
Terms for subject Agriculture containing free | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate free fruit聚合离果 (dialycarpus aggregatus)
aliasing free无干扰的
aliasing free无混淆的
antibiotic-free golden rice无抗生素的黄金米
apparent free space无阻空间
apparent free space表观自由部位
apparent free space自由空间
ash-free dry matter无灰分干物质
ash-free organic matter无灰分有机物
bacteroid-free insect无类菌体昆虫
bulkhead with free earth supported简支挡土板
caffeine-free mutation无咖啡碱突变
capillary free flow electrophoresis毛管自由流动电泳
carrier-free radioisotope无载体放射性同位素
cell free无[脱]细胞的
cell free extract无细胞提取液
cell free extract无细胞提取物
cell-free fermentation无细胞发酵
cell-free translation system无细胞翻译系统
CO₂-free distilled water无二氧化碳蒸馏水
conflict- free无矛盾的
conflict- free无冲突的
contention free无争论
contention free无争用
continuous free flow electrophoresis连续自由流动电泳
crop plant virus-free stock作物植物体无病毒原种
disease-free material无病的材料
disease-free mother stock无病母本原种
disease-free plant无病植株
disease-free plant无病植物体
disease-free poultry stock无病禽畜
disease-free stock无病砧木
disease-free stock无病原种
diseases-free budwood无病取芽树
distribution-free statistics非参量型的统计量
distribution-free statistics无分布的统计量
DNAase-free reagent无 DNA 酶试剂
Donnan free space杜南无阻空间
Donnan free space杜南自由空间
epsilon-free homomorphism ε无关同态
epsilon-free substitution ε无关置换
error free files of digital data无差错数字数据文件
estate held in free tenure自有土地
estate held in free tenure私有土地
fixation of free nitrogen游离氨的固定
free acidity游离酸度
free amino group游离氨基
free amino group自由氨基
free ammonia游离氨
free anemophily风媒自由传粉
free assortment自由分离
free at frontier price边境免税价格
free at quay码头交货[价格]
free auxin自由生长激素
free bearer自然结果树
free breeding on pasture在牧场上自由繁育指牛
free cell游离细胞
free cell culture游离细胞培养
free central placenta特立中央胎座
free choice自由采食
free choice任食
free commodity自由商品
free cross pollination自由异花传粉
free curve任意曲线
free cyanide游离氰[化物]
free discharge scraper自由卸土铲运机
free disposal自由处置
free energy change自由能变化改变
free energy computation自由能计算
free enthalpy自由焓
free fall自由跌落
free field不受人类农业活动影响的土地
free flooding irrigation大水漫灌
free flow自由[水]流
free flow electrophoresis自由流动电泳
free flowering自然开花
free flowing material良好散撒性物质
free flowing material良好流动性物质
free formation of cell细胞游离形成
free formation of cell细胞自由形成
free from snow无雪
free fuzzy function自由模糊函数
free genetic variability自由遗传变异性
free genetic variation自由遗传变异
free grazing自由放牧
free grower野生植物
free- hand drawing示意图
free- hand drawing草图
free-hand section徒手切片{显技}
free insulin游离胰岛素
free ion游离离子指AI 及重金属
free lifting force净举
free list自由化[产品]清单
free list海关免税品
free-living female gamete自由生活雌配子
free-living male gamete自由生活雄配子
free-living microorganism自由生活微生物
free-living unicellular algae自由生活的单细胞藻类
free macromolecules自由大分子
free macromolecules游离大分子
free martin双生间雌
free martinism双生间雌现象
free mating自由交尾
free mating自由交配
free meander自由河曲指河道自由弯曲
free milling轻碾磨
free moisture content自由含水量
free movement of goods商品自由流通
free moving spore游动孢子 (zoospora)
free nitrogen游离氮
free nitrogen fixing bacteria游离氮固定细菌
free nomenclature自由命名法
free nuclear division游离核分裂
