
Terms containing forest protection | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.agricultural protection forest农田防护林
ecol.biological fire-protection forest belt生物防火林带
desert.coast protection forest沿海防护林
tech.determination of protection forests
ecol.farmland protection forest农田防护林
anim.husb.Forest and Bird Protection Society森林和鸟类保护学会
desert.forest for environmental protection环境保护林
earth.sc.forest for gully protection沟道防护林
tech.forest for protection against soil denudation防风固沙林
hydroel.st.forest for protection against soil denudation防沙林
desert.forest for protection against soil denudation防沙林 (为抑制风沙活动而建造的人工林)
earth.sc.forest for slope protection边坡防护林
hydroel.st.forest protection森林保护
environ.forest protection Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agents森林保护 (无需定义。)
ecol.forest protection pledge护林公约
agric.forest protection station森林保护站
tech.forest-protection森林保护 (学)
agric.fume protection forest防烟林
tech.health protection forest卫生防护林
org.name.Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe欧洲大森林地区森林保护部长级会议
ecol.natural forest protection天然林保护
tech.natural forest protection project天然林保护工程
desert.pasture protection forest护牧林
hydroel.st.protection forest防护林
forestr.protection forest禁伐林
ecol.protection forest保护林
tech.protection forest fire-proof road护林防火道路
tech.protection forest for erosion control防冲林
tech.protection forest for flood hazard防洪林
tech.protection forest for flood hazard洪害防护林
tech.protection forest for landslide prevention滑坡防护林
tech.protection forest for shifting sand流沙防护林
tech.protection forest for shifting sand固沙防护林
tech.protection forest for water conservation水源保护林
tech.protection forest for water conservation水源涵养林
ecol.protection forest of water resource水源保护林
desert.protection forest system防护林体系
commer.protection of forest resources森林资源保护
China, lawprotection of natural forests天然林保护
tech.railway protection forest铁路防护林
tech.reservoir bank protection forest水库岸防护林
desert.reservoir protection forest水库防护林
tech.river bank protection forest河岸防护林
desert.road protection forest护路林
desert.road protection forest道路防护林
tech.salty wind protection forest防盐林
ecol.salty wind protection forest防海风林
tech.shore protection forest海岸防护林
desert.slope protection forest护坡林
desert.slope protection forest山坡防护林
agric.smoke protection forest防烟林
tech.snow-protection forest防雪林
desert.stream bank protection forest护岸林
ecol.water resource protection forest水源涵养林
ecol.water resource protection forest水源保护林
ecol.waterhead protection forest水源保护林
desert.watershed protection forest水源涵养林