
Terms for subject Business containing foreign | all forms | exact matches only
ability to repay in foreign exchange外汇偿付能力
ability to repay investment in foreign exchange外汇偿付投资能力
accounting for foreign operation国外业务会计
accrued payroll for foreign staff and workers应付外方职工工资
acting as an intermediary foreign currency investment代办外汇投资
adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve适度黄金外汇储备
adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve适度的黄金外汇储备
administration of foreign trade enterprise外贸企业管理
advance settlement of foreign exchange预结外汇
advance surrender of foreign exchange预缴外汇
aid to foreign countries对外援助
American Foreign Trade Definition美国对外贸易定义指美国 1941年修订的对外贸易术语解释, 亦称美国定义。1969年在国际商会总会上,美国表示在外贸中将采用国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》,取代美国定义,但实际上美商有时仍用美国定义,引起一些外贸争议
amount of foreign aid外援额
amount of foreign exchange overbought外汇买入逾额
amount of foreign exchange oversold外汇卖出逾额
amount of RMB converted from foreign currency外汇折合的人民币金额
annual return of foreign trade外贸年度收益
application for foreign exchange外汇申请
application for import of foreign goods外国货进口申请书
application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement不结汇进口许可证申请书
approval of the application of foreign exchange批汇
attract foreign funds吸引外资
attract foreign pounds吸引外资
authorized agents for foreign currency exchange指定外币汇兑机构
authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange外汇指定银行
authorized foreign exchange bank法定外汇银行
authorized foreign exchange bank's system指定外汇银行制
automatic foreign exchange allocation自动外汇分配额
Automatic Foreign Exchange Allocation System外汇自动分配制
automatic foreign exchange allocation system自动外汇分配制度
average cost in earning foreign exchange平均换汇成本
balance of payments in foreign currencies外汇收支平衡表
balance one's foreign currency budget外汇收支差额
balance one's foreign exchange budget外汇收支差额
balance with foreign banks abroad存放外国银行余额
bank's foreign account银行国外账户
bank's foreign department银行国外部
behavioral implication of direct foreign investment直接国外投资的行为含义
bill in foreign currency外币汇票
bill payable in foreign currency外币汇款汇票
borrowing from a foreign bank从外国银行借款
boycott foreign goods抵制外国货
boycott foreign goods联合抵制外国货
boycott of foreign goods抵制外国货
budget for foreign exchange receipts and disbursements外汇收支预算表
bullion and foreign currencies金银和外币
buy and change gold, silver and foreign currencies收兑金银外币
buyer of foreign maker外国制造商买主
buyer of foreign retailer外国零售商买主
buyer of foreign wholesaler外国批发商买主
buying and selling of foreign currencies外汇买卖
buying and selling operation of foreign currencies外汇买卖业务
calculation form in foreign capital enterprise外资企业计算方式
capacity of foreign capital repayment外资偿还能力
capacity to repay foreign capital外资偿还能力
carry-over of foreign tax外国税收扣除额结转
cash held in foreign countries国外库存现金
cash held in foreign countries存在国外现金
cash held in foreign countries存放国外现金
centralized foreign trade corporation集中经营的外贸公司
certificate of foreign exchange settlement for export出口结汇证书
certificate of foreign exchange settlement for import进口结汇证书
change in gold and foreign exchange reserve黄金及外汇储备变动
channels for foreign selling外销渠道
China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp.中国对外贸易运输公司
Chinese and foreign shareholders中外合股
Chinese-foreign academic exchanges中外学术交流
Chinese-foreign cooperative development中外合作开发
Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise中外合作经营企业
Chinese-foreign enterprise with cooperative business operations中外合作经营企业
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures中外股权式合资经营
Chinese Foreign Joint Venture中外合资企业
Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures中外合资经营企业
Chinese-foreign technology exchange and cooperation中外技术交流与合作'
Chinese participants and foreign participants中外合资者
CIF value in foreign currency外币到岸价用外币计算的到岸价
circulating tax system applied to foreign business涉外流转税制
