
Terms for subject Surgery containing footing | all forms
black foot disease乌脚病
boot-type prosthesis for foot stump靴形假半脚
brace-type prosthesis for foot stump支架假半脚
cicatricial contracture of dorsum of foot足背瘢痕挛缩
claw foot爪形足
dorsal digital nerves of foot趾背神经
dorsal digital veins of foot趾背静脉
dorsal fascia of foot足背筋膜
dorsal venous arch of foot足背静脉弓
dorsal venous rete of foot足背静脉网
dorsum of foot足背
flail foot连足
flat foot平底足
flat foot平足症
foot fracture足骨骨折
fourth digit of foot第四趾
Hongkong foot tinea pedis足癣
immersion foot浸泡足
intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot足背中间皮神经
lateral border of foot足腓侧缘
lateral border of foot足外侧缘
lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot足背外侧皮神经
lobster claw foot龙虾足
medial border of foot足胫侧缘
medial border of foot足内侧缘
medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot足背内侧皮神经
rocker-bottom foot摇椅足
second digit of foot第二趾
shoe for foot stump补缺鞋
sole of foot足底
split foot裂足
spray foot阔跖足
third digit of foot第三趾
trench foot壕沟足
triple arthrodesis of foot足三关节融合术