
Terms containing fund | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a fund of丰富的
gen.a fund of大量的
securit.absolute return fund绝对收益基金
securit.accounts of application of fund资金使用账目
securit.accounts of application of fund资金占用科目
securit.accounts of compensation fund补偿资金账目
securit.accumulation fund积累资金
securit.active fund management活跃基金管理
securit.additional allocation of credit fund增拨/追加信贷资金
securit.administering a fund基金管理
securit.Administrative Measures on Operation of Securities Investment Fund证券投资基金运作管理办法证监会制定
securit.aggressive growth fund激进型增长基金
securit.aggressive growth mutual fund激进型增长共同基金
avia.airport and airway trust fund航空港与航路信托基金
securit.allotted fund划拨资金
securit.all-weather fund全天候基金
securit.amortization fund摊还基金
securit.amount issued of securities investment fund证券投资基金发行量
securit.amount issued of securities investment fund证券投资基金规模
securit.analysis of source and application of fund资金来源和使用分析
securit.analysis statement of source and application of fund资金来源与运用报表分析
securit.annual fund operation expenses年度基金运作费用
gen.Asian Development Fund亚洲开发基会
securit.assets allocation fund资产配置基金
securit.assets allocation mutual fund资产配置共同基金
securit.assets class fund managers资产分类基金经理
securit.assets of securities investment fund证券投资基金的资产
securit.authorized fund house授权的基金公司
securit.authorized fund house核准的基金公司
securit.authorized mutual fund认可的共同基金
securit.authorized mutual fund核准的共同基金
securit.automatic fund allocation system自动资金分配制
securit.available fund补偿金
securit.available fund可用资金
securit.back-end load fund后端收费基金
securit.balance fund平衡资金
securit.balance fund结余资金
securit.balanced mutual fund平衡式共同基金
securit.bank fund position银行资金状况
securit.bank fund position银行资金头寸
securit.bank insurance fund银行保险基金
securit.bank loan fund银行贷款基金
securit.blind pool fund隐形合作基金
securit.buyout fund买断基金
securit.buyout fund并购基金
securit.buyout fund购并基金
securit.buy-write fund买股票卖期权基金
UNCapacity 21 Trust Fund21世纪能力信托基金
UNCapacity 21 Trust Fund21世纪能力方案
securit.captive fund附属基金
securit.cash fund现款基金
securit.cash in bank-special fund银行专项基金现金
securit.cash management fund现金管理基金
securit.class B fundB 类基金
securit.clean-up fund清理基金
securit.clearing members' fund结算会员基金
securit.clone fund克隆基金
securit.clone money-market fund克隆货币市场基金
securit.close fund封闭式基金同 closed-end mutual fund
securit.close securities investment fund封闭式投资基金
securit.closed-end fund封闭式基金
securit.closed-end mutual fund限额共同基金
securit.closed-end mutual fund固定股份投资信托公司
securit.closed-end property fund封闭式财产基金
securit.collective investment fund联合投资基金
securit.combined schedule of investment by fund基金投资合并表
securit.commingled fund混合型基金
securit.commingled real estate fund混合房地产基金
securit.commodity fund商品期货基金
securit.common fund共有资金
econ.Common Fund's 2nd window共同基金的第二窗口经济合作与发展组织
securit.common stock fund普通股基金
securit.compensation fund保证基金
securit.compensation fund reserve account赔偿基金储备账户
securit.completeness fund完整性基金
securit.contingency fund应急资金
securit.contingent fund偶发损失基金
securit.contra fund抗势基金
busin.contribute the same amounts of fund and material平摊资金和物资
securit.corporations as hedge fund investor作为对冲基金投资者的公司
busin.current fund employed during material procurement物资采购占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed per 100 yuan of gross industrial output每百元工业总产值占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed per 100 yuan of sales revenue每百元销售收入占用的流动资金