"clean" floating foreign exchange rate自由浮动汇率
combine foreign trade with the increased production of enterprises工贸结合
combine foreign trade with the introduction of new technology技贸结合
commodity futures foreign exchange contract商品期货汇兑合同
concentration system of foreign exchange外汇集中制度
conversion of foreign money外币兑换
convertible foreign exchange现汇现汇可自由转移、调拨及兑换
cooperation with foreign countries in technology对外技术合作
copying foreign models照搬外国模式
correction of foreign exchange外汇校正
costs in terms of foreign exchange换汇成本
coverage of foreign exchange asset外汇资产范围
credit for foreign death taxes外国遗产税税收抵免
custom of foreign trade对外贸易惯例
custom of foreign trade外贸惯例
customs of foreign trade外贸惯例
dealing in foreign notes and coins外国纸币与硬币交易
dealings in foreign notes and coins外币交易
designated deposit in foreign currency指定外币存款
designated foreign investor指定外国投资人
develop foreign markets开拓国外市场
direct foreign trade by manufacturer厂商直接对外贸易
direct intervention on the foreign exchange market对外汇市场直接进行干预
direct investment in foreign countries对外直接投资
dirty and foreign matter杂质
do business with foreign firm对外成交
domestically held foreign bonds国内持有的外国债券
draft of foreign currency外币汇票
drain on foreign exchange reserve外汇储备枯竭
dual foreign exchange market双重外汇市场
due from foreign bank应收外国银行欠款
due to foreign bank应付外国银行款项
earnings in foreign exchange外汇收入
effective foreign currency实有外币交易所
employ foreign personnel雇用外籍人员
employment of foreign individual experts聘请外国个别专家
encouragement of foreign investment鼓励外国投资
enforcement of foreign arbitral award执行外国仲裁裁决
enterprise run with Chinese and foreign capital中外合资经营企业
enterprise with foreign capital外资企业
examination and verification of foreign exchange外汇检查核实
expansion of foreign trade对外贸易扩大
export without foreign exchange无外汇出口
fertilize the country's economy with foreign capital利用外资以繁荣本国经济
financing of foreign trade外贸的资金供应
foreign administration外国行政管理机构
foreign advertising agency外国广告代理人代理机构
foreign affairs国际事务
Foreign Affairs Office外事办公室
foreign agency国外代理机构
foreign agency国外代理行
foreign agent国外代理商
foreign air mail国外航空邮件
foreign airmail国外航空邮件
foreign amount外币数目
foreign amount外币数目金额
foreign and international economic policy外国和国际经济政策
foreign and miscellaneous expense运杂费
foreign assets海外资产
foreign assets外国资产
foreign attachment扣留其财产的诉讼程序
foreign balance外汇结存余额
foreign balance外贸差额
foreign balance国际收支平衡表
foreign banks and financial institutions外资银行与金融机构
foreign-based parent company设在外国的母公司
foreign bill sold售出外国票据汇票
foreign bills payable应付外国汇票
foreign bills receivable应收国外汇票
foreign bills sold售出外国票据
foreign body杂质
foreign borrow对外借款
foreign branch国外分支机构
foreign branch国外分店公司、 行
foreign branch assets国外分支机构资产
foreign branch assets国外分店公司、行资产
foreign business information海外商情
foreign business outlook国外商情展望
foreign capital challenge外资挑战
foreign capital flows外资流量
foreign capital importation外资引进
foreign capital inflow外资流入
foreign capital inflows外资流入
foreign capital introduction外资引进
foreign capital offensive外资攻势
foreign capital participation外资入股
foreign case涉外案件
foreign cash loan外国现金贷款
foreign citizen of Chinese origin华侨
foreign claim incidental to import随着输入而导致的外国债权
foreign claimable assets外国的债权资产
foreign claims against U.S. gold短期美元债权
foreign collections国外托收
foreign collections出口托收
foreign collections国外代收
foreign commercial policy外贸政策
foreign commission agent国外经纪代理商
foreign company and enterprise外国公司企业
foreign conducted tour有陪同的国外旅游
foreign contractors外国承包商
foreign control of a domestic industry外国控制的国内工业
foreign correspondent国外通讯员
foreign correspondent国外客户
foreign credit balance国际信贷余额
Foreign Credit Insurance Association〈美〉国际商业信用保险协会
foreign creditor国外债权人
foreign currency bills bought买进外币汇票
foreign currency bills payable应付外币汇票
foreign currency bills receivable应收外币汇票
foreign currency bills sold售出外币汇票
foreign currency bond外币债券
foreign currency control外汇管制
foreign currency conversion外币换算