free nuclear stage游离核期
free nucleus division游离核分裂
free nudeus division游离核分裂
free of charge收效
free of charge盈利
free of charge免费的
free of charge不收费的
free of charge成果
free of ice不结冰
free of interest无利率的
free of interest无息的
free on board船上交货 (价格)
free on board离岸价
free open-textured sand松沙
free oscillation自由颤动
free particle自由颗粒
free pasturing自由放牧
free path自由路径
free plasmid游离质粒
free play空行程
free pollination自由传粉
free polypeptide synthesizing system自由多肽合成系统
free pore无水孔[隙]
free pore自由孔[隙]
free price自由[市场]价格
free production自由生产
free pupa离蛹
free radical induced catalysis自由基引发催化[作用]
free radical scavenger自由基清除剂
free range rearing草原饲养
free reference自由参照
free reference自由引用
free reference自由参考
free ribosomal protein自由核蛋白体蛋白
free ribosome自由核蛋白体
free- running juice自流液
free salt自由盐
free seed loss落粒损失
free-setting the crown树冠修整
free single cell游离单细胞
free skin离皮
free soil疏松土壤
free stall散养牛圈
free stall开放式牛栏
free stall barn散养牛圈
free stall barn开放式牛舍
free stock本砧
free stock自由砧{园艺}
free stock自由砧
free surface of liquid液体自由面
free swimming自由游动
free threshing variety易脱粒品种
free-trade area自由贸易地区
free trashing易脱叶指甘蔗
free utricle泡囊状果被
free utricle胞囊
free utricle胞果
free-veined离脉的 (eleuthrophlebius)
free wheel滑轮
frost-free growing season无霜生长期
frost-free season无霜期间
germ free animal无菌动物
germ-free box无菌接种箱
germ-free mouse无菌小鼠
germ-free plant无菌植物植株
Gibbs free energy of activation吉布斯激活自由能
half-free stone半离核 (pyrena semilibera)
Helmholtz free energy赫姆霍兹自由能
helper-free vector自主载体
high-energy bond and free energy storage高能键与自由能储藏
iminoxyl free radical氧化亚胺自由基
intervarietal free-cross pollination品种间自由异花授粉
intervarietal free crossing品种间自由杂交
isolated free nitrogen fixing bacteria自生游离氮固定细菌
jute free beater活动式打麻轮
jute free beater黄麻自动打麻机
length of frost-free period无霜期 (间)
length of frost-free season无霜期 (间)
lesion-free region无损害区
linear free energy线性自由能
linear Gibbs free energy relation吉布斯线性自由能关系
matrix-free space无基质隔离段
mean free path平均自由[路]程
nitrate-free fertilizer无硝化肥料
nitrogen-free extracts无氮浸出物
nitrogen-free medium无氮培养基
non-free space非无阻空间
nuclease-free reagent无核酸酶试剂
oxygen-free radical无氧自由基
partial molar free energy偏克分子自由能
pollution-free agriculture无公害农业
protein-free medium无蛋白质培养基
race-free assignment无竞争分配
rain-free days晴天日数
RNAase-free reagent无 RNA 酶试剂
salt-free environment无盐环境
selection of disease-free plant无病害植株选择
serum-free medium无血清培养基
service free无需保养
setting free the crown树冠透光伐
soil-free growing水耕栽培法
soil-free growing水培法
soil-free growing无土栽培法
specific pathogen-free无特定病原菌的
specific pathogen-free animal无特定病原菌动物
standard free-energy change标准自由能变化 (AG)
star-free expression无星形表达式
tin free steel can无涂锡钢皮罐头
transfer free energy转移自由能
united free fruit联生离果
virus-free budwood无病取芽树
virus-free clone无病毒克隆
virus-free clone无病毒无性[繁殖]系
virus-free line无病毒系
virus-free plant无病毒植株
virus-free plant无病毒植物体
virus-free plantlet无病毒幼苗小植株
water free space无阻透水空间{生理}
water free space水分自由空间
weed-free condition无杂草情况
weed-free environment无杂草环境
weed-free fallow无草休闲
weed-free hay无杂草干草
weed-free row无杂草行