busin.current fund for material storage材料储备流动资金
busin.current fund turnover of raw material原材料流动资金周转数
avia.defense business operations fund防务操作资金
securit.designated exchange-traded fund指定交易所交易基金
securit.diamond trust fund钻石信托基金
securit.direction for the use of fund基金使用方向
securit.discovery fund发现基金
securit.discretionary common reserve fund自主公积金
securit.discretionary common reserve fund可调节的公积金
securit.discretionary fund任意支配的资金
securit.discretionary fund自主基金
securit.discretionary fund选择性基金
securit.discretionary fund manager全权委托投资基金经理
securit.diversified common stock fund多样化普通股基金
securit.diversified common stock fund分散化普通股基金
securit.diversified fund分散化的投资基金
securit.diversified fund多样化的投资基金
securit.double exempt fund双重免税基金 (既免国税又免地税)
gen.draw on the International Monetary Fund向国际货币基金组织提款
securit.dual mutual fund双重共同基金
securit.dual purpose fund两用资金
securit.dual purpose fund双重目标资金
securit.dual purpose fund双重目标基金
securit.due from other fund其他基金替付款
securit.due from other fund其他基金垫款
securit.earmarked fund指定用途的资金
securit.earmarked fund专门用途的资金
securit.earmarked fund专款
securit.eclectic nature of hedge fund对冲基金包罗万象的特点
gen.Economic and Development Fund经济发展基金会
securit.emerging fund新兴市场基金
securit.emerging growth fund新兴成长基金
securit.employee stock fund员工投资基金
securit.energy mutual fund能源共同基金
securit.enterprise development fund企业开发基金
securit.enterprise development fund企业开发资金
gen.Environmental Defense Fund环境保炉基金会
securit.equity fund自有资金
securit.equity fund股票基金以投资股票市场为主,赚取股利及资本利得收益的共同基金
securit.equity fund股本基金
securit.equity hedge fund权益对冲基金
securit.equity income fund股权收益基金
securit.equity investment fund股本投资基金
securit.equity market neutral hedge fund股本市场中性对冲基金
securit.equity sector fund股本板块基金一种成长型共同基金
securit.ethical fund道德基金
avia.European Development Fund欧洲开发基金会
securit.European Fund and Asset Management Association欧洲基金及资产管理协会
fin.Eurozone's 440bn bail-out fund欧元区4400 亿欧元纾困基金
securit.evaluation of hedge fund对冲基金估值
securit.event-driven fund事件驱动基金
securit.evergreen fund永续基金持续不断地供应企业发展所需的资金
securit.evergreen fund永久基金
securit.factorial method of depositing fund基金存储因数方法
securit.Fed fund美国联邦基金
securit.Fed Fund Bill联邦储备基金券
securit.Fed Fund Bill联邦基金票据
securit.Fed fund rate联邦储备基金利率
securit.Federal fund联邦基金
securit.Federal fund effective rate联邦基金实际利率
securit.federal fund market联邦基金市场
securit.Federal fund rate联邦基金利率
securit.feeder fund联接基金 (一种投资基金,全部基金投人其他基金,由他人操作自己渔利)
securit.feeder fund中转基金
securit.floatation of fund基金发行
securit.front-end load fund预付佣金投资基金
securit.fully managed fund全营基金
gen.fund sacred toM M 的专用款
busin.fund worker's pension工人退休基金拨款
securit.future fund期货资金
securit.future fund期货基金
securit.general bond fund普通债券基金
securit.general bonded debt fund普通债券偿债基金
securit.general fund一般资金
securit.gilt fund金边基金共同基金的一种类
securit.Ginnie Mae mutual fund吉尼美共同基金
securit.global bond fund全球债券基金
securit.global fund全球基金 (可以投资任何国家公司的共同基金)
securit.global fund世界基金
UN, AIDS.Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria全球防治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾基金
securit.global macro fund全球宏观基金
securit.global mutual fund全球共同基金
securit.gold mutual fund黄金共同基金
securit.gold settlement fund黄金清算准备
securit.gold settlement fund黄金结算储备
securit.government bond fund公债基金
securit.government bond fund政府债券基金
securit.government sector fund政府部门基金
securit.growth and income fund增长和收益型基金
securit.growth fund manager成长型基金经理
