,不可因应客户需求随时增发的一种基金。它与一般的公司股票类似,一般在证券交易所上市交易,投资者可以通过二级市场买卖基金单位)
closed-end fund discount封闭式基金折价率
closed-end fund puzzle封闭式基金折价率
closed-end investment fund封闭式投资基金
closed-end mutual fund封闭式互助基金
closed-end securities investment fund封闭式证券投资基金
co-financing fund共筹资金
common rescue fund共同救助基金
compact fund契约型基金
compensation fund赔偿基金
compensation fund reserve account赔偿基金储备账
Composite Development Fund欧洲发展基金
Composite Fund欧洲基金
Composite Monetary Cooperation Fund欧洲货币合作基金
Composite Regional Development Fund欧洲地区开发基金组织
Composite Social Fund欧洲社会基金组织
configure-type fund配置型基金
contractual mutual fund合约互惠基金
cost of fund基金成本
credit fund信贷资金
CSI Bond Fund Index中证债券型基金指数
CSI ETF Fund Index中证 ETF 基金指数
CSI Fund Indices中证基金类指数
CSI Hybrid Fund Index中证混合型基金指数
CSI Money Fund Index中证货币基金指数
CSI Open-end Fund Index中证开放式基金指数
CSI QDII Fund Index中证 QDII 基金指数
CSI Stock Fund Index中证股票型基金指数
cumulative sinking fund累积偿债基金 (accumulative sinking fund)
current fund loan流动资金借款
current fund norm流动资金定额
current fund norm for procurement储备资金定额
current fund turnover流动资金周转率
current fund turnover times流动资金周转次数
current fund with norm定额流动资金
debt consolidation fund special account债务统一 基金特别会计帐户
debt consolidation fund special accounting债务合并基金特别会计
debt-for-fund swap债务基金化
detailed schedule of special fund专用基金明细表
differential policy for personal housing fund mortgage loans住房公积金个人贷款差别化政策
direct investment fund直接投资资金
disbursement from fund动用基金支付
discretionary fund manager有自主决定权的基金经理
disguised fund raising变相集资
disposition of fund资金处理
diversified common stock fund多元化普通股资金
dollar fund美元基金
domestic fund国内基金
donated fund捐赠金
earmarked fund专用基金
electronic fund transfer system电子资金转帐制度
embezzlement of public fund盗用公款
emerging market fund新兴市场基金
employee pension fund职工退休基金
employee pension fund职工退休金基金
employee stock fund员工股票基金
employee stock ownership trust fund员工人股信托基金
employees’ insurance fund职工保险基金
employees insurance fund self-donation行员自筹职工保险基金
employee’s investment fund职工投资款
employees pension fund职工抚恤养老基金
employee’s saving fund职工储金
employee's welfare fund职工福利基金
employee’s welfare fund职工福利基金
energy fund能源基金
enterprise annuity fund企业年金基金
enterprise development fund企业发展基金
enterprise fund企业基金
equity fund股票型基金
equity fund for Bric stocks专注于"金砖四国"股票的股票型基金
equity market neutral hedge fund股市中性对冲基金
equity-income fund权益收益基金
establishment of fund设置基金
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee fund欧洲农业指导与保证基金
European Development Fund欧洲发展基金会
European Financial Stability Fund欧洲金融稳定基金
European Monetary Cooperation Fund欧洲货币合作基金 (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
European Monetary Cooperation Fund欧洲货币合作基金 (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
European Regional Development Fund欧洲地区开发基金组织
Eurozone's 440bn bail-out fund欧元区4400 亿欧元纾困基金
EU's rescue fund欧盟纾困基金
excess fund超额资金
excess fund剩余款
exempt fund manager豁免基金经理
expendable fund备用专款
expendable fund备用基金
expendable fund可用资金
expenditure fund deposit经费存款
extrabudgetary fund预算外经费
federal fund联邦专款
fees for the use of current fund流动资金占用费
fidelity fund互保基金
fiduciary fund信托基金
financing guarantee fund融资担保资金
fixed fund usage charges payable应付固定资金占用费
flagship fund旗舰基金
floating fund浮游资金
food stabilization fund粮食平准基金
