
Terms for subject Business containing freight | all forms | exact matches only
actual freight unit实际运费单位
ad valorem rate of freight从价运费率
additional freight rate附加运费率
adjusted rate of freight已调运费率
air freight空运货
air freight航空运货
air freight forwarder航空货运业者
Air Freight List空运货物清单
air freight note空运单
Air Freight Terminal空运终点站枢纽站
allowance for freight maintenance补贴运费减除数
alternative freight选择运费
anticipated freight预付运费
astray freight货、票分离的货物
average freight平均运费
average freight haul货物平均运程
average freight rate assessment平均运费率估计
average freight rate assessment平均运费率估什值
back goods freight额外运费指托运人或船长以未收到货款或目的港发生罢工为由,指令将船货运至目的港以外的港口,托运人应付额外运费
back goods freight退货运费
back goods freight回程运费
balloon freight重量轻体积大的货载
base freight基准运价
base freight基础运费
base freight rate基准运费率
basic freight rate基本运费
basic freight rate per ton for sailing航运基价
basing-point freight基点运费
berth freight靠岸货物
berth freight停埠货物运费
berth freight rate停埠船运费率
bill of freight运货单
bulk freight container散装集装箱
by freight用普通货车运货
by freight用普通货车运送
cargo freight货物运输
cargo freight货运费
cargo liner freight rate货运班轮运费率
cargo liner freight rate货运班轮运费率
carload freight整车货运
charterer's freight租船人运费
classification of freight运费分级
classification of freight rate运价表
classification of freight rate货运运价等级
coefficient of freight imbalance运输不平衡系数
coefficient of homeward freight回程系数
coefficient of homeward freight货船回程率
coefficient of seasonal fluctuations in freight tragic货运季节波动系数
collect freight催收运费
combination passenger and freight客货轮
combined capacity of freight traffic货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力
commodity export freight and insurance account商品出口运费及保费账户
compute freight rate计算运费率
conference freight rate协会运费率
congestion of freight space船位货舱拥挤
consolidated freight rate统一运费率
container freight station集装箱货运站货物
container freight station charge集装箱集装服务费
container freight station to container freight station集装箱站到站
container freight station to container yard集装箱站到场
container freight station to door集装箱站到门
container rule of freight conference航运公会集装箱规则
contingency freight或有运费
contingency freight临时运费
contingency freight insurance非预期运费保障
contract of freight运送契约
cost and freight货价及运费发票
cost and freight berth term成本、运费泊位交货条件
cost and freight included成本与运费在内
cost and freight included货价包括运费在内
cost and freight invoice货价加运费发票
cost and freight invoice成本加运费发票
cost, assurance and freight到岸价格
cost, freight成本加运费价格
cost, freight and commission成本、运费加佣金价格
cost, freight and commission成本运费加佣金价格
cost, freight and insurance到岸价格
cost, freight insurance and exchange到岸价格加汇票费价格
cost, freight price成本运费价
cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本、保险费加运费价
cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价加佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价
cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价加汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
cost, insurance, freight by plane成本,保险费加航空运费价
cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价加结关费价成本、保险费、运费加结关费价
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价加佣金和利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金和利息价
cost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价加关税价成本、保险费、运费加关税价
cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价
cost, insurance, freight inland waterway到岸价加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价
cost, insurance, freight, interest and port of destination到岸价加利息和目的港价成本、保险费、运费加利息和到目的港价
cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价加卸货价条件成本、 保险费、运费加卸货价条件