securit.guaranteed fund保证准备金
securit.Hennessee Hedge Fund Advisory Group黑斯对冲基金顾问集团
securit.high current income mutual fund短期高收人共同基金
securit.high growth fund高速成长类基金
securit.high technology fund高科技基金
securit.high-yield fund高收益基金
securit.Hong Kong dollar money market fund港元金融市场基金
securit.Hong Kong dollar money market fund港元货币市场基金
securit.IBC/Donoghue money fund report average艾一道货币市场基金平均数美国货币市场基金的平均收益率
securit.imprest fund定额备用资金
securit.index fund指数化证券投资资金
securit.index sinking fund debenture指数偿债基金债券
securit.index tracking fund指数追踪基金
securit.individually managed fund account个人管理的资金账号
securit.industry fund产业基金
securit.industry fund工业基金
securit.insolvency guaranteed fund破产担保基金指美国联邦存款保险公司的担保
securit.institution fund机构基金
securit.institutional fund industry机构基金行业
securit.interdistrict settlement fund区间清算基金
securit.interest-free loan fund无息贷款基金
interntl.trade.International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 19711971 年设立国际油污损害赔偿基金公约
gen.International Fund for Agricultural Development国际农业发展基金
gen.International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织联合国机构,美国华盛顿
gen.International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织联合国所属专门机构之一
securit.investment fund management company投资基金管理公司
securit.investment of fund基金投资
securit.investment of fund资金投资
securit.investment protection fund company投资保护基金公司
securit.iShares MSCI South Korea Index Fundi股MSCI 韩国指数基金
securit.iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fundi股MSCI 台湾指数基金
securit.issue of fund基金配售
securit.joint venture fund management firm合资基金管理公司
securit.junk mini-bond fund迷你垃圾基金 (共同基金的一种)
securit.large-cap fund大盘股基金一种共同基
securit.lendable fund可借贷的基金
securit.level load fund平均费用基金交纳平均管理费的共同基金
securit.lifecycle fund寿命周期基金
nautic., tech.limitation fund for maritime claims海事赔偿责任限制基金
securit.liquidity fund流动基金
securit.listed open-end fund上市开放式基金
securit.listed securities investment fund上市证券投资基金
securit.load fund收费基金收佣金的基金
securit.loan fund放贷基金
securit.location of hedge fund对冲基金的所在地
securit.macro fund宏观对冲基金
securit.management charges of fund基金管理费基金管理人向投资者收取的费用
securit.management fund管理基金
securit.management of compensation fund赔偿基金管理
securit.managers of fund基金经理
securit.mandatory sinking fund redemption偿债基金强制偿还
securit.market fund市场基金
securit.market neutral fund市场中性基金
securit.market stabilization fund市场稳定基金
securit.market-capitalization weighted international fund加权市值国际基金
avia.master fund control list主要资金控制单
securit.match fund配对基金
securit.match fund配合基金
econ.material fund材料资金
tech.material fund材料资金
securit.maximum capital gains mutual fund资本收益最大化共同基金
UN, ecol.Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10《防治荒漠化公约缔约方会议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》
securit.Mexico fund墨西哥基金
securit.mezzanine lenders/fund中间贷款人
securit.mezzanine lenders/fund夹层贷款人/基金
securit.microcap fund小资本基金
securit.mid-cap blend fund中型股混合基金
securit.mid-cap growth fund中盘股成长基金
securit.momentum fund冲量基人
securit.momentum fund趋势基金
securit.monetary market mutual fund shares货币市场共同基金股份/份额
securit.mortgage fund抵押贷款资金
securit.Nairobi common fund内罗比共同基金
securit.name of hedge fund对冲基金的名称
securit.National Council for Social Security Fund China全国社会保障基金理事会
securit.national insurance fund全国保险基金
securit.National Social Security Fund全国社会保障基金
securit.net asset value of open-end fund开放式基金净资产价值
securit.net transfer to fund转人基金的净金额