foreign currency conversion certificate外币兑换证
foreign currency conversion rate外币换算率
foreign currency conversion rate外币兑换率折合率
foreign currency deposit account外币存款账户
foreign currency deposit amount外币存款额
foreign currency exchange certificate外币兑换证
foreign currency finance外币资金
foreign currency fund外币资金
foreign currency holdings by trading and manufacturing companies贸易公司和制造厂商外币持有额
foreign currency loan外币贷款
foreign currency reserve外汇储备
foreign currency reserve外币储备金
foreign currency-denominated debenture外币债券
foreign customs house broker国外报关行代理人
foreign department对外部
Foreign Department对外部门
foreign deposit外国存款
foreign design and technology information expenses国外设计与技术信息费
foreign division国外处
foreign division国外部
foreign drain资金现金外流
foreign duty allowance国外职务津贴
foreign duty pay国外职务津贴
foreign duty pay国外工作津贴
foreign enterprises management外资企业管理
foreign equity holding外资股份
foreign equity holding外国资本
foreign equity participation外资入股
foreign exchange accounting外汇会计
foreign exchange bill外汇汇票
foreign exchange bill外汇
foreign exchange certificate外汇兑换券
foreign exchange certificate外汇证明
foreign exchange certificates外汇券
foreign exchange conversion rate外汇换算率
foreign exchange conversion table外汇换算表
foreign exchange coordination system外币调剂办法
foreign exchange dealing外汇买卖
foreign exchange holding restriction system外汇持有限制制
foreign exchange holdings外汇持有额
foreign exchange inducement外汇引进
foreign exchange instrument外汇券
foreign exchange rates in selected countries外汇货币对美元换算率
foreign exchange savings外汇节省
foreign exchange speculator外汇投机商
foreign exchange trader外汇商
foreign financial statement国外财务报表
foreign flag在国外注册船只
foreign flag挂外国国旗的船舶
foreign flag vessel挂外国旗船只
foreign franchised representative国外特约代理商
foreign funds control外资管制
foreign funds control外资管理
foreign general agent国外总代理商
foreign gold coins外国金币
foreign government外国政府
foreign grant外赠
foreign guardians外国监护人
foreign household外侨户
foreign illegality对外国法律的违反
foreign immunity外国人豁免权
foreign independent tour无陪同的国外旅行
foreign investment climate国外投资环境
foreign investment law外国投资法
foreign investment transnational firm外国投资跨国公司
foreign investment via the stock market经由股票市场的外国投资
foreign investor外国投资商
foreign issue外债
foreign joint venture外国合营者
foreign juristic外国法人
foreign loan对外借款
foreign market外国市场
foreign market conditions国外市场行情
foreign market price外国市价
foreign marketing国外市场经营
foreign means of payment对外支付手段
foreign middleman国外中间商
foreign military sales对外军用品销售
Foreign Ministry外交部
foreign money bill外币汇票
foreign money order外币汇票
foreign money order国际汇款单
foreign money order外国汇款单
foreign net claims国外净债权
foreign office英国外交部
Foreign Office外交部
foreign operation海外经营活动
foreign operation国外经营活动
foreign operation跨国公司国外业务
Foreign Operation Administration美国国外业务署海外工作署
foreign participant外国参股人
foreign postal money-order外国邮政汇票
Foreign Quarantine Regulation进口检疫规章
foreign quarantine regulation进口检疫规则
foreign remittance国外汇款
foreign residents外侨
foreign seaports外国港口
foreign securities investment外国证券投资
foreign securities listed上市的外国证券
foreign securities listed in overseas market海外市场上市的外国证券
foreign securities unlisted非上市外国证券
foreign selling agent外销代理人
foreign service外事部门
foreign service驻外机构
Foreign Service Office驻外办事处
foreign service officer驻外官员
foreign service officer驻外人员
foreign service offices美国国务院.国外部
foreign service staff驻外官员
foreign settler外侨
foreign short loans made here短期国际投资
foreign short-term assets国外短期资产指外币及国外存款等
foreign short-term claim国外短期债权
foreign source income外国来源收入
foreign staff member外籍职工
foreign staff salaries and wages payable应付外籍雇员工薪
foreign statement外国计算书
foreign statement共同海损理算报告指在国外编制的
foreign stockholding ratio外国人持股比率
foreign subcontractor外国分包人
foreign subsidiaries国外子公司
foreign subsidiaries国外附属公司
foreign sub-subsidiary外国重子公司
foreign sub-sub-subsidiary外国二重子公司
foreign technical personnel expense外国技术人员费用
foreign trade accounting外贸会计
foreign trade activity外贸业务活动