foreign exchange fund special account外汇资金特别账户
foreign exchange fund special account外汇基金特别帐户
foreign fund managers外国基金管理公司
furnitures and fixtures sinking fund器具提存金
general fund普通用款
general fund deposit普通基金存款
general fund trust普通资金信托
general trust fund普通信托基金
general-purpose fund综合基金
global fund全球基金
GNMA fund政府全国抵押协会基金
gold exchange-traded fund黄金交易所交易基金 (简称"黄金 ETF")
gold fund黄金基金
government bond fund国债基金
government-managed fund政府性基金
growth and income fund成长收益型基金
growth fund成长型基金
Guarantee Fund for Danish Options and Futures丹麦期权和期货保证基金组织
guaranty fund保证基金
high current income fund本期高收益基金
high current income mutual fund本期高收益互惠基金
high growth fund高成长型基金
high-yield bond fund高收益债券基金
high-yield municipal fund高收益市政基金
Hong Kong exchange fund香港外汇基金
housing fund住房基金
hybrid fund混合型基金
hypothetical sinking fund假想之偿债基金
idle fund游资
imaginary fund假想基金
IMF petroleum fund国际货币基金组织石油基金
IMF trust fund国际货币基金组织信托基金
imprest fund application定额备用金申请书
imprest fund system定额备用金制 (imprest method)
imprest fund system定额预付法 (imprest method)
imprest petty each fund定额备用金
income distribution of fund基金收益分配
incremental investment fund增资基金
index fund指数基金
insolvency fund无力偿付基金
institutional fund机构基金
insurance fund reserve保险基金储备
insurance protection fund保险保障基金
insurance reserve fund保险公积金
insurance reserve fund保险准备基金
insured pension fund已保险养老基金
inter-fund transaction基金间业务
inverse exchange-traded fund反向交易所买卖基金
investment fund management fee投资基金管理费
investment trust fund投资信托基金
investor compensation fund投资者赔偿基金
Investor Compensation Fund Committee投资者赔偿基金委员会
junk bond fund垃圾债券基金
junk mini-bond fund迷你垃圾债券基金
land and building sinking fund房地产提存金
large-cap fund大盘股基金
launch fund of funds推出基金的基金
life cycle fund生命周期基金
life fund人寿保险基金
life income fund终身收益基金
listed open-ended fund上市型开放式基金
load fund收费基金
local equity fund本地股票基金
local-improvement fund地方改良基金
long-term growth fund长期成长型基金
long-term municipal bond fund长期市政公债基金
loose fund游资
major overhaul repair fund大修理基金
managed commodity fund futures Inc.管理商品基金期货公司
managed futures fund管理期货基金
mandatory provident fund强制性公积金
mandatory provident fund account强制性公积金户口
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority强制性公积金计划管理局
matching fund对等捐款
maximum growth fund最大成长型基金
mezzanine fund后期资金
mezzanine fund中间资金
mezzanine fund夹层资金
mirror fund镜子基金
money fund货币资金
money market fund business model货币市场基金商业模式
Multilateral Interest Equalization Fund多边利息平衡基金
municipal bond fund市政债券基金
national security fund国家社会保险基金
National Social Security Fund全国社会保障基金 (我国中央政府集中的国家重要的战略储备,主要用于弥补今后人口老龄化高峰时期的社会保障需要)
net liquid fund流动资金净额
new sinking fund新的减债基金
no-load fund不收手续费基金
non-business revolving fund非营业周转性基金
non-cumulative sinking fund非累计偿债基金
non-expendable trust fund禁支信托基金
non-lapsing fund无失效期基金/资金
non-procurement fund非采购基金
non-resident-owned fund非居民投资基金
non-retail fund非零售基金
Nordic Fund for Technology and Industrial Development北欧技术和工业发展基金组织
offshore fund海外基金
offshore mutual fund海外互惠基金
open-end fund liquidity risk开放式基金流动性风险
open-end mutual fund开放式互惠基金
open-end securities investment fund开放式证券投资基金
operating fund经营基金
operation fund advanced to agencies各机构预支业务经费
overseas fund海外基金
over-the-counter market fund店头市场基金 (主要投资于所谓的店头市场或柜台交易证券,其投资策略属积极型,风险程度和获利潜能亦较高)
payroll fund工资基金置于工厂各部门,供职工暂借用
