
Terms for subject Business containing function of function | all forms
additive combining of utility function效用函数的加性合并
admissible set of input function输入函数容许集
alignment chart of correlation function求相关函数的直线图
alter certain functions of government institutions转变政府职能
autocorrelation function of a purely random process纯随机过程的自相关函数
autocorrelation function of autoregressive process自回归过程的自相关函数
autocorrelation function of stochastic process随机过程的自相关函数
base of business function业务职能基础
basic functions of business enterprises商业企业基本职能
basic functions of central bank中央银行基本职能
basic functions of industrial enterprises工业企业基本职能
basic functions of management管理基本职能
characteristic function of the binomial law二项分布律特征函数
characteristic function of the Poisson distribution泊松分布特征函数
class of function功能类别
classification of costs by function成本按作用分类
classification of expenditure by function支出按作用分类
classification of expense by function费用按作用分类
classification of funds by function资金按作用分类
classification of income by function收入功能分类法
classification of managerial function管理职能分类
constant elasticity of substitution production function不变替代弹性生产函数
constant elasticity of substitution production function model不变替代弹性生产函数模型
construction of function构造函数法
covariance function of stochastic process随机过程协方差函数
development of a function函数的展开
difference of function函数差
differentiation of function职能区分
division of function职能划分
division of function and power职权划分
elasticity of the production function生产函数弹性
equivalence of functions报酬均等主义
equivalent sequences of function等价函数序列
extension of a function函数延伸
extreme value of function函数极值
field of algebraic functions代数函数域
function of a function rule of differentiation复合函数微分法则
function of automatic adjustment价格自动调节机能
function of cost价值功能
function of cost成本功能
function of demand需求函数
function of dispersion发散函数
function of information信息函数
function of interest rate利率功能
function of management管理职能
function of manager经理人员职责
function of maximum concentration最大集中函数
function of money货币职能
function of organization组织职能
function of organization组织功能
function of physical supply物质供给功能
function of product产品性能
function of random variable随机变量函数
function of single variable单变量函数
function of supply供给函数
function of supply供应职能
function of top management高层次管理职能
function of variables变量函数
function theory of money货币功能说
fundamental system of function基本函数系
fuzzy bunch of function函数模糊族
generation of elementary functions初等函数的生成
homogeneous production function of the first degree一阶齐次性生产函数
identifiability of the function函数的可识别性
increment of a function函数增量
interference with the exercise of public function妨害执行公务
location of data processing function数据处理作用定位
location of function任务分配
loss of function功能丧失
maxima and minima of function函数的极大极小
maximum point of function函数极大点
mean function of stochastic process平均随机过程函数
method of orthogonal function正交函数法
minimum-point of function函数最小点
model of constant elasticity of substitution production function不可替代弹性生产函数模型
normalization of frequency function频率函数规范化
organization and function of top management高级管理层的组织职能
organization and function of top management高层管理人员的组织与职能
organization of function职能组织
organization of the plant layout function工厂布置各部门职能组织
parametric function of price价格参量函数
power function of a test检验功效函数
rate of return function报酬函数率
realization of random function随机函数理解
scaling of multiplicative utility function积性效用函数度量
segregation of function职能划分
shift of the demand and supply function供需函数移位
statistical deviation of demand function需求函数统计偏离
sum of squares function平方和函数
sum-of-squared-errors function误差平方和函数
superadditivity of a characteristic function特征函数的超加性
utility of money function货币效用函数