
Terms for subject Securities containing foreign | all forms | exact matches only
absorb foreign capital吸引外资
Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture中外合资经营企业会计规则
amenability to foreign investment外国投资的易受控制程度
China Foreign Exchange Center中国外汇交易中心
committed amount of foreign investment外方承诺的投资金额
contract in foreign currency外币合同
controlled foreign corporation被控股的外国公司
corporation with foreign capital外资企业
costs of foreign exchange earnings换汇成本
covered foreign currency loan有保护的外币贷款
debenture in foreign currency以外币发行的信用债券
degree of bearing for foreign debt外债承受程度
degree of dependence on foreign debt外债依赖程度
degree of paying foreign debt外债偿还外债程度
deport in foreign currency外币存款
depository of foreign securites外国证券信托机构
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则
determination of foreign person外国人身份的确定
disbursement of foreign capital实际利用外资
diversified foreign investment多元化海外投资
dollar foreign market美元外国市场
dollar-denominated foreign currency option以美元为单位的外币期权
drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency外币支票交易
entities formed under foreign law符合外国法律的实体
equity-linked foreign exchange option股本关联外汇期权
evasion of foreign exchange逃汇行为
exit tax on foreign investment外资离境税
exposure to foreign exchange risk承受外汇风险
foreign exchange account外汇账户
foreign acquisition国外收购
foreign agency国外代理人
foreign agency国外代理商
foreign agency bill外国银行票据
foreign bank bill外国汇票
foreign banking market外国金融市场
foreign bill for collection国外托收汇票
foreign bill for negotiation国外议付汇票
foreign bill of exchange外地汇票
foreign bill receivable应收外国汇票
foreign bill sold售出外国票据
foreign bill sold售出外国汇票
foreign bond对外债券
foreign bond dealer外国债券交易商
foreign bond fund外国债券基金
foreign bond issued发行的外国债
foreign borrowing外债
foreign branch operation and financing国外分支机构经营和融资
foreign capital国外资本
foreign capital affiliated company外资附属公司
foreign capital injection外资注人
foreign capital investment target外资投资目标
foreign capital legislation外资立法
foreign collection国外托收汇票
foreign collective investment security外国集体投资证券
foreign corporation as U. S. corporation作为美国公司的外国公司
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act海外反腐败法
foreign coupon外国息票
foreign crowd海外经纪人群体
foreign crowd外国证券交易商
foreign currency assets外币资产
foreign currency bill bought购人外币票据
foreign currency bill bought购人外币汇票
foreign currency bill payable应付外币票据
foreign currency bill payable应付外币汇票
foreign currency bill receivable应收外币票据
foreign currency bond外国货币债券
foreign currency effects外币效应 (外币的变化对外资投资的影响)
foreign currency forward contract外币远期合同
foreign currency funding center外币融资中心
foreign currency funds外汇资金
foreign currency futures contract外汇期货合同
foreign currency operation外币经营
foreign currency option外币买卖选择权
foreign currency option participant外币期权交易者
foreign currency option transaction外币期权交易
foreign currency securities外币证券
foreign currency swap deposit外币掉期存款
foreign currency translation外汇换算
foreign currency translation外汇折算
foreign deposit外国直接投资
foreign direct investment直接的外国投资
foreign discount外国风险贴水
foreign domicile bill国外付款汇票
foreign draft国外汇票
foreign draft外币汇票
foreign drain资金外流
foreign enterprise income tax外资企业所得税
foreign equity market外国股份市场
foreign exchange administration外汇管理局
foreign exchange administration外汇管制
foreign exchange allocation外汇配额
foreign exchange arbitrage倒汇
foreign exchange arbitrage外汇倒卖
foreign exchange assets外汇资金证券
foreign exchange capital account外汇资本金账户
foreign exchange category外汇种类 (外国汇票、外国期票、外币等)
foreign exchange certificate结汇证
foreign exchange clearing外汇结算
foreign exchange coefficient外汇折算率
foreign exchange dealer外汇交易商
foreign exchange dealer外汇经营商
foreign exchange declaration外汇申报
foreign exchange deposit account外汇存款账户
foreign exchange derivatives外汇衍生工具
foreign exchange exposure外汇收支差
foreign exchange exposure外汇缺口
foreign exchange fund bill外汇基金票据
foreign exchange futures transaction外汇期货交易
foreign exchange hedge外汇套期保值
foreign exchange instrument外汇工具
foreign exchange loan外汇放贷
Foreign Exchange Management Department外汇管理部 (PBC, 央行上海部)
foreign exchange market participant外汇市场参与者
foreign exchange official rate外汇牌价兑换率
foreign exchange option外汇期权
foreign exchange position外汇持有量
foreign exchange quota allocation外汇额度调拨
foreign exchange quota allocation外汇额度分配
foreign exchange quotation外汇行情表
foreign exchange receipt外汇收据
Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC中国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部
foreign exchange resource外汇资源
foreign exchange risk外汇风险
foreign exchange surrender外汇结算
foreign funded enterprise外资企业
foreign-funded financial institution外资金融机构
foreign funded project外资项目
foreign holding joint venture外方控股的合资企业
foreign holdings国外持股
foreign income海外投资收益
foreign institution in China国外驻华机构
foreign intermediary外国中介机构
foreign invested enterprise外资企业
foreign invested enterprise外商投资企业
foreign investment climate外国投资气候
foreign investment climate外国投资环境
