
Terms for subject China containing foreign | all forms | exact matches only
a foreign central bank外国中央银行
a foreign company外国公司
a foreign court外国法院
a foreign enterprise外国企业
a foreign financial institution of the banking industry外国银行业金融机构
a foreign organization外国组织
a foreign political organization or body外国政治性组织或团体
a military vessel of foreign nationality外国籍军用船舶
absorb foreign funds引进外资
actively carry out the foreign exchange work of the NPC积极开展人大对外交往
activity of foreign affairs外事活动
an independent foreign policy of peace独立自主的和平外交政策
arbitral organ of handling cases involving foreign elements涉外仲裁机构
articles of corporation of the foreign company外国公司章程
balance of receipts and payments in foreign exchanges外汇收支平衡
be not subject to any foreign domination不受外国势力的支配
carry out foreign exchange work开展对外交往
case involving foreign elements涉外案件
China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration中央外文出版发行事业局
Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture中外合作经营企业
Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures中外合作经营企业
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures中外合资经营企业
Chinese-foreign joint venture中外合资经营的企业
Chinese-foreign joint venture financial institution中外合资银行业金融机构
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries中国人民对外友好协会
civil cases involving foreign elements涉外民事案件
civil proceeding involving foreign elements涉外民事诉讼
Committee of Foreign Affairs外事委员会
conduct foreign affairs管理对外事务
consistently carry out an independent foreign policy坚持独立自主的对外政策
contact and cooperation with foreign countries对外交往与合作
contract construction of foreign projects对外工程承包
Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents本国工人与外国工人关于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Wards承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约
cooperation with foreign entities对外合作
deal with foreign affairs处理外交事务
decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除
department in charge of foreign trade对外贸易主管部门
department responsible for foreign trade administration对外贸易管理工作部门
department under the State Council which is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade对外经济贸易主管部门
develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations开展同外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作
develop foreign trade开展对外贸易
develop relations with foreign countries based on equality, mutual benefit, peace and friendship发展与世界各国的平等互利、和平友好关系
direction of foreign investment外商投资方向
domestic and foreign settlements国内外结算
draw on foreign practices借鉴国际经验 (international experience in this regard)
economic cooperation with foreign countries对外经济合作
exchanges of high-level visits between the NPC Chairman or Vice Chairmen and their foreign counterparts委员长、副委员长与外国议会议长、副议长的高层互访
exchanges with foreign countries对外交往
export-oriented foreign-funded enterprises产品主要出口的外资企业
firmly follow an independent and peaceful foreign policy坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策
Foreign Affairs Bureau外事局
Foreign Affairs Committee外事委员会
Foreign Affairs Office外事局
foreign arbitral organ国外仲裁机构
foreign change work对外交往
foreign contacts对外交往
foreign diplomatic representatives外国使节
foreign domination外国势力的支配
foreign economic relations and trade对外经济贸易
foreign exchange affairs外汇事宜
foreign exchange and cooperation对外交流与合作
foreign exchange and cooperation in education教育对外交流与合作
foreign exchange control agency外汇管理机关
foreign exchange control policy外汇管制政策
state foreign exchange reserves国家外汇储备
foreign exchange revenue外汇收入
foreign exchange settlement funds结汇资金
foreign exchange transaction外汇事宜
foreign exchange work对外交往
foreign exchange work of the NPC人大对外交往
foreign-funded enterprises外资企业
foreign-funded exploration外商投资勘查
Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate外商投资企业批准证书
foreign-invested enterprises外国投资企业
foreign-invested enterprises外资企业
foreign-invested telecommunications enterprises外商投资电信企业
foreign investment entry外资准入
foreign investment orientation外商投资方向
foreign investors外国投资者
foreign joint venturers外国合营者
foreign laws外国法律
foreign legislatures外国议会
foreign loans外债
foreign nationals外籍人士
foreign nationals外籍人员
foreign nationals外国公民
foreign organizations外国的组织
foreign organizations国外组织
foreign party外国合作者
foreign-related contract涉外合同
foreign-related military affairs涉外军事事宜
foreign relations work外交工作
foreign representatives外国使节
foreign ships外国籍船舶
foreign ships外国船舶
foreign teachers外籍教师
foreign trade对外贸易业务
foreign trade对外经济贸易
foreign trade activity对外贸易经营活动
foreign trade contract对外贸易合同
foreign trade dealer对外贸易经营者
foreign trade of the entire country全国对外贸易
foreign trade operation permit对外贸易经营许可
foreign trade order对外贸易秩序
fraudulently purchase foreign exchange骗购外汇
illegally trade in foreign exchange非法买卖外汇
in accordance with the basic principles and overall arrangements for China's foreign relations work按照我国外交工作的基本方针和总体部署
income in foreign exchange外汇收益
independent foreign policy of peace和平独立的外交政策
invaded and enslaved by various foreign powers受外国列强的侵略和奴役
involve foreign element涉外
joint ventures with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint-venture insurance company with foreign equity外资参股的保险公司
maintain the continuity and stability of the foreign exchange work保持对外交往连续性和稳定性
maintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange保障国家外汇收支平衡
measures of foreign trade remedies对外贸易救济措施
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国外交部
negotiable instrument involving foreign elements涉外票据
party engaged in foreign trade activities对外贸易经营活动当事人
pay in foreign exchange付汇
period for the trials of civil cases involving foreign elements涉外民事案件的期间
personnel sent abroad to participate in foreign-aid programs援外出国人员
personnel serving in the state's foreign trade authority国家对外贸易工作人员
principal foreign investor外方主要投资者 (of a foreign-invested enterprise)
privileged treatment of foreign nationals外籍人员特权待遇
production-orientated foreign-funded enterprises生产性外资企业
property of a foreign central bank外国中央银行财产
public servants of foreign nationality外籍公务人员
purchase and sale of foreign exchange买卖外汇
purchase of foreign exchange购汇
ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定
receive foreign diplomatic representatives接受外国使节
related to foreign nations涉外 (nationals, firms, etc.)
request recognition and enforcement by a foreign court请求外国法院承认和执行
retain foreign nationality保留外国国籍
sale of foreign exchange付汇
settle and use foreign exchange结汇用汇
settle in a foreign country定居国外
Sino-foreign contract joint ventures中外合作经营企业
State Administration of Foreign Exchange中国外汇管理局中国人民银行总行 (under the People's Bank of China)
State Administration Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs国家外国专家局人事部 (under the Ministry of Personnel)
state foreign exchange reserves国家外汇储备
state provisions for foreign exchange control国家外汇管理规定
steadfastly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策
subscription or trading of stocks in a foreign currency以外币认购和交易
system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates有管理的浮动汇率制度
system of public information service for foreign trade对外贸易公共信息服务体系
the Bureau of Foreign Affairs外事局
the Chinese Peopled Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries中国人民对外友好协会
the Foreign Affairs Bureau外事局
the Foreign Affairs Committee外事委员会
the Foreign Trade Law对外贸易法
the law on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业法
the Law on Sino- Foreign Contract Joint Ventures中外合作经营企业法
the Law on Sino-Foreign Contract Joint Ventures中外合作经营企业法
the law on Wholly Foreign-Invested Enterprises外资企业法
to conduct foreign policy for the people外交为民
total foreign trade volume对外贸易总额
treaties and agreements China concluded with foreign states我国与外国缔结的条约、协定
treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states同外国缔结的条约和重要协定
treaty concluded with a foreign state同外国缔结的条约
use of foreign funds利用外资
used in foreign affairs对外使用的
wholly foreign-funded financial institution外资银行业金融机构
widely publicize China's domestic and foreign policies广泛宣传我国的内外政策