pension fund contribution对退休基金的分摊
pension fund deduction恤养基金扣除数
perpetual trust fund永续性信托基金
plant fund产业基金
preferred stock sinking fund优先权收回基金
private equity fund私募股权基金
private equity fund of funds私募股权基金的基金
private fund manager私人基金管理公司
private trust-fund私人信托款
pro rata sinking fund按比例偿债基金
processing of trust fund proposals信托基金建议的处理
production stock fund生产储备资金
program structure in fund accounting基金会计中的项目结构
public finance revolving fund财政周转基金
public fund regime公众基金制度
public offering of fund基金公开发行
public school fund公立学校基金
public welfare fund公益基金
public welfare fund trust公益基金信托
QDII Brie fund合格的境内机构投资者金砖四国基金
quasi money market fund准货币货币市场型基金 (是债券型基金(货币市场基金)的过渡产品)
raise a renminbi-denominated fund募集以人民币计价的基金
rate of return on stockholders' fund股东资金报酬率
rate sensitive fund利率敏感性资金
receivables under specific fund专用基金应收款
recycling of fund资金回流
redemption fund赎回基金
redemption fund偿还基金
regional fund区域型基金
renovation and reformation fund更新改造资金
replenishment of fund基金之补充
rescue fund救助基金
reserve fund预备金
reserve fund account储备基金账户
reserve fund account储备资金帐户
reserve fund for equalization of dividends平均股利准备金
reserve fund for equalization of dividends平均分红公积金
reserve fund for major repairs大修准备金
reserve of major repair fund大修基金
reserved fund准备保留基金
restricted current fund限定流动基金
retirement fund资产报废基金
retirement fund恤养基金 (pension fund)
retirement fund退休基金 (pension fund)
revolving fund周转基金
Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration联合国自然资源勘探循环基金
revolving loan fund循环贷款基金
risk fund风险基金
rotary fund周转基金 (revolving fund)
rotary fund循环基金 (revolving fund)
S & P 500 Index fund标普500指数基金
saving fund储蓄基金
savings account fund储蓄账户资金
savings-oriented sovereign wealth fund储蓄型主权财富基金
scatter fund闲散资金
schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动奖金周转率计算表
scholarship fund奖学基金
school fund学校基金
sector fund区域型基金
sector fund板块基金
sector fund产业型基金
sector fund行业基金
sector specific fund产业型基金
securities investment fund证券投资基金
securities investment trust fund证券投资信托基金
segregated fund独立基金
segregation of sources and utilization of fund资金来源及用途划分
self-insurance fund自行保险基金
self-raised fund by local government地方财政自筹资金
selling of fund卖出资金
semi-fixed fund半固定基金
service fund服务基金
short fund做空基金
short-term bond fund短期债券基金
short-term fund短期基金
short-term high quality fund短期高质基金
short-term investment fund短期投资基金
short-term municipal bond fund短期市政债券基金
short-term tax-exempt fund短期免税基金
single-country fund单一国家基金
single-country mutual fund单一国家互惠基金
single-state municipal bond fund单一市政债券基金
sinking fund储蓄基金
sinking fund accumulation偿债基金累计额
sinking fund appropriation偿债基金拨款额
sinking fund assets偿债基金资产
sinking fund balance sheet债债基金平衡表
sinking fund bonds偿债基金债券公司债
sinking fund cash偿债基金现金
sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach偿债基金折旧加原始成本利息法
sinking fund factor偿债基金系数
sinking fund instalment偿债基金按期摊拨款
sinking fund insurance偿债基金保险
sinking fund provisions偿债基金条款
sinking fund redeemable bonds有偿债基金之公司债票
sinking fund redemption偿债基金式赎回
sinking fund requirements偿债基金要求
sinking fund requirements偿债基金应提额
sinking fund securities偿债基金证券
sinking fund surplus偿债基金盈余
small companies fund小盘股基金
small-cap blend fund小盘股混合基金
small-cap growth fund小盘股成长基金
small-cap value fund小盘股价值基金
social insurance trust fund社会保险信托基金