foreign trade agency外贸代理行
foreign trade agent外贸代理商
foreign trade arbitration commission.对外贸易仲裁委员会
foreign trade control外贸管制
foreign trade deal对外贸易交易
foreign trade deficit外贸赤字
foreign trade deficit外贸逆差
foreign-trade financing外贸资金融通
foreign trade financing对外贸易融资
foreign trade index number外贸指数
foreign trade multiplier因增加投资所产生的外贸增殖率
foreign trade on a consignment basis寄售方式对外贸易
foreign trade on consignment basis外贸寄售推销法
foreign trade position外贸形势
foreign trade position外贸收支状况
foreign trade structure外贸商品结构指各类进出口商品的构成,以及各种商品在进出口总额中所占的比重
foreign trade surplus外贸顺差
foreign trade transportation对外贸易运输
foreign trade transportation外贸运输
foreign trade unit value index外贸单位价值指数
foreign trade-export对外贸易—出口
foreign trade-import对外贸易—进口
foreign trader对外贸易商
foreign trader外贸商
foreign traffic对外通讯
foreign training国外培训
foreign transfer向国外汇款
foreign transfer国外转账汇款国外转账
foreign transfer of share股票转移国外
foreign travel account外国旅行账户
foreign travel tax外国人旅行税
foreign traveller's letter of credit外国旅行信用证
foreign trust company对外信托公司
forward foreign exchange远期外汇
forward foreign exchange discount远期外汇贴水
forward foreign exchange premium远期外汇升水
free multilateral foreign trade自由多边贸易
free multilateral foreign trade自由的多边贸易指外贸
gain on foreign exchange外汇收益
goods in foreign countries在国外的商品
goods of foreign origin外国货
government bond in foreign currency外债
government regulations of inflow of foreign technology政府对引进国外技术的管制
import foreign advanced technology引进外国先进技术
import foreign goods外国货进口
importation of foreign capital外资引进
imported foreign capital引进外资
imports of foreign capital外资引进额
incoming foreign bill来自国外的汇票
incorporating foreign direct investment吸收外商直接投资方式
index number of foreign exchange外汇指数
indicators of economic benefit in foreign business and economic enterprises对外经济贸易企业效益指标
.inflow of foreign capital外资流入
influx of foreign capital外资流入
influx of foreign goods外货涌入
influx of foreign goods外国货涌入
instrument payable in foreign exchange外国货币本位付款证券
insurance of transport of foreign trade goods外贸货物运输保险
integrity of foreign trade外贸信誉
interest rate for a foreign currency loan外汇贷款利率
interest rate on foreign currency loan外汇贷款利率
Interim Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例
introducing foreign investment引进外资
introducing foreign investment引进外国投资
investment for foreign trade对外贸易投资
investment in foreign country国外投资
investment in foreign country向国外投资
investment in foreign trade对外贸易投资
irredeemable foreign exchange不兑换外汇
irredeemable foreign-exchange standard不可兑换外汇制
item for export as part of foreign aid出口援外项目
items for export as part of foreign aid出口援外项目
joint venture enterprise with foreign investment中外合资企业
joint venture using Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营
joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
keep part of the foreign exchange earnings外汇留成
labor and wage management in Chinese-foreign joint ventures中外合资企业劳动工资管理
laws and regulations of foreign trade对外贸易法规
liability constituting foreign authorities reserve构成外国当局储备的负债
limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks外国投资人控股限额
limited reserves of foreign exchange有限外汇储备
limits to exporting of foreign currencies外币现钞出境限额
Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping劳氏船级社包括英国及世界各国海运货轮
loan against foreign exchange assets对外交易资产贷款
loan denominated in foreign currency外币放款
loan in foreign exchange对外交易贷款
local foreign exchange reserve地方外汇储备
loss from fluctuation of foreign exchange rate外汇汇率波动损失
loss on bullion and foreign currency transactions金银外汇交易损失
management accounting problem in foreign operation国外经营中管理会计问题
management of Chinese-foreign joint-ventures中外合资企业管理
management of foreign currencies外币管理
management of foreign finance对外财务管理
management of foreign investment对外投资管理
management of quota of foreign currency外汇额度管理
management of quota of foreign exchange外汇额度管理
mandatory restrictions on foreign exchange强制外汇管理