securit.New Germany Fund新德国基金
securit.new sinking fund新偿债基金
securit.new sinking fund新沉淀基金
securit.newly authorized fund新授权的基金
securit.newly authorized fund新核准的基金
securit.no limit fund无限制资金
securit.no load fund免佣金基金
securit.no load mutual fund免佣金共同基金
securit.notional fund概念性基金
securit.number of securities investment fund证券投资基金种类数量
securit.offering of hedge fund对冲基金发行
securit.offshore fund境外基金
securit.offshore hedge fund离岸对冲基金
securit.offshore mutual fund国际信托基金
securit.offshore mutual fund国际投资信托
securit.online fund subscription网上基金认购
securit.open end fund开放式基金
securit.open end mutual fund开放式共同基金
securit.open fund开放基金
securit.open securities investment fund开放式证券投资基金
securit.open-end index fund开发式指数基金
securit.open-ended investment companies fund开放式投资企业基金
securit.organization structure of hedge fund对冲基金的组织结构
securit.over the counter market fund场外市场基金
securit.overfunding and full fund rule过度公债融资和充分资金原则
gen.Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund海外经济合作基金会
securit.overseas fund海外资金
securit.own buy-out fund自有并购基金
securit.payment out of the compensation fund从赔偿基金拨款支付
securit.payment out of the compensation fund用赔偿基金支付
securit.PE fund私募股权基金
China, law100 percent reserve fund百分之百的准备金
securit.performance fund效益基金
securit.performance fund业绩基金
gen.Petroleum Research Fund石油研究基金会
securit.pool fund联营基金
securit.pool fund合伙基金
securit.pool fund集成基金
securit.pool of fiduciary fund信托基金
securit.pooled fund联营基金
securit.pooled fund media集合资金中介人
securit.pooled fund media联营基金中介
securit.pooled income fund集资所得资金
securit.pooled retirement fund集合退休基金
securit.preference sinking fund优先股回收基金
securit.preferred stock fund优先股基金
securit.preferred stock inking fund优先股赎回基金
securit.preferred stock shrinking fund优先股收回基金
securit.prime rate fund优惠利率基金
securit.principal guarantee fund保本型基金
securit.private commodity fund私募商品基金
securit.private equity fund私募股本基金
securit.private equity fund managers私募股本基金经理
securit.private fund私人基金
securit.pro rata sinking fund按比例分摊偿债基金
UN, account.Programme Fund for the 1990s Goals1990年代目标方案基金
securit.project fund system项目资本金制度
securit.proliferation of fund资金激增
China, polit.Protocol of 1992 to Amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage,修正 1971 年设立国际油污损害赔偿基金国际公约的1992年议定书
securit.public authorized fund大众认可的基金
securit.public commodity fund公募商品基金
securit.public fund国债
securit.public fund公债
securit.public mutual fund公众共同基金
securit.public traded fund公开交易基金
securit.public trust fund公共信托基金
securit.pure index fund纯粹指数基金
securit.pure no-load fund完全免费基金
securit.qualifying fund合格基金
securit.quantity stock fund优等股票基金
securit.quantum fund量子基金
interntl.trade.quotas of International Money Fund国际货币基金摊额
securit.raid the sinking fund挪用沉淀基金
securit.reactive fund重新启动基金
securit.reactive fund事后赔偿或启动基金
securit.ready hedge fund现有对冲基金
securit.ready hedge fund现成对冲基金
securit.ready-made hedge fund现有对冲基金
securit.ready-made hedge fund已有的避险基金
securit.refusal to fund transaction triggering default拒绝基金交易引发违约
securit.regulation of hedge fund对冲基金的监管
securit.Regulations on the Listing of Fund基金上市规则深圳证券交易所
securit.remittance fund汇通基金
securit.remittance fund汇票基金
securit.replenishment of compensation fund补充赔偿基金
securit.reserve charge for guaranteed fund保证基金的准备金
securit.reserve for retirement of inking fund bond偿债基金债券偿还准备金
securit.reserve fund保留金
gen.reserve fund公积〔准备〕金
securit.restricted fund专用基金
securit.restricted fund限定基金
