
Terms for subject Economy containing function of function | all forms
classification of expenditure by function支出按事务分类
construction of function造函数法
construction of function构造函数
diversification of function职责分工多样化
dynamic function of money货币除交易媒介外 的能动作用
extension of a function函数的开拓
function of automatic adjustment价格自动调节的机能
function of economics经济的功能
function of formality形式上的功能
function of interest rate利率职能
function of money货币的职能
function of the business firm企业厂商的功能
function of the economic system经济制度的功能
function of the interest rate利率的功能
function of the law of value in the economic use of time价格规律的节约时间的作用
function theory of money货币职能论
functions of accounting会计职能
functions of economics经济的功能
functions of exchange交换职能
functions of exchange交换功能
functions of fiscal agent财务代理银行的职能
functions of money货币职能
functions of physical supply供给职能
functions of product产品性能
functions of the business firm企业厂商的功能
homogeneous production function of the first degree一次齐次性生产函数
limit of function函数的极限
location of function任务的分派
loss of function丧失功能
monetary functions of gold黄金的货币作用
oversight function of a parent company母公司的监督作用
parametric function of price价格的媒价变数机能
The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员
the normalization of frequency function规范频率函数
The product made by our factory is quite different in function from that of our rivals我厂的产品在性能上与我们竞争对手的产品有很大差别