cost, insurance, freight liner terms到岸价加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件
cost, insurance, freight net到岸价格净价成本、保险费加运费净价
cost, insurance, freight terms成本,保险费加运费价格条件
cost, insurance, freight under ship's tacks轮船吊钩下交货的到岸价格成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价
cost, insurance, freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价用外币计算成本、保险费加运费价
cost,insurance, freight and war risk到岸价加战争保险价成本、 保险费、运费加战争保险价
current freight rate现行运费率
customary freight unit常规运费单位
data freight receipt数据式运单
dead freight不易碎烂的笨重货物
dead freight空位运费
declared freight unit申报运费单位
degressive freight rate在一定运距内随运输距离增加递减运费
distance freight超程运
distance freight远程运费
distance of freight carried货运距离
distress freight削价运费降低运费以招揽货载
domestic freight forwarder国内货运发货人
door to container freight station CFS门到站指从仓库门到集装箱货站
downstream freight rate下水顺水运价
dry cargo time charter freight rate干货期租船运价
export freight and insurance a/c出口运费及保险费科目账户
express freight快运货物
express freight快运运费
falling-off in freight货运量减少
Far Eastern Freight Conference远东货运公会
fire risk on freight货物火灾危险
fixed base freight rate固定运费基价
free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸的运费率
freight absorption自负部分运费指卖方按运到价出售商品,售价中包括的运费低于实际运费,其差额由买方负担,实则负担部分运费
freight absorption pricing运费免收定价法
freight account运费账
freight account承运货物账户
freight account运输账户
freight agent运输经纪人
freight agreement货运协议
freight all kind同一费率
freight all kind不分级运费率
freight all kind rate同一费率
freight all kind rate品名无差别运费率
freight all kind rate统一运费率
freight all kinds品名无差别运费
freight-allowed pricing运费加成定价
freight and insurance运费加保险费
freight and supply vessel, medium中型货运供应船
freight as per charter party运费按租约方支付
Freight Association货运协会
freight at destination目的地付运费
freight at destination货到付运费
freight at risk风险运费
freight booking centre货运订舱中心
freight broker货运经纪人
freight by ad valorem〈法〉按货的价值计算的运费
freight by weight重量运费
freight capacity of port港口装运能力
freight car运货一节车厢
freight/carriage paid to运费付至…价
freight charged by weight重量运费
freight collect〈美〉运费由收货人支付
freight collision clause运费碰撞险条款即将运费计算在发生碰撞的船舶价值内计算的保险条款
freight, demurrage and defence insurance运费,滞期费及防护费保险
freight department货运部
freight destination运费到付
freight destination运费抵目的地支付
freight engine货运机车
freight equalization平衡运费到岸价
freight forward运费待收
freight forwarder货运商
freight forwarder货运转运商
freight free pricing运费免收定价
freight goods运货
freight house货运仓库
freight in运入运费
freight in进货运费
freight in transit过境货物运费
freight index运费指数
freight insurance货运保险
freight liner集装箱直达快车联运
freight not allocated耒分配运费
freight notes货运单
freight notice运输通知
freight of joint carriage ship水陆联运运费
freight office货运处
freight office运输部
freight on bill of lading weight按提单重量计算的运费
freight on final outturn按最后卸货量计算的运费
freight on inter-branch transfer分店之间送货运费
freight on inter-branch transfers分店间货运费
freight or carriage paid to...运费付至…
freight out运出运费
freight out销货运费
freight outwards运出运费
freight outwards销货运费
freight paid and discount taken by customer顾客代付运费并取得折扣
freight paid as arranged按约定运费已付
freight paid at destination到付运费
freight paid at destination目的地付运费
freight paid by customer顾客代付运费
freight payable as per charter party运费按租船方支付
freight payable on delivery货到付运费
freight pending待解决运费
freight per net weight delivered按实交净重计算运费
freight pool货运合伙经营
freight pool货运联营
freight prepaid预付运费
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已付提单
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已预付提单指在输出地由托运人付清运费后,运输公司所签的提货单
freight prepayable预付运费
freight prepayable运费可预付
freight rate运费率指每单位货物运价; 亦称运费单价
freight rate protection运费
freight rate war运价战
freight rebate运费回扣指轮船公司给予出口商的运费特别折扣