securit.retail fund零售基金
securit.retail fund authorization regime零售基金的认可制度
securit.retail index mutual fund零售指数共同基金
securit.revolving fund银行周转资金
securit.revolving fund周转资金
securit.risk fund创业基金
fin.S & P 500 Index fund标普500指数基金
securit.savings association insurance fund储蓄协会保险基金
securit.second-tier fund次级基金
securit.securities compensation fund证券赔偿基金
securit.securities dealer's deposit fund证券交易商押金基金
securit.securities investment fund custodian证券投资基金托管人
securit.Securities Investment Fund Law证券投资基金法
securit.securities investment fund management corp.证券投资管理公司
securit.securities investment fund management institution证券投资基金管理机构
securit.securities investment trust enterprises fund manager证券投资信托公司基金经理
securit.semi-fixed fund半固定型基金
securit.series fund系列基金
securit.shareholders' fund股本基金
securit.shareholders' fund股东资金
securit.short fund做空基金一种共同基金
securit.short fund短期资金
securit.short term high quality fund短期优质基金一种共同基金
securit.short-selling fund卖空基金
securit.single compensation fund单一赔偿基金
securit.single country equity fund单一国家股票基金
securit.single country fund单一国家基金
securit.single fund单一基金
securit.single fund单一资金
securit.single fund provision单一基金条款
securit.single hedge fund单一对冲基金
securit.single municipal bond fund单一市政债券基金
securit.sink fund factor偿债基金系数
securit.sink fund factor偿债基金因数
securit.sinker fund偿债基金
securit.sinker fund沉淀基金
securit.sinker fund redeemable bond偿债基金的可赎回债券
securit.sinker fund reserve偿债基金的准备金
securit.sinking fund沉淀资金
gen.sinking fund折旧基金
securit.sinking fund accumulation偿债基金存款
securit.sinking fund asset偿债专款资产
securit.sinking fund asset偿债基金资产
securit.sinking fund assurance偿债基金保险
securit.sinking fund deposit factor偿债基金存款因素
securit.sinking fund installment偿债基金分期摊还款
securit.sinking fund redemption偿债基金赎回
securit.sinking fund redemption以偿债基金方式赎回
securit.sinking fund requirement偿债基金规定
securit.sinking fund surplus偿债基金余额
securit.sinking fund trustee偿债基金委托人
securit.slush fund用于贿赂官员的资金
securit.slush fund行贿款
securit.small capitalization fund小额市值基金
securit.small company growth fund小公司成长基金
securit.small-cap blend fund小公司混合基金
securit.small-cap value fund小公司价值基金
securit.social consciousness mutual fund社会良知型共同基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金
securit.solvency fund有偿付能力的基金
securit.sources and applications of fund statement资金报表的来源和使用
securit.sources of hedge fund对冲基金的来源
securit.sovereign fund主权基金
securit.S&P 500 index fund标普500指数基金
securit.special assessment fund特别税捐基金
securit.special fund特种资金
securit.special fund for treasury bond国债专项资金
securit.special levy fund特别征税基金
securit.special purpose fund专用基金
securit.special purpose fund专项资金
securit.special super-fund problem特别超额资金问题
econ.Special United Nation Fund for Economic Development联合国经济开发特别基金
securit.specialized constituent fund特别成分基金
securit.specialized fund特定基金
securit.specialized investment fund专项投资基金
securit.specialized investment fund特殊性投资基金
securit.specialized mutual fund特定共同基金
securit.specialty fund专项基金集中投资于某一行业或特定地理区域的共同基金
securit.specialty fund特种基金
securit.split fund分离式基金
securit.spontaneous fund自发性资金随销售额提高由流动负债产生的资金
securit.stabilization fund稳定基金又称 intervention fund 干预基金
securit.standard language of fund information disclosure基金信息披露标准语言
securit.standing fund常设基金
securit.standing fund transfer instruction长期的资金转账指令
securit.start-up fund创业基金
securit.statutory common reserve fund法定公积金
securit.statutory common welfare fund法定公益金