foreign investment incentive外国投资优惠
foreign investment risk matrix外国投资风险矩阵
foreign investment transnational company外国投资跨国公司
foreign investor境外投资者
foreign investors' merger and acquisition外国投资者的并购
foreign item银行外国票据项
foreign joint venture外国合资企业
foreign legal person's shares外资法人股
foreign lender外国放贷者
foreign liquid assets外国流动资金
foreign market beta外国市场贝塔系数
foreign money bill外币票据
foreign money market rates外国货币市场利率
foreign money order外汇汇票
foreign money order国外汇票
foreign owned enterprise外资企业
foreign owned enterprise外商独资企业
foreign ownership外资所有权
foreign ownership外国所有
foreign ownership of US assets外国拥有的美国资产
foreign-paid bond外汇支付债券
foreign placement国外配售发行
foreign portfolio investment外国证券投资组合
foreign prime rates外国基本利率
foreign prime rates外国优惠利率
foreign quoted share国外上市股
foreign quoted share境外上市股
foreign quoted share海外上市股
foreign raised capital in stock market国外股市筹资
foreign reserves外汇存底
foreign reserves外汇储备
Foreign Restricted List国外限制名单美国证券管理委员会设立的违反相关法规又企图在美国上市的外国公司名单
foreign retail investor外资散户
foreign risk premium国外风险溢价
foreign securities境外证券
foreign securities comparison and netting外国证券对比与清算系统
foreign securities house外国证券公司
foreign securities listed外国上市证券
foreign shareholders国外股东
foreign shares company listed overseas境外上市外资股份公司
foreign shares transfer国外股过户
foreign shares transfer国外股票转让
foreign short-term claims国外短期债权
foreign source stock option profits外国股票期权利润
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act外国政府豁免法
foreign stock exchange境外证券交易所
foreign stock exchange外国证券交易所
foreign stock index外国股票指数
foreign strategic investment外国战略投资
Foreign Strategic Investment Rules外国战略投资管理规则由中国证监会、商务部等监管机构制定
foreign Strategic Investment Rules外国战略投资管理规则
foreign strategic investor外国战略投资者
foreign sub-subsidiary外国孙公司
foreign sub-subsidiary外国子公司的子公司
foreign sub-sub-subsidiary外国重孙公司
foreign targeted issue外国目标发行
foreign trust and estate外国信托资产和财产
forward foreign exchange contract期汇合约
forward foreign exchange contract外汇期货合同
forward foreign exchange rate远期外汇汇率
forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange远期外汇结算与销售
fund for foreign exchange settlement外汇结算资金
fund for operation of foreign exchange外汇经营资金
funds for foreign exchange settlement外汇清算资金
futures foreign exchange期货外汇
gold and foreign currency reserves黄金和外汇储备
gross foreign currency position外币持仓总量
high interest foreign loans高息外债
illegal acquisition of foreign exchange非法倒汇
illegal purchase of foreign exchange非法套汇
illegal remittance of foreign exchange非法外币汇款
illegal trading in foreign exchange非法外汇交易
incorporating foreign direct investment吸收外商直接投资
indirect foreign exchange standard间接外汇制
interbank foreign exchange market银行同业外汇市场
interbank spot foreign exchange market银行同业即时外汇交易市场
investment of foreign capital国外资本投资
investment of foreign capital外资投人
joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment中外合资企业
Keefe's domestic foreign bank rating克夫国内银行评级
Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
leveraged foreign exchange contract杠杆式外汇合同
leveraged foreign exchange contract of locked position锁仓的杠杆式外汇合约同时持有同一外币的相同数量长仓及短仓
leveraged foreign exchange spot transaction杠杆式外汇即期交易
limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks对国外投资者持有股份的限制
limitations on foreign ownership外国所有权限制
limited liability companies with foreign investment外商投资的有限责任公司
majority owned foreign affiliates拥有多数股权的国外附属企业
majority-owned foreign affiliates拥有多数股权的国外附属企业
new foreign bond issue新外国债券发行
non-domestic listed foreign funded shares海外上市外资股
over the counter dealings of the foreign stock外国股票的场外交易
overseas listed foreign share境外上市外资股
ownership of foreign assets外国资产所有权
Passive Foreign Investment Company外国被动投资公司
passive foreign investment company被动外国投资公司
payment to foreign investors向外国投资者付款
period of paying foreign debts外债偿还期
portfolio foreign investment多元国外投资
portfolio foreign investment国外证券组合投资
qualified foreign investment institution合格境外投资机构
qualified foreign investment institution合格境外机构投资者
recourse to the foreign capital依赖外国资金
reserve foreign currency备用外汇资金
sale and purchase of foreign exchange结汇售汇
sale and purchase of foreign exchange外币买卖
securities that have foreign exchange value有外汇价值的有价证券
Securities with foreign exchange value有外汇价值的有价证券
security interests in foreign assets外国资产中的证券利息
shadow foreign exchange rate假定汇率
shadow foreign exchange rate影子汇率
Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre深圳外汇交易中心
sino-foreign contractual joint venture中外合作企业
sino-foreign equity joint venture中外合营企业
spot foreign currency asset即期外币资产
spot foreign currency liability即期外汇债务
spot foreign exchange即期外汇交易
State Administration of Foreign Exchange中国国家外汇管理局
State Administration of Foreign Exchange SAFE国家外汇管理局
translation of foreign currency外汇换算
US Antitrust and Foreign Acquisitions Act美国反垄断和外国收购法
US business controlled by foreign person外国人控制的美国企业
US corporation as foreign corporation作为外国公司的美国公司