freight release F. R.货物弃权证或让与证
freight release F. R.船货放行单指承运人签发的运费已付讫证明, 授权看管货物的人凭此交货
freight service货运服务
freight ship商船
freight tariff运费价目表
freight tariff运费表
freight to be deducted应扣运费
freight to be paid after discharge at destination货物到目的地卸货后付运费
freight to be prepaid应预付运费
freight to be repaid应偿付的运费
freight to be repaid应补付的运费
freight to collect运费收货时付收款
freight ton运费吨即运费计价吨
freight tonage货运吨数以 40 立方英尺为一吨计算
freight ton-kilometre货运吨公里
freight traffic manager货运经理
freight traffic volume货运量
freight train运货列车
freight transport contract货运合同
freight unit运费单位即运费计算单位
freight wagon货车运货列车
full freight全部运费
general freight agent货运总代理人
general freight container普通货运集装箱
general freight rate普通运价
general-purpose freight container通用集装箱
gross freight毛运费
guarantee freight〈美〉担保运费
home -freight回程运费
import freight and insurance a/c进口运费及保险费账户
import freight bill进口运费汇票
inbound freight回航运费
inbound freight回程货物
incoming freight进货运费
indemnity and freight ratio赔偿金额与运费比率
index number of freight运费指数
index of tramp shipping freight不定期货船运价指数
interline freight联运运费
international tramp shipping freight国际不定期船运费
international tramp shipping freight rate国际不定期船运费率
inward freight and cartage进口运费与车费
LCL freight并装运费
LCL freight并装货物
less-than-carload freight零担货运
less-than-carload freight零担运费
less-than-carload freight零担货运费不满一辆货车的货物运费
level-stream freight rate水平运价
level-stream freight rate平水运价内河平水航道运价
lien for freight为运费行使留置权
list of freight delivered and received货运交接单
local freight联运的局部运费
lump-sum freight以整船计算的运费
marked freight paid注明运费已付
measurement freight体积运费
measurement freight按体积计算的运费指采用英制的船舶公司,货物体积以 40 立方英尺为一吨,重量未达 1680 磅,作为按容积货收取运费的标准。未采英制的船公司,如远东地区则由船公司自定标准
measurement freight轻泡货运费
method calculating freight volume运量计算方法
minimum amount of freight最低计费额
minimum freight最低运费指货物重量或体积不达标准的仍按定额计费,如货重不足半吨的仍按半吨收费
minimum freight mileage最低计费里程
motor freight terminal汽车运输终点
multiple freight多式运费
multiple freight多种运货
non-revenue freight无收入货运
norm freight charge rate标准运费率
norm freight rate额定运费率
number of tons of freight carried载货吨数
number of tons of freight originated发运货吨数
ocean freight tariff远洋货运运价表
offer cost, insurance and freight到岸价报盘
open freight自由运输
open freight rate待商运费率
open freight rate自由运费率
open freight rate自定运费率
open freight storage露天货仓
outbound freight出运货物
output of a freight locomotive per day货运机车日产量
outward freight运出费
outward freight出口货物运费
package freight零担货物
payment of the freight at destination到达目的地支付运费
payment of the freight at loading port装运港付运费
phantom freight虚假运费即卖方价格中包括的运费超过实际运费的超出数额
port's volume of freight traffic港口吞吐量
prepay the freight预付运费
prepayment of the freight charge预付运费
pro rata freight按比例计算的运费
provision for freight备付运费
provision for freight allowance, discounts, etc.预提运费、折让及其他
quality of the freight service货运质量指货运中货物损失和损耗情况
rail freight铁路货物运输
railroad freight car铁路运货车
railroad freight rate铁路运费率
rebate of freight运费回扣
restricted freight受限制的货运如禁止运送易燃品等
return freight退货运费
Scale standard freight scale基准运费率
sea freight海运运费
separate payment of freight水陆联运的分段收运费
shift of freight-house operation货仓作业班
stop for freight止卸先收运费
taper freight rates分等级的运费
through freight联运货物运费
through-cargo freight paid in advance预付全程运费
total freight value总运费额
tramp freight不定期货轮运费
tramp shipping freight rate不定期货船运费率
turnover volume of freight traffic货运周转量
Uniform Freight Classification Ratings, Rules & Regulations统一运费等级及规则
upstream freight rate上水逆行运费率
volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port港口货运吞吐量装卸量
volume of incoming and outgoing freights吞吐量
weighted assessment of freight rate运价加权计算数
zone freight rate地区运费率