securit.strike fund支援罢工的基金
securit.strike fund罢工基金
securit.strong background of private fund industry背景雄厚的私募基金行业
securit.super fund超级基金
securit.super-fund law超级基金法
securit.synthetic index fund合成指数基金
securit.target-payout fund目标支付基金
securit.tax exempt income fund免税收益基金
securit.tax exempt money market fund免税货币市场基金
securit.tax-free money fund免税货币基金
securit.tax-managed mutual fund税收管理共同基金
securit.tax-managed utility mutual fund公共事业税共同基金
securit.term federal fund联邦定期基金
securit.the CASIF Chinese Association of Securities Investment Fund中国证券业协会基金公会
commer.The company's reserve fund amounts to US $50,000,000该公司公积金达50,000,000美元
securit.theme fund主题基金根据一定标准进行投资的共同基金
securit.third party fund代第三者管理的资金
securit.third party fund第三者的资金
securit.tighten control over extra budgetary fund加强预算外资金管理
securit.tracker fund指数基金
securit.tracker fund追踪基金
securit.Tracker Fund of Hong Kong香港盈富基金
securit.trading fund交易基金
securit.traditional value-investing fund manager偏爱传统股的基金经理
securit.traditional value-investing fund manager投资于传统股票的基金经理
securit.transfer note for treasury fund国库资金转账票据
securit.transfer note for treasury fund国库资金汇票
UNTrust Fund for the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书临时多边基金信托基金
UNTrust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书信托 基金
UNTrust Fund for the Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer关于消耗臭氧层物资的蒙特利尔议定书多边基金信托基金
securit.trust fund ledger信托资金总账
securit.trust fund ledger信托基金总账
securit.trust fund transaction信托基金交易
securit.turn the national capital into fund国有资本基金化
securit.turnover of securities investment fund证券投资基金成交金额
securit.two-fund separation theorem两类资金分离理论
securit.ultra short term bond fund超短期债券基金
securit.umbrella fund母基金 (混合互惠基金)
IMF.United Nations Children's Fund联合国儿童基金会
UN, policeUnited Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法基金
avia.United Nations Environment Fund联合国环境基金会
UNUnited Nations Environment Fund superseded联合国环境基金
gen.United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control禁毒基金
gen.United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control联合国管制滥用麻醉药品基金
UN, account.United Nations Fund for International Partnerships联合国国际伙伴关系基金
UNUnited Nations International Fund for Ageing联合国老龄问题国际基金
UN, account.United Nations International Partnership Trust Fund联合国国际伙伴关系信托基金
UNUnited Nations Trust Fund for Ageing联合国老龄问题信托基金
UN, ecol.United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security联合国人类安全信托基金
UNUnited Nations Trust Fund for the World Assembly on Ageing联合国老龄问题世界大会信托基金
securit.usage analysis of current fund流动资金使用分析
securit.valuation of fund application资金使用估价
securit.valuation of hedge fund portfolio冲基金投资组合估值
securit.value fund价值基金
securit.value shown by the book of the fund基金账面价格
securit.Van Hedge Fund Advisors冯氏对冲基金顾问
fin.vanguard 500 index fund先锋 500 指数基金 (全球最早的指数化共同基金和最大的单个基金,创立于1975年)
securit.VC fund风险基金
securit.venture capital fund投机资本金
securit.venture capital fund风险资本基金
securit.venture capital fund创业投资基金
securit.vice fund恶性基金一种投资基金
securit.voucher fund认股权证基金
securit.warrant fund认股权基金
securit.working capital and reserve fund周转资金与准备金
securit.working capital fund经营基金
securit.working cash fund周转资金
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund核销流动资金
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund冲销流动资金
securit.Zell/Chilmark Fund泽尔/丘尔马克基金
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