
Terms for subject Desert science containing foot | all forms | exact matches only
acre-foot英亩-英尺 (指一英亩土地覆盖一英尺深度的水量)
alluvial fan at the foot of a volcano火山麓冲积扇
bear's foot fern圆盖阴石蕨
bi rd's foot deervetch鸟爪百脉根
bird foot delta鸟足状三角洲
bird's foot deervetch鸟爪百脉根
bird's foot fern短尖旱蕨
bird's foot trefoil鸟爪百脉根
birdõs foot fern短尖旱蕨
black-headed scaly foot黑头鳞脚蜥
canal at the foot of a levee堤脚渠道
club foot马达加斯加棕榈
common scaly foot鳞脚蜥
duck foot mesemb鸭脚怪奇玉
elephant's foot龟甲龙 (原产南非)
elephant's foot tree象腿树
elephant's foot tree酒瓶兰
foot slope麓坡
foot stalk
foot stalk
Hare's foot fern海州骨碎補
hare's foot fern龙爪蕨
hare's foot fern海州骨碎补
hare's foot fern狭棕鳞骨碎补
rabbit-foot clover兔足三叶草 (耐瘠薄沙土的一年生豆科植物)
squirrel's foot fern海州骨碎補
squirrel's foot fern海州骨碎补
squirrel's foot fern龙爪蕨
squirrel's foot fern狭棕鳞骨碎补