
Terms for subject Name of organization containing fund | all forms | exact matches only
African Biofuels and Renewable Energy Fund非洲生物燃料和可再生能源基金
African Industrial Development Fund非洲工业发展基金会
Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development阿拉伯经济及社会发展基金
Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African and Arab Countries阿拉伯技术援助基金会
Arab Monetary Fund阿拉伯货币基金
Arab Monetary Fund阿拉伯货币基金会
Asian Rice Trade Fund亚洲大米贸易基金会
Benefit-sharing Fund利益共享基金
Central American Fund for Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化基金
Central American Fund for Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化基金会
Central American Fund for Social Development中美洲社会发展基金
Central American Fund for Social Development中美洲社会发展基金会
Codex Trust Fund食典信托基金
Codex Trust Fund粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation英联邦技术合作基金
Consultative Group for the Trust Fund粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组
Copenhagen Green Climate Fund哥本哈根绿色气候基金
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund世界基督教教会贷款基金会
Emergency and Rehabilitation Fund紧急情况和恢复基金
Emergency Intervention Fund应急基金
Emergency Trust Fund紧急情况信托基金
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund欧洲农业指导及保证基金会
European Fisheries Fund欧洲渔业基金
FAO Staff Commissary Fund粮农组织职工商店基金
FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Codex Trust Fund粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组
FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Trust Fund粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组
FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex食典信托基金
FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金
Five Year Action Plan of the Common Fund for Commodities五年行动计划
Five Year Action Plan of the Common Fund for Commodities商品共同基金五年行动计划
General Fund普通基金
General Trust Fund一般信托基金
Global Trust Fund全球信托基金
Green Climate Fund哥本哈根绿色气候基金
Guarantee Fund for Danish Options and Futures丹麦期权和期货保证基金组织丹麦
Immediate Plan of Action Trust Fund《近期行动计划》信托基金
Interdistrict Settlement Fund Gold Settlement Fund区域清算基金组织黄金清算基金
International Fund for Agricultural Development国际农业发展基金会
International Fund for Animal Welfare国际动物福利基金
International Monetary Fund联合国国际货币基金组织
International Monetary Fund国际货币基金
IPA Trust Fund《近期行动计划》信托基金
Least Developed Countries Fund最不发达国家基金
Multidisciplinary Fund多学科基金
Nordic Development Fund北欧发展基金
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund海外经济合作基金
Pension Fund养恤基金
Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex食典信托基金
Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金
Publications Revolving Fund出版周转基金
Saudi Fund for Development沙特发展基金
Single Donor Trust Fund单捐助机构信托基金
Special Fund for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture农业领域减缓气候变化特别基金
Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities应急和恢复活动特别基金
Special Fund for Redeployment and Separation Costs重新安置和离职费用特别基金
Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development联合国经济发展特别基金
Special Voluntary Fund特别自愿基金
SSE Fund Index上证基金指数中国
Staff Commissary Fund粮农组织职工商店基金
TeleFood Special Fund电视粮食集资特别基金
Terminal Emoluments Reserve Fund最终报酬储备基金
Terminal Payments Fund最终付款基金
Trust Fund for Food Security and for Emergency Prevention System粮食安全及紧急预防系统信托基金
Trust Fund for Food Security and for EMPRES粮食安全及紧急预防系统信托基金
Trust Fund for Implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action《近期行动计划》信托基金
Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building统计能力建设信托基金
Trust Fund for the Immediate Plan of Action IPA《近期行动计划》信托基金
Trust Fund for the Immediate Plan of Action IPA for FAO Renewal《近期行动计划》信托基金
Trust Fund for the IPA《近期行动计划》信托基金
Twentieth Century Fund二十世纪基金组织
UN Capital Development Fund联合国资本发展基金
UNDG Iraq Trust Fund联合国发展集团伊拉克信托基金
United Nations Capital Development Fund联合国资本开发基金
United Nations Capital Development Fund联合国资本发展基金
United Nations Development Fund for Women联合国妇女发展基金
United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund联合国发展集团伊拉克信托基金
United Nations Development Group-Iraq Trust Fund联合国发展集团伊拉克信托基金
United Nations Industrial Development Fund联合国工业发展基金
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund联合国合办工作人员养恤基金
United Nations Population Fund联合国人口活动基金
United Nations Population Fund人口基金
United Nations Population Fund联合国人口基金
United Nations Refugees' Emergency Fund联合国难民紧急救济基金
United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration联合国自然资源勘探周转基金
United Nations Trust Fund for African Development联合国非洲发展信托基金
United Nations Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections联合国发展规划及预测信托基金
United Nations Trust Fund for Social Development联合国社会发展信托基金
World Wide Fund for Nature世界自然基金会