manual of foreign investment对外投资指南
manual of foreign trade对外贸易手册
market of foreign exchange外汇市场
"marrying" foreign exchange transaction"结合"外汇交易
matrix of foreign input coefficient国外投入系数矩阵
method of controlling foreign exchange外汇管制方法
mobilization of domestic and foreign capital国内外资金筹措
mobilize domestic and foreign capital国内外资金流动
monopoly of foreign trade外贸专营
monopoly of foreign trade外贸垄断
negotiable foreign currency bond可流通外币债券
negotiation of foreign bill外国票据汇票、期票的议付
net foreign claims国外产权净额
net foreign investment国外投资净值
net spot foreign currency position外币现货净有额
network of foreign corresponding agency国外代理机构网
network of foreign corresponding banks国外代理行网
new foreign bond issue新的外国债券
official foreign currency deposit官方外汇存款
official foreign currency deposit system法定外币存款制
official foreign exchange asset官方外汇资产
official foreign exchange assets官方外汇资产如中央银行所持外汇资产
official foreign exchange holding官方持有外汇
official foreign exchange market官方外汇市场
over-the-counter dealing of the foreign stock外国股票场外交易
paid to foreign parent corporation支付外国母公司
pattern of foreign trade外贸模式类型
payable in foreign currency用外汇支付
penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本渗透
portfolio foreign investment有价证券国外投资
potentialities in foreign trade外贸潜力
practice of foreign trade对外贸易实务
premium on foreign exchange外汇溢价
private foreign trade民间对外贸易
profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company计算外国公司所得税的损益法
profit on bullion and foreign currency transactions金银及外币交易利益
profit on foreign exchange外币兑换利润
profit on foreign exchange transactions外汇交易利益
profit or loss on foreign exchange外币汇兑损益
quantum of foreign trade对外贸易量外贸量
quota loan on foreign exchange retention留成外汇额定贷款
quotation in foreign currency外币汇率报价
quotation in foreign money or currency外币汇率报价
quotation on foreign market国外市场行情
rate in foreign currency外币支付汇率
ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange出口商品成本与外汇收入比率
rationing foreign exchange外汇配给制
recapture of foreign losses外国损失冲减
recourse to foreign capital借助外资
region's foreign-exchange constraint地区外汇紧张状况
regulations of foreign investment外国投资条例
regulations on foreign exchange control外汇管理条例
regulations on foreign trade control外贸管理条例
repayment of foreign loan偿还外国贷款
reserve for foreign exchange外汇储备
reserve of foreign exchange外汇储备
reserve requirement system in foreign currency外币规定储备制度
reserved foreign currencies储备外币
Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 19411941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义指美国外贸术语定义,通称美国定义
self-financed foreign company独资外国公司
short-term foreign exchange loan短期外汇贷款
special limitations on the foreign tax credit外国税收抵免特别限额
strategy of foreign investment对外投资策略
table of foreign exchange quotations外汇汇率牌价表
taking back assets from foreign countries收回境外资产
talks of utilizing foreign investment利用外资的谈判
tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税
taxation of foreign-source income对国外来源收入的课税
The Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission对外贸易仲裁委员会
trade foreign exchange earnings贸易外汇收入
transfer of foreign exchange quota among foreign exchange control bureaus联局外汇额度调拨
travelling foreign exchange旅游外汇
two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange双角套汇指在汇率低的市场买进; 在汇率高的市场卖出
two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange对角套汇
two-tier foreign exchange market双重汇率市场
two-tier foreign exchange rate双重外汇率
value of foreign trade外贸额
value of foreign trade对外贸易额
violation of regulation on foreign exchange control违反外汇管制规定
voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines自愿对外信用限制规则
voluntary foreign credit restraint program自愿限制对外信用计划
wage difference in joint venture with foreign investment中外合资企业工资差额
withhold foreign exchange that should be turned over to the state截留外汇
working foreign exchange for trade贸易周转外汇
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