social investment fund社会投资基金
social security fund社保基金
Soros Fund Management索罗斯基金管理公司
source of initial fund初期资金来源
source-and-use -of-fund statement资金来源运用表
sources of initial fund初期资金来源
Special Arab Fund for Africa阿拉伯援助非洲特别基金
special assessment fund特赋基金
special assessment fund特征捐税基金
special bond fund特别债券基金
special fund专门基金
special fund专项基金
special fund特别基金
special fund appropriation accounts专项基金拨款账户
special fund deposit专项基金存款
special fund for economic development经济开发专项基金
special fund receipt accounts专项基金收人账户
special measure fund for the least developed countries最不发达国家特别措施基金
special revenue fund特种收人基金
special revenue fund特别准备基金
special situation fund特殊情况基金
special welfare fund特别福利基金
specialized fund专门基金
specialized mutual fund专门互助基金
special-purpose fund专用资金
special-purpose trust fund专用信托基金
specialty fund专门基金
split fund双重股份基金
stabex fund稳定出口收入基金
stabilization-oriented sovereign wealth fund稳定型主权财富基金
staff benevolent fund工作人员福利基金
staff incentive and welfare fund payable应付职工奖励及福利基金
staff welfare fund职工福利基金
statutory public welfare fund法定公益金
stock exchange compensation fund证券交易补偿基金
stock fund福利基金
stock index fund股票指数基金
stock market stabilization fund股市平准基金
store fund材料基金
strategy-oriented sovereign wealth fund战略型主权财富基金
subscribe to a fund捐助基金
subsidize from public fund由公款补助
superannuation fund公积金
superannuation fund养老基金
surplus fund盘余资金
suspense fund未定基金
synthetic fund cost综合资金成本
tax agency fund税收代理基金
tax equalization fund平衡征税基金
tax-free reserve fund免税准备基金
third-party fund managers第三方基金管理公司
tied trust fund附带条件的信托基金
tied trust fund限制性信托基金
tracker fund of Hong Kong香港盈富基金 (香港最负盛名的第一只追踪恒生指数的 ETF 基金,成立于1999年11月)
transfer of public fund公共基金的转拨
transfer to reserve fund转入准备金帐户
Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund转入税收平衡基金
Treasury fund国库基金
Treasury fund futures国库基金期货
Treasury Money Fund国库货币基金
Treasury Money Market Fund国库货币市场基金
Treasury Obligations Fund国库债务基金
trust and agency fund信托代理基金
trust fund代管款
trust-and-agency fund代管款
trust-type mutual fund信托型共同基金
turnover rate of standard current fund定额流动资金周转率
ultra-short-term bond fund超短期债券基金
umbrella fund伞形基金
uncompleted projects of specific fund专用基金未完成项目
unobligated fund未承诺义务的资金
unobligated fund未支配资金
unrestricted fund不受限制基金
valuation of fund application资金运用评估
valuation of fund application资金运用的评价
value fund价值型基金
value shown by the book of the fund基金帐面价值
vanguard 500 index fund先锋 500 指数基金 (全球最早的指数化共同基金和最大的单个基金,创立于1975年)
venture capital fund创业基金
venture capital fund风险投资基金
venture fund创业基金
vertical fund纵向基金
vulture fund秃鹫基金 (指主要投资于违约或接近违约的高收益债券、破产或接近破产的股票以及贬值的资产,期望今后价格反弹、扭亏为盈时能获利的创业基金)
wage fund control工资基金管理
war fund战时基金
warrant fund认股权证基金
welfare fund福利基金
West African Community Development Fund西非共同体发展基金会
West African Economic Community Development Fund西非经济共同体开发基金
West African Economic Community Fund for Solidarity and Economic Development西非经济共同体团结与经济开发基金
within the limit of ... fund在... 基金的限额内
with-profits fund有收益基金
workers and staffs welfare fund职工福利基金
working capital fund业务周转金
working capital fund运转基金
working capital fund营运基金
working capital fund流转资金
working capital fund营运资本
working fund运转资金
working fund运转基金
working fund运用基金
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